The Eden Magazine February 2024 Michael B Beckwith cover

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Agape is the covenant love of God for humans and the reciprocal love for God; the term necessarily extends to the love of one’s fellow human beings. This definition sums up the ethos of Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith.

He is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community. He is the author of several books, including Spiritual Liberation, Forty-Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, A Manifesto of Peace, and TranscenDance Expanded, a book and collection of remixed lectures set to electronic dance music. His seminal book, Life Visioning, was listed as one of the “15 Books to Help Solve 15 Life Problems” on Oprah.

Interview by Alexia Melocchi

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Everybody discovered you when the movie The Secret came out. However, Agape has been around since 1986. How did Rhonda Byrne find you?

Yes, Agape has been going on for some time since 1986. And The Secret just put it over the top. I was invited to go to Aspen with other thought leaders to film The Secret, but I couldn’t. Rhonda Burns was flying to Australia, where she is from, but she had a layover in Los Angeles, and she went to Agape International. After I finished speaking, she came running up to me and said: “Everything you said is just so magnificent. Will you be in my movie?” After a few moments, she put up a green screen and asked me to talk. And that’s what I did. And the rest is history: The Secret still has legs today. People are still discovering it. It was just a fantastic, serendipitous moment that she had to have a layover in Los Angeles.


I recall that before The Secret, when people spoke about spirituality, they associated it with New Age woo-woo stuff. Now, everybody says I’m a spiritual person, but how do you define spirituality and its practice?

When you use the word spiritual, that word is synonymous with eternal and forever. We say that we are a spiritual being, and in substance, that is who we really are, in our essence, as we have emerged from the eternal presence. It’s beyond religiosity or religion. It’s our real nature. When someone says, “I’m a spiritual being,” everyone is a spiritual being, whether they know it or not. Some think that they were created by their parents, imprinted by society, or imprinted by the schools they went to and the experiences they had. Those are temporary imprints, but your parents didn’t create you. We have emerged from the eternal presence of intelligence and love. And we have a lifetime that has infinite chapters. We are here to expand our awareness of what is real and then express it, reveal it, and manifest it according to our unique pattern. And so, to answer your question, this is not a new age woo-woo. To have a spiritual practice means having a certain intentionality to expand your awareness so you begin to see, be, and live differently. You live according to love, beauty, intelligence, and divine order. These qualities are intrinsic to every spiritual being but often hidden because people have been imprinted. And they’re blinded by time.

We tend to think that if we are a spiritual person, we must be perfect, but it’s sometimes difficult to consider ourselves unique when we feel we’re flawed because we are the biggest and worst judges of ourselves. It is common for us to associate spirituality with perfectionism. When we feel flawed, how do we embrace the shortcomings and still be connected to our God’s self?

We are perfect, but we’re not perfectionists, meaning there’s something about our spiritual nature that’s perfect. There’s something about what we have emerged from that is perfect, and that perfection is constantly unfolding. When you see a seed of a rose, within that seed is the rose bush, and ultimately, the rose, which is the perfection of the rose bush. So, within us is the germ of the seed of the Christ or the Buddha mind, and we are unfolding to reveal that. It’s not about being perfect according to societal standards. It’s about doing what is necessary to eliminate that which is covering our mind from seeing who we are. People are often harsh and very judgmental of themselves because they compare themselves to others. They have some standards from society that they’re placing themselves against. We can never compare ourselves to anyone else. But this presence, you can call it the God Presence, or love presence, or life itself, never does do-overs. It gets right the first time, and it never repeats itself. We are one of one; we’re not one of a billion. Just like there are no leaves on the tree like another leaf, there’s no snowflake like another snowflake.  When we understand that we’re already unique, then we begin to ask ourselves: what is it within me that I am to give that I am to contribute that I am to share? What is my artistry? What is my element of creativity that I’m to share with the world? As I begin to ask that question, I hear the still, small voice; I begin to hear the rumbling of my soul as to my own uniqueness and what I’m to give. Then, I begin to discover imprints, the way the world has imprinted me that has hindered me, as what the world may call a flaw or a mistake. Well, a mistake is a miss-take, like an actor will have a take, but what it is, inside us, is a gift. It’s not that we’re evil or bad. Something within us needs a little watering, a tiny little tending to, and then we grow. If we look back on our life, we can see some of the mistakes, some of the seeming flaws, were precisely what is necessary for us to learn more about ourselves so that we could take better steps better takes the next time.

