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The Longing, The Love Affair, Seeking the Pearl of the Deep Sea

By Jayita Bhattacharjee

Seek the longing, not the river, for it is the thirst that will carry you. Thus, you will not be bewildered in the dense wilderness, for it will be your burning flame, in the thick of a night.

On a mystic journey of life, we are spiritual beings streaming the whispers, singing in the deepest of deeps. We are the hands of compassion on afflicted souls drooping in spirit, the morning glory in bloom. And deep inside, we carry a pilgrim’s soul, longing to delve into the mystery of unseen, for whose hands lie behind the gilded sunrise. Unknowingly, we are led to unlatch the gateways to a tender spring, from where love and bliss cascade. Embracing this truth, you will be compelled to believe in a divine spark that ignites the deepest deeps as you trudge through the barren plains of life.

You who are born with a divine purpose will light up this world with an undying luminosity. To find a spring of joy is to meet your sacred space with humility so unashamed that yours’ becomes a life overflowing with abundance, as your eyes are lighted with the mystic longing. As the thirst descends your soul, it becomes an annoying quest, burning your eyes with a joy that dims every earthly desire. It is the elixir of living.

It will be the bejeweled truth of your innate divinity. Along the way, you will be reborn with a gilded sunrise, whose effulgence will erase the dark of winter. Your soul will behold the eternal mesmerism, for you will be transformed to an enchantress. Thus is unveiled the broken mystery in light.

The awakening will undulate through your body, mind, and spirit, glimmering in the darkness of ignorance. Eventually, you will love yourself, for you are the manifestation of God, seeded with splendor. Recognize the indwelling divine spark, for it will be beholding through the pilgrim’s eye.

The mystic thirst is a longing to belong in this immense universe with a delight that can no longer be contained. Your spirit is transformed in this trance, in finding a meaningful purpose, as you seek the answers to unresolved questions. Traveling through stillness, practicing silence, you hunger to meet that which is godly. You carve your way, led by an immense thirsting, and this thirst will become the light of your soul.

Seeking and thirsting seem to blend in unison, and a holy dance arouses your soul, unfolding seeds of possibilities. As the mystic walks along the path in the light of truth and it will alchemize you, where every vision will arise from the search of a self. You will be transformed into a sacramental soul. In spiritual enlightenment, you venture into the sacred journey, as you hear its holy hum…begin again, for this is the walk among the pathless woods of life.

You witness the signatures of a heavenly spirit that quench your hungry soul seeking mystic pleasure. That urges the spiritual unfolding from a seed to a flower, and in the process of spiritual evolution, you arise, rich and ripe. You sense your fragrance as the light enters you, lifting you from bewilderment, and you learn to drink the sweetest nectar of living. This drunkenness comes from a heavenly tavern. An intoxicated being, you learn to hold the mesmerism from morn to the eve for unceasing is its glow. Eventually, it becomes your fount of light. Let this be the deepest prayer to bring you in intimacy with God. For that is togetherness wrapped in the choicest blessing. 

The longing pulls you to feel the weaving of the beauteous wonders hidden in this universe, but your thirst reveals them in a mesmeric light; As you embrace the sacred beauty with outstretched arms, you find your spring of joy, you unfold your coiled deeps, and a heavenliness descends down your soul. You enable yourself to absorb the sacramental message of consciousness that is wafting in the breeze by sensing your essence. Breathing in its smell, you exhale what held you back. As from your heart, something flows like the primordial wine filling all the kindred ones with your dripping tenderness. Finding the doorway to healing, you plunge in peace, deep inside your deeps. As you unlatch the doorway to this eternal paradise, you dive deeper, drowning your illusion, for this is the sea of peace. And the healing begins as the spirit in you meets God, and the wayfarer in you finds the fount of healing waters, for it has the unceasing flow, peering into the blinding darkness, seeing beyond the unseen, thinking beyond the realm of thinking, a  clarity penetrates the deepest depths of you. And you stand beneath the abundance, its blessings that burn your every worldly desire, for to enter that trance is to step into the otherworldly.

