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Stress: it’s something we all have and something we all struggle with in some capacity. It’s an unavoidable part of life. And we could all benefit from strategies to cope with it. In this article, we’re going to examine our stress. Let’s talk about exactly what stress is and learn life-changing strategies to help deal with it.

Stress is the result of our activity level surpassing our energy level. When this happens, we have two options: we can decrease our activity level — mental or physical activity, and the responsibilities we take on — or we can increase our energy. Option one — decreasing our activity level — is often not an option. After all, life comes with responsibilities and activities we need to fulfill for survival. Option two — raising our energy level — makes more sense, and we can take charge of this area.

There are four sources of energy: food/nourishment, sleep/rest, exercise and breathing, and actively maintaining a calm state of mind (addressing our problems rather than avoiding them).

 Often, we don’t realize how depleted we are feeling and how much all we take on and carry drains our energy. Take a moment to think about situations in your life that stress you out. What springs to mind?

Once you’ve identified your sources of stress, you’ll quickly surmise that while you may be able to eliminate some stressors, most of your responsibilities are not going to go away any time soon. The way to cope with stressors in life is to increase our energy. How do we do that? Let’s look closer at our energy sources.


Number one is the food we eat. We often eat food to fill our bellies, but we don’t necessarily choose quality foods that provide energy and nourishment. We reach for overly processed foods that spike our insulin levels or stimulants such as caffeine-laden coffee or chocolate, or other sugary treats that give us a little boost. We often choose carb-heavy comfort foods that make us sluggish over nutrient-rich foods that give us the energy we need to get through a stressful day.


Sleep is our second source of energy. Often, without realizing it, we deprive ourselves of quality sleep. Quality sleep is crucial in helping to raise our energy levels to sustain our day-to-day activities. It’s when we rejuvenate, replenish, and repair our bodies after the wear and tear of the day. Through poor sleep hygiene, we deprive ourselves of much-needed sleep. Eating just before bed, for example, stimulates the metabolism, which, in turn, keeps us awake. Exercising before bed also raises our energy levels and gets in the way of sleep. And these days, a growing source of poor sleep hygiene is technology. Though it may feel relaxing, binge-watching movies or TV shows on our laptops or phones or scrolling through Facebook and other social media just before closing our eyes stimulates our minds and can keep us awake into the wee hours rather than helping us wind down and fall asleep peacefully.

We need to realize that, especially when our day has been super active, we need to define a period of time before we go to bed where we wind down and arrive at a place of calmness, ready for rest, relaxation, and deep, quality sleep. No TV, reading, or catching up on social media. Your bedroom is really for two things: intimate recreational activities and sleep.


Our third source of energy is exercise and breathing. One reason we feel so great after a workout is that exercise forces us to take full, deep body breaths. Throughout the day, especially when we’re under stress, we’re running around, taking short and shallow breaths, no deeper than chest level. This is an unhealthy breathing pattern, as the resulting lack of oxygen to the muscles prevents us from feeling our best.

When we do cardio, Pilates, or yoga, or go for a brisk walk or run, we are forcing our bodies to counter the stress response of short and shallow breaths. We’re literally going deeper, breathing more deeply. These deep breaths restore and rejuvenate every muscle in the body and calm the mind. But we don’t need exercise to breathe a little deeper. Thoughtfully, from time to time throughout your day, take a moment and pay attention to your breath. Breathe deeply. You will feel your stress level lower immediately.


This brings us to the fourth and final source of energy: a calm state of mind. But how do we get there? Doesn’t just hearing someone tell you to calm down the stress you out? One of the goals of A Deeper Wellness is to help you clean up your life and foster a calm state of mind by addressing issues, dealing with past hurts or disappointments, and looking at life in new ways to help deal with situations, feelings, and challenges that are problematic in your life. Am I paying my taxes on time? Am I dealing with relationship struggles? Am I doing okay at work? Am I taking care of myself?

Just as exercise and breathing calm the mind, so too does meditation. Spending some quality time with them can lead you to a calm state of mind. When you spend time with yourself, alone with your thoughts, what comes up? Are you worried about things? Are you stressed out? Do you ruminate, imagining worst-case scenarios? Or are you feeling at peace? Can you plant a seed of hope for good in your own life and the world? It’s important to prioritize yourself and begin to introduce self-care that allows you to feel calm and at peace in your daily life.

Explore the four sources of energy in your life and where you are — and are not — prioritizing yourself and practicing good self-care.

Are your food habits good, fair, or problematic? Do they need some attention? Do alcohol, drugs, or other substance habits negatively impact your energy level and/or quality of life? Examine the quality of your sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you prioritizing it? Do you struggle with serious insomnia or other sleep issues that should be addressed?

Look at your exercise regimens and breathing habits. Are you getting some exercise every day? Are you paying attention to your breath, or rushing around throughout the day stressed, taking short, shallow breaths? What is your state of mind? Are you addressing things from the past that bother you? Are you forgiving people; are you forgiving yourself? Do you have compassion for how heavy your life can sometimes feel?

The answers to these questions will give you a snapshot of your current energy-enhancing habits and routines — aspects of your life that impact your sources of energy — right now.

By Dr. Monica Vermani, C. Psych