And so, after, as we grow, we realize those imprints are not who I am. Those are things, the dust in the world’s dirt that’s gotten on me. So, I begin to meditate. I begin to pray affirmatively, and I begin to practice Life visioning. I begin to practice affirmation, study, and spiritual practices that dissolve the imprints so I can see who I am. It’s called a homecoming. I come back to my real nature. There’s nothing wrong with what God has created. We must rediscover it. And we must activate it and grow into it.

Michael B Beckwith

At Agape, you always have amazing artists performing, and you started a movement called Dance with the Rev. Why do music and dance contribute to going into a feeling state of joy and gratitude?

Even before I established Agape, I had something called Agape Transformational, which were seminars with different transformational exercises. But I always began those with music to help people get into their heart space and out of their head, and music and lyrics, particularly the music, but the lyrics are also very important. Through that sound, there is a vibration, and since we’re mainly water, that vibration goes into the body. It changes the body’s chemistry so that not only are you receptive on a heart level, but your immune system becomes balanced and amplified. You start to produce tonic chemicals, rather than toxic chemicals, in the body, which is a chemistry set that can produce everything that you need for health. It slows down the aging process and eliminates the condition of disease. So, music is not just entertainment. It tunes you into a higher frequency. When you come to Agape, you come to get free from the constraints of the limited mind and toxicity that you’re bombarded with from the world news, which I call the old.

Your streaming services during the pandemic kept me sane and hopeful. I remember you were talking about the fear. Fear is the virus and the mental health issues that whatever happened in these past three years has created. How can we challenge fear with all the war and conflict happening today?

The last three years have been a challenge to humanity with the lockdown of Healthy People. So, when you have fear, you begin to hurt or hinder your immune system. Fear is not a friend to your immune system. Faith is joy. Love assists your immune system, but fear hinders the immune system. So, if an individual is addicted to the fearmongering that emanates from our news, you’re hindering yourself. I get so many letters from people saying, you got me through the pandemic. You got me through COVID. “You got me through Coronavirus because I was so caught up in fear that I forgot who I was.” But you brought me back to myself. So, this is why we put an emphasis on Joy. Joy is the evidence of God. The emphasis is on asking the right questions and not becoming addicted to the news. Fear stands for either facing everything and running or facing everything and rising. Many people take the fear they face everything and run away from it. Or you can rise. You don’t try to get rid of fear. That’s impossible. Many people have what I call a fear phobia. They are afraid of fear. So, they drink, eat a lot of sugar, overeat, and watch too much television rather than watching their own thinking. Instead of running away from fear, you ask what I am to do in the world right now. What gift am I to give? How am I to share right now? If you ask that question, the universe will answer you. And maybe call a friend. Maybe feed the homeless. Maybe write a poem. Maybe listen to my podcast, Take Back Your Mind. When you start to walk in the direction of that vision or dream, fear then becomes excitement, and everything is energy. Don’t get rid of the fear. It transmutes itself just as ice. When it becomes heated, it transmutes itself into water, and it becomes heated and transmutes itself into gas. Fear becomes excitement. Excitement becomes enthusiasm. If you walk in the direction of a bigger dream, a higher vision, fear will change, and now your immune system is stronger. Your blood pressure is better. You’re becoming healthier. You’re slowing down your aging process. And you become more available to insights and sweet whisperings from the universal presence guiding you, always guiding you. Let your walk in the direction of your dream and your vision transmute fear.

What is blisscipline?

Blisscipine is a word that I coined many years ago. It’s in my book Spiritual Liberation. If you have a discipline, such as I tell people to wake up every day and to read their vision, read something they want to manifest, and just read it before you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, read an affirmation, read something inspirational, or practice meditation or affirmative prayer, what happens is you practice blisscipline- and that comes from the awareness that one is doing something they love. If a person loves music, they can learn how to play the piano or the guitar. It’s not an obligation. When you really love it, you want to read your affirmation in the morning. You want to stop and have a moment of meditation. Instead of getting to the hustle and bustle of life, stop, have a moment of silence, stillness, and solitude, and feel your way back to yourself. It’s a blessing. It’s bliss.