This is where fears commingle with love, and chaos turns to harmony. They are transformed to create euphoric drunkenness. This longing comes with magnificent grandeur. Your heart is driven to come to the brink of ocean, to search beneath its waters with the eyes of light, for there lies the pearl of all pearls, the gem of gems. In this longing emerges a blessed love affair with God, for it is in sensing him that you go through a spiritual where stillness speaks to your soul. This transformation is your autobiography, as the pearl is of the oyster. This longing is the circumstance of your conception. Plunge in this awakening, as in this plunging begins your rising.

Embracing that wealth leads you to the doorway of a shrine. Your life becomes the journey of a pilgrim, the remaining in ecstasy along the way. It is then that the longing heightens your senses, and you tremble, unable to contain yourself, as the rain-laden clouds break down for no longer they can contain. So, you too bow in surrender, in the transformation in your deeps, plunged in such madness, your life becomes a song of the soul, where every lyric is born out of thirst. Your song is in the godliness as you have seen God in your soul!

While walking, you left your footprints on the rugged shores of life, unwearied and untiring in search of a self. But the glory of light bathed your deeps, liberating you in a heavenly splendor! From that moment onwards, you celebrate life as a mystic seer. Every moment unfolds like a fount of living wonders. This is a celebration as you are shaken in your deeps, for this is drunkenness in an utter sacredness. You remain still without speaking while deep-seated inside, as deeper becomes the meaning of life for you who could not grasp the mystery of it, now plunge in delight and drown your woes. You learn to remain calm, as your soul is directed by the light. Outside the monotonous landscape of life, you hear the call that penetrates through the open windows of your soul. Turning away from the somber gloom, you recapture the charisma, the enchantment that falls from the lips of heaven. In the middle of the barren plains, you are filled again with fragrant wonders. And the prose of your life then begins as your eyes catch hold of the gilded landscape, freshly revealed.  

You celebrate this life as a divine festival with a spirit of exaltation! This longing throbs with God deep inside of you as it kindles a thousand lamps flickering inside. You breathe as a spirit of light in the wounded splits of your deeps. You burst forth your true angelic being, awakened in a lotus smile. 

As you open your ears to the music of this joy, the orchestra plays the songs of universal oneness, and you find the harmony, silently playing the lute-strings of your deeps. In this longing, you mingle with the divine, for this is the true pathway to liberation. And freedom is found by your soul bird. This realization strikes you as you step in further and further into the heart of silence. This is the moment when stillness creates music to your ears.

You find your peace in this stillness within and know the nectarine joy of living in this longing, the search of light in whatever you behold along your way. The thirst pulls you into the search of this ageless delight, and thus the pearl shyly breaks out of the oyster. This thirst makes you expansive, and you dance on the laughing meadows of gold. It stirs the ocean of your heart, bringing a delirious joy. As you loosen the knots of illusion, you gaze deep inside, through a penetrating vision, finding yourself caught in eternal mesmerism. Let us have the vision that captures the vista of eternity, which glimmers with the vision of ageless beauty. 

Cutting through the chill of dark times, you stepped into the spark of an eternal gem, and every curse turned to a blessing. The realization strikes you that you are a mere sojourner, and every woe is burned in the sacred flames, and thus you keep moving by the drunken pull of a search, for you hear the roar of waves. They hold something for you in the deep seabed.

For what holds an eternal gleam can never be found in shallow waters. You may have walked through the bitter frost, but you are not lost as the longing lit the lamp on frosty nights. Your search pressured you to light the eyes of your heart, and thus you see the pearl of all pearls, bearing an eternal luster. You who mourned for a loss now find a blessing in the mouth of the curse.

Let this lamp of longing burn brightly in the temple of your heart, for in its light, you have this intoxicating laughter like the sound of your soul. For you, the vision is inscribed in eternity, as your soul has ripened in a thirsting, taking you to the pearl of pearls. In love, you are with God as godliness falls on your deeps, for there you are at the altar of your inner shrine! 

You woke up to God gleaming within you. Let the peace-laden light flooding your soul be the light that you need to walk by. Heaven and earth mingle in a delight that knows no bounds, as you live with this longing, and with your arms flung open, you engulf every agony with ecstasy. Diving deep beneath the currents whirling inside, you behold the treasures long yearned for, the pearl of deep-sea waters. And you become enamored of the gem that the diver in you brings to light. Thus you sign the autobiography of your soul.