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A Spiritual Evolution

At every moment in our lives, we make choices that will either lead us closer to or further away from remembering the spiritual essence of who we truly are. When we choose to awaken our true selves, we ascend further into higher dimensional consciousness as we progress on the path of our spiritual evolution.

We have been in a spiritual evolution, as well as a biological evolution, throughout the span of space and time; that is, we have been evolving both spiritually and biologically. Our spiritual evolution is about growth of our being, the advancement of our souls, and the awareness and consciousness that resides within our spirits. Our awareness of who we are and why we are here is crucial to our spiritual evolutionary process while living our daily lives in awareness and consciousness.

Awareness is a term referring to our ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or patterns. Awareness does not necessarily imply understanding nor does being aware mean that we are conscious. If we see a Coke can in a grocery store parking lot, we are aware that it is there. If we pick it up, bring it home, and put it in a recycling bin, then we are conscious of it.

People seeking their spiritual paths through awareness are curious about themselves and the things around them. People with expanded spiritual awareness often become engaged in improving the welfare of humanity and the environment in one way or another. In the end, we will come to realize that if we expand our awareness, we can change our lives for the better on many levels of our being.

The greatest gift of living a life in awareness is knowing that our spirit never dies. We have absolute freedom to experience everything that life has to offer in all of its full glory. It is said that it is not the destination in life but the journey that makes us who we are. The trip itself is not about knowing but about experiencing. These experiences are our only purpose; they are what life is. It is in living each physical life and the experiences it has to offer that we advance in our spiritual lessons and our spiritual evolution. This is done through our awareness.

As we become spiritually aware, all things in our lives have an opportunity to change and evolve. The beauty of our spiritual evolution and spiritual experiences is that they are a doorway to unlimited new opportunities and new experiences. These opportunities and experiences are presented to us every day of our lives. Whether we choose to learn and grow from them is up to us.

Our ultimate goal in spiritual awareness is to align with a higher source and keep our vibrational frequencies at a higher level to help us live out our life’s purpose and find the special gifts and talents that we have to offer. Living a life in awareness can be done in many ways. Prayer, meditation, reading, and practicing good karma are all ways to help raise our vibrational frequency and awareness. By calming our minds, expanding our knowledge, and working on our spiritual lessons, we can bring ourselves closer to the spiritual mastery we are seeking to obtain with each life that we live.

Our awareness allows us to be treated as the unique souls that we are. We are all becoming more aware, whether we realize it or not. Awareness will make it possible for all life to blossom and for all of us to manifest our dreams, live our life’s purpose, and experience the life intended for all souls. By being aware, we ascend into higher dimensional consciousness and move forward in our spiritual evolution. In time, through awareness, unity will allow all life to stand with compassion, love, respect, and a value of wholeness and oneness. This idea is so simplistic in its value but seemingly difficult for us to execute. Through our awareness, we will be able to expand in our knowledge, grow in our wisdom, and become the enlightened beings we are capable of being.

Consciousness is another process in which we are participating in a spiritual evolution. As we sweep into the 21st century, we are becoming more spiritual, seeking divinity and knowledge of our inner worlds and looking for answers to the purpose of our existence.

 Most of us feel that a higher power exists and that we are all connected to a Divine source of some kind. Many of us in the world today are focusing on spiritual development and attaining enlightenment in growing numbers. We will soon come to realize through our consciousness that we all worship the same God in different forms and approaches, and we are all of the same essence. There will be a time when we recognize a great conscious awakening among us all, one where life will be lived without war and hatred but, instead, lived with love and compassion.

Consciousness is a difficult term to define because the word is used and understood in a wide variety of ways. What frequently happens is one person’s definition of consciousness is seen by others as something else altogether. Consciousness may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and self-awareness. Sometimes, it denotes being awake and responsive to ourselves and our environment in contrast to being unconscious and unaware. In the end, consciousness is about acting with our conscience. It is about physically making changes, however trivial they may seem, with thoughtfulness and compassion. All our decisions should be made with the consciousness of a picture greater than just ourselves.

In order to be in a place of higher dimensional consciousness, we must become fully conscious. This means stopping old patterns and habits that prevent us from living in heightened awareness.

One of the most common experiences of spiritual consciousness is the feeling of oneness. Oneness is often experienced as a feeling that everything is part of a whole or that we all come from one common source,  share a common spirit, and are all connected. If we hurt someone, something, or the environment—we are only hurting ourselves.

The spiritual experience of oneness is expressed by the perception that there is a level of consciousness that transcends our normal experience of what is good and what is bad. A person normally accepts good things that happen in life as well as bad things that happen. Through the unitary spiritual experience of oneness, we rise to a higher level of consciousness and come to understand that the difference between good and bad is not what we normally perceive. They are both beneficial to us in some way.

The bad things that happen to us in life serve a very important purpose: that purpose is to help us and the world around us with our spiritual evolution. If we look at challenging situations in our lives, we can understand that at the end of our life’s work, both our good and bad experiences are all for our highest good. Conversely, through the experience of spiritual consciousness, we begin to see that many things

we perceive as good may not be truly good and may just be expressions of our desires, attachments, preferences, or karmic balancing.

We can all look back over the course of our lives and see that the difficult circumstances we have experienced were often a doorway to a new beginning or opportunity in our lives. If we can carry into our daily lives a consciousness that goes beyond good and bad, we will be able to operate from a more centered platform. This will enable us to make better decisions for ourselves and grow from our experiences as we see our world with greater and deeper insights.

Spiritual consciousness can be maintained on a daily basis by beginning each day with this thought: “Today my every word, thought, and action will be as my angels, guides, or higher power would want for my highest good.” This simple reminder will keep us conscious of our spiritual principles that we should be incorporating into our lives, such as the Law of One and the Golden Rule.

Our own consciousness is a reflection of the development of our spirit. Understanding the reason for our human existence gives rise to understanding why we go through various positive or negative experiences, why lessons continue to repeat themselves within our lives, and why we must learn to overcome our fears and resistances versus remaining a victim to ourselves and these fears.

The relationship to our own consciousness is a direct relationship to the development of our spiritual evolution. Our spiritual evolution is why we are here and why we have been coming back here over and over again. Living our lives in consciousness will always bring us closer to this process and our spiritual mastery.

Our world is ascending to higher dimensional consciousness, and we, as her children, must ascend with our Earth, or our Earth will make us change. Mother Nature will execute her plan one way or another in our ascension or shift. If we continue to ascend, we can avoid catastrophes, whether social, ecological, military, environmental, or others, which will force us to change with our world if we do not change with her.

The development of own awareness and consciousness has a direct relationship to the development of our spiritual evolution. We can arise and awaken within our consciousness our memories of all lives we have lived. We can arise and awaken to our true meaning and our true spiritual purpose. We can arise and awaken to the joys and wonders of this life and our spiritual evolution.

by Nikki Pattillo