Most people don’t get bliss. Say you come to a fork in the road. One side of the fork is pleasure, the other side of the fork is bliss. Some simply choose pleasure, which is temporary. And you can become addicted to pleasure. But if you choose bliss, which comes from Awakening, you get pleasure and freedom. But if you come to yourself, you get bliss and pleasure. But the bliss is more permanent. And the pleasure is more permanent. You don’t become addicted to bliss. You can only become addicted to pleasure.

Michael B Beckwith beach

You spoke about being in a meditative state and being on your own. You hold regular retreats for that. And we are looking at the sanctity and the preciousness of Mother Earth. Do you feel that being in nature is helping us? How can we protect the sanctity of this planet?

When you enter nature, a tree is a living being, so when you breathe out, the tree is breathing in the forest is our second set of lungs. We breathe out carbon dioxide. It breathes in carbon dioxide and gives us oxygen.

Additionally, as the tree is alive, when you walk through the forest, the tree vibrationally bows at your divinity. The tree recognizes your divine nature. Therefore, when you’re basking in nature, you’re getting all this vibrational feedback about who you are as a spiritual being, which you may have forgotten because you have shoes on and are walking on cement. You’re in an office, or you’re in a car, cutting you off from nature. You are depleting yourself from a natural source. Some people call it a resource. But it’s a natural source of inspiration.

When men don’t feel connected to Mother Earth, they strip mine the Earth. They bomb Mother

Nature’s nature, they bomb other nations, scorching the Earth with napalm and phosphorus and neutron bombs, and not only killing human beings, but they also don’t have any reverence for the Earth. They strip mine it, and they cut down the rainforest because they’re not in touch with themselves. They’ve drifted so far from who they are. But as we grow more in our spiritual nature, we love the Earth. We start to realize that I’m one with Mother Earth. I am an Earthling. I’m a spiritual being that has emerged from the Earth. I want to be a good steward of the Earth. I don’t want to pollute it or bomb it. I’m going to take care of it. As I would take care of myself

And I think Love will also have a ripple effect on one another, right?

Well, you also start to have reverence for each other. It doesn’t matter what color skin they are, and it doesn’t matter where they were born. It doesn’t matter what language they speak, and it doesn’t matter what their nationality is or what their religion means. You start to realize, “Oh, my God, we’re all sacred beings.” We’ve emerged from the eternal as unique expressions of God. How boring would the world be if every single being looked exactly alike? God doesn’t do that. God creates diversity but does not eliminate unity.

I know I’m an amazing Empath, as are our readers. What happens when you are so connected and empathetic towards whatever is happening in the world that you feel all the pain that comes through the negative stuff? How do you keep your boundaries? How do you keep yourself sane so that you do not feel helpless?

I’ll tell you a personal story. I was visiting someone in the hospital. They were experiencing a condition called cancer. I was visiting the woman, and I prayed for her, and my heart was open. I was empathetic. And many people in that part of the hospital were experiencing cancer. So, as I was leaving the hospital, and when I got to Sunset Boulevard, I just felt overcome. With everything that I experienced in the cancer ward, I could feel the sadness. I could feel people wanting to die. They were ready to leave the body temple. And I started having suicidal thoughts. And I’ll never forget this. I was standing on Sunset Boulevard, and I looked to my left, and there was a bus coming down the street. And I said I could throw myself in front of this bus. And I could end it all. And then I caught myself. I said, what, what am I thinking?

