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How Does God Answer Your Questions?

Do you ever find yourself wanting the big questions in your life answered? Do you ponder the makings of the Universe and why you are having this incredible life experience? You are seeking answers to questions that are not even fully formed, but you know they are important. Continue reading this blog if you are ready to have clear communication with God, the Universe, or whoever your higher power is, and finally get your questions answered.

My Story

Working as a psychic, I have developed a very strong faith in a higher power that has helped me create an open channel of communication with the Angels, Guides, and God. To be sure, this is a daily practice, and I am fully aware of what causes the communication line to short-circuit, leaving questions unanswered.

The biggest culprit of disruptions in conversations with the Universe is stress.

It is not that ironic. When you have crazy things unfolding in your life, that is when you want the big booming voice to tell you what to do, and that is when it seems farthest away.

I recently sold my home and had a purchase fall through. I am in a short-term rental and under contract for another home. All of this seems to be moving in a semi non stressful way; and yet I have questions that are unanswered.

My mind juggles stored furniture, deciding if I want to spend summer in Alaska, and the list of ponderings continues. Yesterday, I was contemplating all my choices as I drove to a trailhead. In the open space of the desert, I began imagining that I was sitting in a classroom where God was the teacher. All of life’s deepest mysteries were being solved by a holy presence at the front of the room.

The classroom was very utilitarian, with uncomfortable little desks and lit in a way that was not bright, but it was not full of shadows either. None of that mattered. I was so excited to finally get all my concerns addressed. I could see myself sitting tall and leaning forward in excitement. My right arm was stretched so high that it pulled on the side of my body. It felt great to actively participate in a heart-to-heart with God.

Here is where it became a little more interesting. I could see the outline of a figure; it could be male or female. I also noted that God appeared to be very relaxed but also fully

engaged with our classroom lesson on life.

Of course this made complete sense. The appearance of God can be whatever we choose. It is only our human mind that seeks an image of God, a definitive of what God is. I also appreciated that God was very relaxed, but fully engaged in the experience. This is exactly the way each of us best manifests and makes connections with our guides, angels and God or Source energy.

What Does Your God Look Like?

Take a moment and imagine what God looks like. You may see your deity in a human form or something else that resonates with you on a deep level. Find at least one aspect in this image that is unique and memorable.

What Does Your Classroom Look Like?

Now, you get to decide what your classroom looks like. I am surprised my meeting place is literally in a classroom setting. Maybe there are less distractions for me.

Choose a setting where you can one hundred percent focus on your communication with God.

How Do You Feel When you are Conversing with God?

When we connect with God for good conversation, it might feel different than other times of communication. There should be a feeling of anticipation, curiosity, and overall joy.

Take a minute and imagine how you will feel when you get all your cosmic answers.

Who Else Is in The Classroom?

I like the very simple setting with God, but you may enjoy your angels, guides, or other students. Is there anyone else in your classroom?

How Does God Communicate with You?

The Universe, Source or God communicates with you in countless ways. You get to decide your go to method, but always be open to other forms of expression.

I will share several examples of how I have received messages from the universe.I frequently receive messages when I am out on a trail. These could be thoughts that keep popping into my head or animals that visit me, carrying a particular energy. I have also heard the booming voice.

I will share the first voice experience. When I was pregnant with my first child, the perinatologist noted some anomalies on an ultrasound. They suggested an amniocentesis. I was very scared, and tears were streaming down my face.

At home and alone, I curled up in bed and cried. Suddenly, I heard a voice that said, “don’t worry she will be alright.” I instantly felt at peace. The experience was completely unexpected and I did not tell anyone of my experience for years.

Our daughter was in fact fine! I have had that very strong presence of peace show up at other stressful times in my life.

Notice if you see, feel, or hear your messages. Remember the messages can continue being shared throughout the day.

What Are Your Biggest Pressing Questions?

Create a list of questions you would like to ask Source. Do this with a relaxed but eager and curious state of mind. Have faith that the answers will come.

I do believe we are experiencing life on many different levels. This means we need to allow certain life experiences to take form before the answers come.

It can be frustrating if you want the answers now, but there are many things the human mind cannot completely understand. There are times in our life where we are in mid transformation. Our new experience has not completely become our reality, but we have outgrown the old.

Sometimes, I ask questions, and I am shown that pondering is a distraction in my life. It is almost like the question is erased, and I see how insignificant it is in my journey. When this happens, it is also accompanied by a peaceful feeling. It is almost like something is being cleared from my thoughts.

You have everything you need to have a deep conversation with God.

Spirituality is fun, exciting; and collectively we are on the edge of making astounding discoveries. You have always had everything you need to make this holy connection and hear the voice of God. It is as simple as turning within and opening to the mysteries of the Universe.

I hope this simple exercise can be part of what helps you discover the inner workings and greatness of you. The more you practice, the sharper your communication skills will become. Whatever method of connection you choose, know that you are helping create a compassionate and high vibrational world.

Do not be surprised if new questions arise as our amazing and mysterious evolution continues.

by Polly Wirum