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Finding Inner Peace Through Healing Cards

As physical manifestations of our soul’s energy, we experience lessons on Earth to aid our growth and healing. These lessons shape us into who we are. Some of these experiences leave us with emotional scars upon our hearts that continually haunt us, making it hard to find inner peace. Most of the time, it takes years of therapy to heal completely or to learn that lesson that we have been taught through the pain, but at times, even that does not help ease the inner ache. 

Sometimes we need guidance from Divine Intelligence or our own intuition to help us find inner peace. Healing Cards are a simple yet powerful way to bring balance, mindfulness, and intention into your life. Whether you are dealing with a difficult situation, seeking guidance, or simply looking for a way to connect with your intuition, Healing Cards can be a gentle reminder that you are never alone. By surrendering to the sweetness of these cards, you can access the power of the universe, your higher self, your angels, and your spirit guides.

Although the original Tarot Cards date back to around the 1400s, the offshoot of Healing Cards has become increasingly popular in the last decade, with unique messages of hope and love and with the purpose of aiding in healing. The decks of cards come in many shapes and forms and feature inspiring messages, affirmations, symbols, and artwork. Each card carries a unique message, intention, or energy that can help you tune in to your intuition, your inner guidance, and your higher self. The purpose is to bring clarity, inspiration, and healing to your life. Most often, the cards contain powerful imagery, symbolic meanings, and positive affirmations that speak to your deepest desires, dreams, and struggles.

The use of Healing Cards has been linked to many benefits, including reduced stress, increased emotional resilience, improved overall health and well-being, and better connection with your intuition. By using Healing Cards, you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind, your intuition, and the collective consciousness of the universe. They can help you gain a new perspective on your current challenges and opportunities and offer guidance on how to navigate them.

As you shuffle and then draw one or more cards, you’re opening yourself up to receiving guidance and insights that are aligned with your highest good. The images, symbols, and messages on the cards can trigger your intuition, your subconscious mind, and your heart, thereby helping you connect with your inner power and your soul’s purpose. You can use healing cards to set intentions, visualize your goals, shift your mindset, and foster a positive attitude.

The key to using Healing Cards effectively is to surrender to the sweetness of the experience. By letting go of your expectations, attachments, and fears, you can create space for the magic of the universe to work with you. Surrendering to the sweetness also means trusting in the process, having faith in yourself, and recognizing that you are worthy of receiving all the blessings that the universe has to offer.

To begin, choose the right deck for you. There will be one that calls to you for some reason or another. There are a multitude of decks, each with its unique message and artwork. It’s essential to choose a deck that resonates with you and your beliefs. Take your time and do some research on various decks before settling on one.

When you have chosen the deck, ground yourself by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth; take 3 deep breaths. Continue to do so until you feel settled into the present moment. When you feel ready, use your breath and guides to connect to your own soul. 

When you are ready to pull a card, ask yourself what is intuitive for you. Shuffle until one falls out. Cut the deck in half, thirds quarters, or whatever is your own method. Feel what the card says to you. Quiet the mind, and whatever comes to you quickly is your truth. Intuition comes from the heart. Heart speaks to you quickly and within a concise sentence or few words. If it takes a moment for a thought to come, then that is your mind. Your mind hesitates, your mind tells stories, and it will use “because” it is not the truth. Quiet your mind and pick again.

Use the cards as many times as you are called to throughout the day. The more you use them, the more they will interact with your energy. Leave them by your bed, and carry them in your car. Use them to journal. Keep track of when you pull a card.   At times the same card may assert itself again and again. If this happens, there is a message coming through that your Angels and Guides want you to communicate.

Once you’ve chosen your card, take a moment to read the message and contemplate its implications. Allow yourself to sit with the message and let it sink in. You may find it helpful to journal your thoughts and feelings after reading a card as a way to process the message.

Healing cards can be a tremendous tool for self-reflection. As you use the cards more, you’ll start to notice patterns and themes in the messages. Use these patterns as points for self-reflection. Consider how the message relates to your life and current situation. Reflect on how you can take the message and apply it to your life. Allow the cards to guide you on your journey toward healing and growth.

Lastly, and probably the hardest part, it is essential to integrate the healing message into your life. Take the messages you’ve received and apply them to your life through action. Small steps can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Come up with a few action steps that you can take to implement the message in your life. Watch as the healing unfolds.

Healing cards are a powerful tool that can help you transform your life. By tapping into your intuition, your inner guidance, and the universal energy, you can access the wisdom, love, and magic that can help you heal, grow, and thrive. Whether you’re facing a challenge or seeking to manifest your dreams, healing cards can be a source of inspiration, empowerment, and encouragement, and at the very least, they will bring a sense of play and magic into your life.

By Susie Schroadter