I don’t want to commit suicide! And I realized as an empath, I picked up all the emotions from the people in the cancer ward. I quickly came back to myself, took some real deep breaths, and felt my connection to God’s Presence. Now, I have started practicing something called radiation. Instead of picking up whatever was happening in a room, I would feel my way into love, joy, or peace. And I would bring that into the room. I will radiate that so that if I’m about to walk into a meeting, I will feel how I want that meeting to go. And I’ll bring peace to the room when I want us to be at peace. And so, instead of picking up vibrations, I radiate vibrations. That way, I’m not just a vacuum cleaner sucking up the vibrations of the world. And I don’t pick up everything. I’m not trying to pick up the vibration of people. I don’t want to pick up the room’s vibration. I don’t want to pick up the vibration of the news I radiate. Now, when I meditate in the morning and go out into the world, I’m really at peace and radiating joy. So that creates an armor. I call that this luminosity. It’s all around you. And you start to practice being surrounded by this bright luminosity before you leave the house. And that gives you a kind of protection. And you combine that with remembering a moment when you’re at peace and feel total love. Breathe into it. You exhale it, radiate it out, and walk into the world radiating it. And it gives you a lot of protection.

I know you have many artists, celebrities, and luminaries whom you call friends, such as Oprah, but you also know a lot of actors and filmmakers who come to Agape services. What do you think is the reason that draws so many Hollywood creatives to Agape and to your teachings?

I feel privileged and honored that many of them are my friends, like Sterling Brown, Hillary Swank, and Christina Applegate. I could go on and on. And they don’t consider themselves exceptional people. But a true artist lives on the edge of creativity. There’s a creative urgency. They put themselves into a zone when they perform at Agape, and they feel me being on the edge of being available to the spirit at that moment.

They see a common a commonality between us. I’m a spiritual artist, an artist at the moment. I’m just on the edge of being available to what needs to be said at that moment. Stevie Wonder was there. And he says I feel like I want to sing. Right now. There’s so much war going on in the world. It wasn’t a part of the program, but he just felt like he had to sing for the world because of the distress that was being caused by war and killing. I think they see it, and they feel a kinship with Agape International; it’s a camaraderie in creativity, and we’re influencing in a beautiful, magnificent, and inspirational way.

Given your journey, I will never forget the Oprah interview where you told the audience of your unfolding process.

We have all made mistakes. You don’t measure yourself by what you have done. That’s not who you are. The mistakes you’ve made in life are not who you are. Those are the stepping stones along the way to what you’re becoming. I was with a young boy, he was 20, and Gandhi came up in the conversation. And he said, “Oh, I don’t like Gandhi. He hit his wife.” And I said, “Whoa, hold on, you’re a man. Gandhi admitted that when he was a young man, he was a chauvinist. He was raised by the British Empire and influenced by that hypermasculinity. But he grew into the Gandhi we know when he attributed his nonviolence to his wife and women. Do you want to be known for the worst thing you’ve ever done?”

How would you sum up the process of human evolution?

One of my favorite statements is that every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. We have to give each other a break. We’re all unfolding. No one comes out of the womb, a hater. No little infant sitting in their crib hates people because of the color of their skin or where they were born. That’s all I learned. It’s all brainwashed learning. Love is the strongest power on the planet. Where we can be strong enough to love, we can shift the trajectory of the world to a golden age because there’s one thing I know for sure. Justice without love is called revenge. And revenge will never build a world of kindness and compassion. We have to learn to love.

Special Thank you to:

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Editing: Dina Morrone

Photography: Nick Onken

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      In a world where the mysteries of the afterlife have intrigued humanity for centuries, author and researcher Mark Ireland unveils a remarkable journey of discovery in his latest book, “The Persistence of the Soul: Mediums, Visitations and Afterlife Communication.”  Drawing upon personal experiences and rigorous scientific investigations, Ireland presents a groundbreaking exploration into the realm of

    • 2024 Resolutions: Transformative, Simple Ways to Lighten your Life and Save the Planet

      Reshape your relationship with consumption and the Earth with a few essential habit shifts. MAKE A CHANGE WITH A CHALLENGE In a culture where we are bombarded by consumerism from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, restraint can be challenging. We can easily become susceptible to

    • Color Code Your Mental State to Prevent Burnout and Perform at Your Best Color Code Your Mental State to Prevent Burnout and Perform at Your Best

      Are you in Red, Green, or Blue Zone? In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world defined by the pressure to do more than ever before, it’s no wonder that today’s workforce is in the throes of a burnout crisis. It’s this crisis that has, at least in part, led to trends like

