Ocean Futures Society
Our Mission
The mission of Ocean Futures Society is to explore our global ocean, inspiring and educating people throughout the world to act responsibly for its protection, documenting the critical connection between humanity and nature, and celebrating the ocean’s vital importance to the survival of all life on our planet.
GO Campaign
Our Mission
GO Campaign improves the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the world by partnering with local heroes to deliver local solutions. GO Campaign connects donors to high-impact grassroots projects aimed at changing lives and transforming communities, one child at a time.
Our Featured Charities:
Theatre West
Theatre West is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 theatre company that has been staging quality performances for the community for 55 years. We are the oldest, continually running theater company in Los Angeles. We have received many awards and nominations over the years, and some of the shows created by our members have gone to Broadway and other major cities around the world. We are also proud to say that a number of our members have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
For 35 years, our award-winning Storybook Theatre has provided countless children their very first theatrical experience, and our Performing Arts Program has been introducing elementary school students to the power of theatre for 10 years.
Our income is derived from ticket sales, grants, member dues, and individual donors like you! To find out how to donate online, please go to:www.theatrewest.org. Donations are also gratefully accepted at the Box Office.
Our theatre only exists with the generosity of supporters such as yourself which allows us to give back to the community and to cultivate the talents of the generations to follow. You are making a difference!
The Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra
Who we are and what we do
The Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra is a dynamic ensemble devoted to the advocacy and support of music education. Founded in 2013 as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, the ensemble was formed on the core belief that an orchestra is a unique educational resource.
The orchestra’s music director, musicians, staff and board members strive to bring the wealth of life-enriching opportunities available through the symphonic musical experience to individuals and students of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.
The Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra has created a new paradigm of giving, allocating 100% net revenue from subscription performances to advance music education.
The orchestra implements its outreach in collaborative partnerships with the community, schools, agencies and other arts organizations, and puts into action activities designed to advance student learning, development and creativity.
Our Vision
The Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra envisions a world in which every young person has access to music education.
Our Mission
Our mission is to serve as a catalyst in reaffirming, advocating and supporting music education in schools and in the community.
Core Values
Accountability.We monitor our charitable giving to ensure maximum impact, efficiency and transparency. We engage in and support research promoting the benefits of music education.
Collaboration.We tailor our performances and educational programs to address the community’s distinctive resources and implement our outreach through collaborative partnerships with individuals, stakeholders, policy leaders, schools, districts and institutions.
Commitment.We are committed to our educational cause, allocating 100% net ticket revenue from subscription performances to advance music education.
Excellence. We strive for excellence in our performances and in the educational programs we support.
Innovation. We embrace technology and innovation to make our performances and educational activities current and accessible, and to widen the reach of our message.
Animal People Alliance
Our Mission
To provide high quality and compassionate care, of the highest standards, to neglected street animals in India and Thailand. We train and employ vulnerable people from the community, and pay living wages that help them improve their standard of living. We work with passionate and respected local and global organisations, activists and veterinarians. Establishing strong community links, we help educate residents on animal care and safety, while partnering with local organizations to promote adoptions, vaccinations and compassionate animal care.
National CARES Mentoring Movement
National CARES Mentoring Movement’s Mission:
The mission of the National CARES Mentoring Movement is to secure, heal and transform the lives of impoverished Black children by inspiring, recruiting and mobilizing masses of caring Black men and women to mentor and nourish them. Our national volunteer affiliate network connects adults to local youth-serving organizations. Our national group-mentoring programs focus on the emotional, social and academic development of our children and the wellness of the adults who parent, mentor and educate them.

Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) is a unique program, run by the national non-profit Animal Rescue, Media, and Education (ARME), which painstakingly negotiates with laboratories across the world for the release of all dogs and other animals. In turn, BFP helps give animals a chance at a normal home life, following everything they have endured for vanity and scientific curiosities. The organization uses the rescues as a vehicle to draw public attention to the plight of animals languishing in labs, and to promote the cruelty-free lifestyle choices everyone can make. The rescued animals act as public ambassadors who give animal-testing victims an actual face, and remind the public that these animals are not just furry little test-tubes, but dogs no different than their own. To date, Beagle Freedom Project has rescued over 900 animals, including beagles, mixed breed dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, pigs, fish, guinea pigs, rats, mice, ferrets, and goats. BFP has given hope and homes to these research animals in 39 states and 9 countries. Their stories of survival have been covered extensively by local and national media, such as CNN, NBC Nightly News, HLN, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Yahoo! News, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and many more. BFP has an ambitious immediate and long-term agenda that is both political and pragmatic. The organization is always working towards the release of more animals, and the end to animal testing all together through its legislation and innovative programs. BFP’s signature legislation, The Beagle Freedom Bill, which mandates post-research releases of dogs and cats from testing, has been passed in 5 states, and is pending in several others. There are nearly 400 labs in the U.S. that use close to 70,000 dogs (96% are beagles) every year. Because so many labs kill the animals instead of releasing them, BFP has advanced this legislation to authorize their release. This legislation will guarantee the dogs’ freedom, and attract positive press attention to this hidden issue.The use of beagles in labs and all animal testing facilities will only end once people are informed. BFP runs nationwide outreach and educational campaigns to raise awareness of animal-testing, as well as steps people can take to help stop it! This includes educational campaigns like “Skype in the Classroom,” teaching thousands of children worldwide about animal testing, and BFP’s Cruelty Cutter app, making ethical shopping a breeze! (www.cruelty-cutter.org) BFP is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, a DBA of ARME: all donations made to it are tax-deductible. Contact: Shannon Keith, President and Founder | 818-382-6500 shannon@bfp.org Photo Credit; Brenda Saint Hilaire Photography

The Plumery
Our Mission
The Plumery’s primary goal is to provide a full-service haven for all species of parrots, surrendered by pet owners. A place of safety and serenity, we offer permanent residency, short- or long-term boarding, rehabilitation, and adoption, depending on the needs and well-being of each parrot entrusted to us. We also reach out to communities and organizations often ignored and lacking access to unique educational enrichment. The Plumery sets the scene for a variety of partnerships among exotic avians, owners, at-risk populations, students, bird lovers, and experts. To all who experience The Plumery, we offer education and resources, fellowship and guidance without judgment.
The Need
Birds are the #3 pet, representing somewhere between ten and twenty million creatures. Yet their needs are less appropriately attended to than dogs (#1 pet) and cats (#2 pet). The Plumery recognizes the individuality of parrots; they have their own personality traits, favorite foods, and hard-wired needs for social interaction and mental stimulation. They are smart and emotional, demanding and possessive. They need to be clean, groomed, and fed species-appropriate diets. They need shelter and the option to fly in safe surroundings.
Yet what often happens when parrots are perceived as pets is the complete opposite. Birds are wild animals; they may exhibit some docile behavior, but they are not domesticated or tamed or prepared for life in a cage. When parrots mature, instinct urges them to find a mate and procreate. In a human home setting, a parrot will likely choose one person in a family as the love object, and everyone else is the enemy. Parrots scream, chase, bite, chew – and that includes people, clothing, furniture, etc. When frustrated, parrots even turn on themselves, plucking out their feathers.
Most people are unprepared for these situations. They may have bought a bird to entertain them, to match their décor, or to be a dog or cat with feathers. None of these “reasons” take into consideration what a parrot is really like or really needs. The end result is unhappiness, more misunderstanding, and often abuse or neglect. Most people give up after a couple of years of this chaos and relinquish their parrot to another bird owner or someone as ill-equipped to deal with a parrot as they are.
Our Response
The best case scenario is when an owner brings a parrot to a haven like The Plumery, where staff and volunteers understand what a parrot needs, work hard to undo poor health as well as unhealthy habits and unsocial behavior. At The Plumery, individual and customized care plans are created for each relinquished parrot. Likewise, boarded parrots also have care plans, created in conjunction with their owners and a bird’s customary routine.
Because our focus is on education and enrichment, The Plumery offers assistance to parrot owners and lovers and invites challenged individuals and groups to participate in programs that emphasize compassion and positivity. The Plumery does its best to serve our population of parrots and the human communities who can benefit from The Plumery experience.
We encourage and are grateful for public and private sponsorship from individual donors, businesses and corporations, and foundations.