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An exclusive interview with Dr. Patrick Porter When the Brain Becomes a Conduit for Stress-Free Life

By Alexia Melocchi

The brain muscle has often been looked at as “the enemy”, especially in times of stress and worry. And as a result, we have engaged in a fight for the control of our thoughts and feelings.

Thanks to the work of Scientists, Gurus, Philosophers, Doctors, and  Coaches who have engaged in the study of the mind, body, and spirit connection, we have been able to access various techniques, most rooted in meditation, that would allow us to decrease worry and stress.

But what if we fully used our Brain Power, the exercising of its muscle, to stop fighting and start living in alignment and presence?

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Patrick K. Porter, an award-winning author who has devoted his career to neuroscience and brainwave entrainment and has emerged as a leader in the digital health and wellness field. He is the creator of BrainTap®, a mind development tool that uses Creative Visualization and Relaxation to help people relieve symptoms associated with stress,
insomnia, pain, and much more.

Dr. Porter is also the author of many works, including books Thrive In Overdrive, “How to Navigate Your Overloaded Lifestyle”, and his bestseller, Awaken the Genius, Mind Technology for the 21st Century.

This month Dr. Porter is speaking at the Biohacking Conference in Los Angeles on Brain tapping technology.

The concept of Hypnotherapy is still shrouded in mystery. How do you explain what Hypnotherapy is?
It’s important to point out that a lot of people confuse stage-show Hypnosis with therapeutic Hypnosis, but there’s a big difference. In real Hypnotherapy, you are guided to a sleep-like state. People have described this state as being asleep, but your mind is awake. And, contrary to the stage-show Hypnosis, where the therapist gives you orders or tells you what to do, in therapeutic Hypnosis, he or she works with you to train you how to think in a more empowered manner. Doing this can unleash your full brain potential. And the mind is very powerful. The placebo-effect is now at 40%, which means that most of the drugs out in the market for depression, anxiety, etc., wouldn’t even pass the trials because they wouldn’t beat the placebo.

Is there any difference between the deep states you achieve with your guided audio programs and other forms of meditation?
Through my years of research, I have never tested anyone who can get to these deep states of mind without the help of some kind of technology. Other techniques will take up to 90 minutes using straight Hypnosis to get there. We have the same results as most people using our technology in 20 minutes. I created this technology because most people don’t want to spend time learning to meditate.

That’s when the hypnotist comes in, and with BRAINTAP we can get people in an optimal state with technology.

If we go back in time, people used to meditate, staring at a candle. Most people don’t realize the science behind that because they take it for granted. It’s something weird, but now we know through science that the candle flickers at a 10-hertz frequency, and that frequency gets all brain waves to expand. That’s why meditation has so many benefits, like helping with Alzheimer’s, memory, and concentration. All these improvements happen because the harmonics and frequency of our brain are improved.

Your BrainTapping technology, is it like EFP tapping for the brain?
Yes, the Emotional Freedom Technique taps various parts of the body to release physical pain and anxiety. With BrainTap, we are retraining your nervous system. 70% of your nervous system is in your brain. So when we say brain tap, we’re tapping into your brain’s potential, because it has the potential to release 30,000 different neuro-chemicals. Our brain is, in fact, the world’s greatest pharmacy, and they can dispense it with simple thoughts. The brain loves patterns and vibrations, and we use the brain’s system to bio-hack it by using visual and sound vibrations. Everything in the universe is in constant vibration, that’s why sometimes people “resonate” with someone they’ve just met.

How long are your recorded sessions, and what do you recommend for someone trying out Brain Tap for the first time?
In the morning, most people don’t wake up their brain appropriately. Therefore we recommend a 10 minute light meditation. For example, we know that while we’re awake, we should have 5-8 delta (the sleep and recovery wave) happenings in our brain, and we’ve done over 10,000 brain scans, and we found that about 65% of the people have more than 50% delta when they’re awake. Their brain is so stressed that the brain is saying, “We need to take a break.” Instead, most people will get a coffee and keep going to push through that instead of  using their neural pharmacy. Our light meditation helps balance the delta waves.

Do you recommend an evening routine?
The ideal time for an afternoon session would be 2 o’clock because that’s when our body’s core temperature naturally lowers. Most people can’t do it, because they work. That’s the natural time when the body reboots. For example, it would be the perfect time to take a nap. However, a real nap takes 3-4 hours, so we’ve created sessions where you can get the same benefits of a 3-4 hour nap in only 20 minutes. The advantage of our brain tapping headset that we recommend as an added tool to our audio sessions (which can be accessed through the app) is that we can synchronize sound and visuals as we know that the body’s healing process comes from light.

Is there a way to get to a high energy state without having to be pumped up by loud music, for example?
Pumped up by music is good for coaching seminars, but when you leave there, you’re not going to be jumping and screaming “yes, yes, yes” during your day to raise your physical state. With Brain Tapping, we have been able to increase the nervous system function by over 27% if used three times a week.

And what makes this form of exercising the brain so important is that if we can get the thoughts trained, we can get the trauma taken care of, and then we can get the body toxins removed.

Are there any charities that you support?
I am a supporter of Health core charity — which teaches mental resilience program for students. We also have a school in India called The Creative School, which we are funding and even doing a lot of research with the students.

Have you seen results where people, using the brain tapping technique, have dramatically reduced the use of any chemicals (drugs, sleeping aid, etc.) and wake up refreshed and energized?
Yes. We’ve seen amazing results. There has never been a study that shows the benefits of sleeping pills, beyond possibly getting ten extra minutes per night. Why would you even take them if they don’t work? Our brain can do so many things that we do not even have an idea it can do. The first thing people need to learn how to do is to destress. This doesn’t mean that we don’t need medical doctors (if I break my leg, for example), but there’s a lot we can avoid just by learning how to control negative emotions, all those have in common is that to experience them we need to start breathing. People need to learn to breathe through negative emotions.

Depression, just like sleep patterns, can be significantly helped through the brain tapping technology. Correct?
Yes. When you start taking care of yourself, and your brain, there’s a general overall effect. Your physiology affects your psychology. Some people, when they start working out, start thinking better, and that leads to feeling better and taking better care of yourself and having a better life. We believe you have to do both.