    • Psychedelics Offer a Safe, Effective Approach to Addressing Mental Health Issues Psychedelics Offer a Safe, Effective Approach to Addressing Mental Health Issues

      Listen to the words of Alex Earle, CEO of Onnit Gym, who regards his Company as a temple for community and self-improvement that fosters a motivational environment where everyone wants to be physically and mentally stronger in all aspects of life. “We are on a mission to empower as many

    • pond flower How to Be in Sync with Everything

      Sadguru: This is something you may not want me to say, but every moment of your life, you are getting a little closer to death. We will bless you with a long life, but death is getting closer by the day by the minute. The two most significant dimensions of

    • master your subconscious Master Your Subconscious

      Dealing with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem can feel like a never-ending battle. But what if we told you that your survival patterns might be the real culprits holding you back? Have you ever questioned why you play it safe, constantly procrastinate, or bend over backward for others’ approval? These

    • Soul Residing Soul Residing

      It is what you do today, in the present moment, that FORMS your future. This month, I thought I would turn this column over to my Guide Group, the “GG,” for some wisdom. I have found that no matter how well I’m doing from a spiritual growth standpoint, they have

    • Demystifying Contemporary Weight Loss Medications Demystifying Contemporary Weight Loss Medications

      Weight loss medications have become increasingly popular in recent years. An article by CBS News details how social media personalities helped put these drugs in the spotlight, with celebrities and other public figures likewise sharing their successful body transformation from the medication. As a result, the demand for drugs like Ozempic skyrocketed,

    • Fall into Forgiveness Fall into Forgiveness

      Fall is upon us, and it is the season of gatherings with family and friends and also a reminder of the practice of living in grace and forgiveness with those you love. There is a power in forgiveness. We can all agree that the aspects of love, kindness, and compassion

    • inner connection The Divine Path Discovering Inner Connection in Bali, Indonesia

      After my first trip to Bali, Indonesia, I realized how that small island, so rich with mystery, burrowed into my heart and changed how I perceive the divine. It was post-pandemic, and Indonesia had only opened to travelers a few months prior to my arrival. Tourism was slowly returning, so

    • Moulouk Moulouk

      Since I was raised by my grandmother, who abused me physically, I hadn’t experienced much warm, human contact—except for those infrequent visits from my aunt and uncle during my early years. It was rare for me to be allowed to speak or play with other children, so any interaction with

    • You Find What You’re Looking for Every Time You Find What You’re Looking for Every Time

      The reality is we find what we expect to find. Without fail. Every time. And those expectations and consequent “evidence” are a result of what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. Period. It’s as simple (albeit elusive) as that. To understand a bit more clearly why we

    • Experiencing Nature and Beauty Experiencing Nature and Beauty

      During one of my short breaks from writing, I walked the modest path meandering through my backyard and viewed the young dogwood tree with its first-ever pink blooms, a sure sign of recuperating from a bout of fungus. Nearby, emboldened violets fill the interior of the fire pit. Each year

    • The Lines that Divide in the Web of Life The Lines that Divide in the Web of Life

      What is sentience? Why is it so easy to see it when we look at our next-door neighbor or the couple having coffee across from us but can hit a “glitch” for many when we look at the cat or the dog they own? Why does the term seem even

    • How to Save Water with a Natural Lawn How to Save Water with a Natural Lawn

      Conserving water has become a major concern with residential and commercial sites alike. From indoor application to landscape and irrigation outdoors, water conservation has been a goal for many builders and homeowners—and a lot of natural turfgrass is being wrongfully accused of excessive water usage. Although synthetic turf is a

    • How to Become a Channel of Love How to Become a Channel of Love

      Many of us strive to be our highest selves, yet this world gets in the way. We are constantly bombarded by questions, tasks, chores, and daily demands, which clog up our nervous system and increase our anxiety. We start moving throughout the day in a hurry, without intention, trying to

    • Do you have a Psychic Star Child Do you have a Psychic Star Child?

      Star children are children who have been sent here from all areas of the universe to help the earth, including all living and non-living things on our planet. They are grouped as Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children and possess psychic, spiritual, and other extra-sensory abilities. These children are here to

    • The Mystical Ways of the Full Moon and How it Can Affect You The Mystical Ways of the Full Moon and How it Can Affect You

      Every month, and occasionally twice a month, we are gifted with an abundance of moonlight spilling all over our planet. The moon is always steady with her pull and guidance, but there is something special about the transformations that take place when the moon is fully opposite the sun. This

    • Airport Safety 5 Airport Safety Precautions For More Stress-Free Travel

      As a former airline employee, I fondly remember the days when airport security was far less frustrating. After passing through a metal detector, passengers were pretty much free to roam the airport. Now, it’s long lines, emptying pockets, and removing coats, shoes, and belts. We have items confiscated because we

    • hand with leaf How We Created the Hottest Global Average Temperature Day and What to Do About It

      It was more than fireworks heating up the sky during the 2023 Independence Day celebrations. July 3 was the hottest day recorded as a global average of temperatures taken at hundreds of sites worldwide. The worldwide average for that day was 62.62 degrees Fahrenheit. The record stood one day until

    • Sadguru The Time is Now

      Impact over Profit As human beings, we can do so many different activities. But whatever the nature of our activity, in today’s world, even hard-nosed businessmen are talking about impact, not profit. “Impact” is a crude way of saying, “We want to touch someone’s life.” Whether business people are talking

    • Dream Vision How My Dream Vision Changed Everything

      I’ve been knocked flat, in bed with a 103-degree fever and a scary cough that leaves me nauseous and unable to eat. This potent combination of high fever and days without food has cleansed my body, shaken my brain, and broken me wide open. Between bouts of fever, I feel

    • Opening the Doors of Faith Opening the Doors of Faith

      In Buddhism, faith refers to a serene commitment to the practice of the Buddha’s teaching and trust in enlightened, highly developed beings. Faith also may not only be devotion to a person but can exist in relation to concepts like karma and the possibility of enlightenment—an awakening to the true

    • Your Guide to A Healthy Gut Your Guide to A Healthy Gut

      According to data from Google Trends, searches for “gut health” has increased by 2900% in the UK over the last five years.  An unhealthy gut can contribute to several health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and even anxiety.  With that being said, health experts at the superfood supplement store

    • Daydreaming can Transform your Life Discover how Daydreaming can Transform your Life

      Have you ever been in a challenging life situation, really difficult, and you just want it to be over? Maybe you simply want more peace in your life. Whether the changes you desire are small or overwhelming in nature, I have something for you to try. Keep reading and discover

    • Saving Forests Drought Relief nathan-anderson-j1_s52QX6fs-unsplash Saving Forests – Drought Relief by Slowing Water while Storing More Carbon

      The forests of the U.S. Northeast are in peril. Global warming has raised temperatures, improving conditions for insects such as the emerald ash borer, to ravage trees already stressed due to drought and scorching summers. Massachusetts forests experienced 97 wildfires across the state during the summer of 2022. Keeping pace

    • Before and After Isla Animal Shelter Isla Animals Rescue

      This is the story of a situation that had to change. If animals could talk, the animals of Mexico would be screaming. They are starved, plagued with parasites and illness. They are neglected and unwanted, and powerless to help themselves. “There are things I could tell you.” Says Alison Sawyer.

    • Learning to Honor the Shape of Your Life Learning to Honor the Shape of Your Life

      The air was damp and cool, causing me to look up. I could see the heavy skies and feel the roundness of the Earth. I noticed a conspiracy of ravens flying in a way I have yet to witness again. They each took turns leading the others into lazy circles.

    • trick to Boost Memory Expert reveals simple trick to Boost Memory Ahead of Exam Season And it’s Surprisingly Easy to Do

      A design expert has revealed a simple way that you can improve your memory as exam season nears closer, and all you need are colored pensWriting revision notes in color has been proven to help retain up to 80% more information, with the most impactful colors being red and orangeExpert

    • healing cards Finding Inner Peace Through Healing Cards

      As physical manifestations of our soul’s energy, we experience lessons on Earth to aid our growth and healing. These lessons shape us into who we are. Some of these experiences leave us with emotional scars upon our hearts that continually haunt us, making it hard to find inner peace. Most

    • Sadguru The 4 Parts of the Mind

      Isha Foundation Sadguru: In the Yogic understanding, there are 16 dimensions to the human mind. These 16 dimensions fall into four categories. These four categories are known as buddhi, manas, ahankara, and chitta. Buddhi is the intellect – the logical dimension of thought. Unfortunately, the modern education systems and modern

    • glasses Protecting Your Eyes in Style: The Importance of Sunglasses and Blue Light Glasses While we need light and radiation to be able to see, they are also two of the worst enemies for your eyes, if you get exposed to too much. The sun’s light is something that we see everyday,  and so is the computer’s blue light. While we may not

    • Living Your Soul-Filled Life Living Your Soul-Filled Life

      The beginnings of the stories of our lives today started long ago – in the words of the Yoga Vasishta and the Bhagavad Gita around 400 BC. The ancient yogis, through their meditations, developed ways that are urgent in their applicability for these current times. While reading their words today,

    • Juggling the Issues Juggling the Issues

      I view Autism as if it is an enhancer plugged into my brain, enhancing my perception in life, thereby making things very easy or very hard. Autism has given me a different lens through which to view the world. When I was three, I was diagnosed with a speech delay

    • Can’t Sleep These Five Strategies Really Work Can’t Sleep? These Five Strategies Really Work

      Higher-quality sleep can improve nearly every area of our lives. If you’re feeling drowsier as you get older, you’re not alone. Our sleep cycles get messed up as we age. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than one-third of American adults are frequently sleep deprived. Muddled, foggy thinking

    • A Cowgirl Guide to Emotional Fitness A Cowgirl Guide to Emotional Fitness

      Today I am speaking with two dynamic women. Dulce Garcia-Morman and Jan Wakefield. Both have a rich background in academia but are grounded in spiritual truths and holistic practices. They each have unique gifts and talents centered around working with animals and energy. They now collaborate to offer life-changing growth

    • Vitamins 4 Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency And Ways To Prevent It

      A diet lacking crucial nutrients can result in numerous unpleasant symptoms. When you see these symptoms, understand that they are your body’s way of communicating and signaling the signs of the vitamins and minerals it lacks. Vitamin deficiencies can affect all ages, but the most susceptible could be young children,


      After three years, Sadhguru offers ancient and powerful meditation technique in person in North America. Given the uncertainty of the current financial climate and post pandemic-related woes, stress levels are rising higher than ever, with trauma, grief, and exhaustion taking a tremendous toll on personal health.With May being National Mental

    • people working together How to Prioritize Mental and Physical Health in a Hectic World

      Daily stress, unforeseen events, and busy schedules are only a few of the factors that affect our mental and physical health. Finding enough time to care for yourself in today’s hectic world can quickly prove challenging. Here are a few beneficial suggestions for prioritizing mental and physical health. Look for

    • Helping Your Child Cope Healthily with Divorce Helping Your Child Cope Healthily with Divorce

      Let’s admit it: mature and experienced couples will struggle to cope with divorce. As such, it can be difficult to expect young and innocent children to know how to navigate through such a heartbreaking life event.  Even if a divorce primarily concerns the parents, researchers from the Trinity College Dublin

    • Fears, Desires, & Phobias Fears, Desires, & Phobias

      Fairy tales contain every manner of bad behaviour, from malice and jealousy to deception and hatred. Because of this, they’re great tools for addressing some of our most deep-rooted issues. Fairy tales provide a safe place to explore our fears. In this chapter, we examine our darkest desires and come

    • Spring Pet Dangers Spring Pet Dangers

      Spring is a wonderful time to be a pet owner. The weather gets warmer, and there are lovely holidays to spend with family and friends. However, along with the holidays, hidden dangers can lead to tragic consequences for pets. These threats are multifaceted and range from merely “inconvenient” to, sadly,

    • Elephant and truck Revealing the Secrets of the Elephants

      An excellent new documentary series will premiere on National Geographic and Disney Plus on Earth Day (April 21st). It’s called “The Secrets of the Elephants” and is part of the groundbreaking “Secrets of” series directed by James Cameron. Shot all over the world, from Africa to Asia, with stunning cinematography

    • Itching for relief from seasonal allergy symptoms Itching for relief from seasonal allergy symptoms?

      There are so many things to love about spring. The warmer weather and longer days beckon us outdoors. But if you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, spring may cause your allergy symptoms to be in full bloom. Some people continue to experience allergy symptoms

    • Let’s Make The Peace Sign Cool Again Let’s Make The Peace Sign Cool Again!

      Even though I understand that we come to planet Earth to have experiences that will expedite our Spiritual growth and that not all of the experiences we create for ourselves are aligned with peace, my soul longs for it. I long for peace. To live on a planet where there

    • animal cow closeup 7 Life Lessons I have learned from Animals

      Most people agree that animals have an important role in their life. For some of us, they provide great love and companionship. Other people see them as a food source. This has created a complicated belief system that allows some animals to offer friendship while others are food. Wherever you

    • Protect your Peace Protect your Peace

      Life moves fast. Most of the time, we are white-knuckling through our days, allowing the simple moments of beauty to pass unnoticed. Yet, what I have learned, and must remind myself, is that not only is it acceptable to slow down, it is absolutely necessary. We must take the time

    • Finding Sanctuary on a Farm Finding Sanctuary on a Farm

      An interview with Kathy Stevens After turning down an offer to lead a new charter high school, Kathy Stevens co-founded Catskill Animal Sanctuary in 2001. Her love of teaching, her belief that education has the power to transform, and her love of animals come together here. One of the world’s

    • The Strength of Vulnerability and the Lessons of Boundaries

      For many, the connotation of the word vulnerability is often that of allowing ourselves to be hurt physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Many of us have learned to view vulnerability as a weakness, as we can suffer harm. Yet the strength of vulnerability comes from understanding that we can withstand any

    • Dream Your Future into Life

      Presence and the Three Pillars Presence is the central pole of the entire visionary practice. It is what runs through everything. It is the act of being present and not running away or rushing. Presence is when we can unconditionally, while holding awareness and compassion, be present with what is.

    • The Energetic Imposters Syndrome

      What looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck Isn’t Always a Duck. There’s been a disturbing buzz in the spiritual healing community lately. Disturbing because so many of us appear to be experiencing sensations that have one thing in common: High levels of discomfort. While one friend has

    • 7 Ways to Embrace your Spiritual Awakening

      I have been feeling a transformation in my heart, accompanied by a shift in my awareness. My feelings are supported by the changes that have occurred in my home and family, yet something is happening on a much deeper level. Sometimes it feels like I am playing a waiting game

    • Meditation with Moldavite

      Moldavite is a glassy-like stone, classified as a tektite, and in its raw state, it is not smooth, but actually rather rough.  It is usually green, and sometimes brown. Many believe that it came to Earth as part of a meteorite and is, therefore, extraterrestrial in origin.  Sometime back in

    • Experts reveal the best ways to stay fit working from home

      5 of the best tips for staying fit while working from homeExperts reveal how you can stay fit on any budget By Research conducted by online fitness resource Total Shape found the best ways to keep active while working from home. Since Covid-19 swept across the globe, many industries

    • deep breaths Deep Breaths and Happy Thoughts Can Make Every Day Great

      October held the first snowfall in Montana. My daughter inhaled deeply as she put her running shoes on and headed out the door. The conditions were perfect. Snowy but not slippery or too cold. It was like the Earth was awoken with the first breath of winter. The adventures promised

    • Kick-Start a Healthier 2023 Fitness Expert Explains How to Kick-Start a Healthier 2023

      Making healthier choices can be stressful for those who are just starting to get in shape; with a vast amount of information, it is often hard to know where to begin. Patrick Dale, a fitness expert and personal trainer at has compiled this beginner-friendly guide to get you started.

    • freedom Freedom

      Few, other words carry as much power for me as this one. As a child, I was always trying to please others, be it by making them laugh, doing the dishes, helping out at school, or helping another person.   As I grew from childhood to adolescence and then to adulthood,

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