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Plant your Desires in your Energy Field

So far in the five-step manifestation process, you’ve raised your vibration, clarified your desires, released limiting beliefs, and created new, supportive ones. The fourth step of the process is to nurture the energy of your desires. This step is tied to the laws of vibration and mentalism.

The law of vibration explains that to manifest your desires, you need to consistently match your vibrational frequency to the frequency of your desires. The majority of the manifestation processes focus on this step and include processes such as visualization, vision boards, and scripting to help you raise your vibration to the frequency of achieving your desires. While these are all effective processes and ones I do use in my manifestation practice, I also use energy-based processes that amplify my vibrational frequency in relation to specific desires, thus speeding up their manifestation.

The law of mentalism explains that manifestation takes place when the creator becomes involved in, or wrapped up with, the energy of their desire, a process called involution or outpouring. In this process, the creator directs energy into the mental image of their creation until it gathers up enough energetic momentum that it expresses in a physical way. Although this process happens naturally all day, every day as we live life, we can use it in a more conscious way when manifesting specific desires.

Combining the laws of vibration and mentalism, by becoming wrapped up with our desires, and thus directing energy to them, we match our vibrational frequency to the specific frequency of our desires. The usual manifestation processes such as scripting and vision boards help us do that in a physical way, but energy processes work on a more subtle level to alchemize the manifestation of our desires. 

How to Plant Your Desires in Your Energy Field

Follow the three steps below to plant your desires in your energy field.

Step 1—Get to Know the Energy of  Your Desires

Since you already have a mental image or intention of what your specific desires are, the next step is to become involved in their creation by directing energy towards them and thus matching your vibration to their vibration. To understand how this works in a more visual way, think of your desires as orbs of energy. In the same way that your physical body, and all physical things around you, have an energetic presence, what’s known as the aura or energy field, so do your desires. When you become aware and familiar with the energy fields of your desires, you can invite them into your presence, connect with them, infuse them with your energy, and make them your own.

To do this, while in a meditative state invite the energy of your desires to enter your energy field. You can say something along the lines of, “I call upon the energy of my desires to come into my presence.” Once you set out your intention, you’ll feel your desires lighting up as orbs of energy around you. If they happen to show up further away from you, use your intention to draw them closer.

Start with one desire at a time, and spend some time observing and getting to know them energetically. Specifically, notice their colour, texture, density, the sound they make, the taste they may have, the way they feel, and the kind of thoughts that come to mind when you perceive them. This process will allow you to understand your desires on an energetic level, so you can access and mould their energy more easily.

Step 2—Cord Your Desires in Your Energy Field

Having got to know the energy of your desires, the next step is to cord them in your energy field. This involves visualizing an energetic cord extending from the energy of each desire and connecting to your energetic body, usually to one or more of your chakras. To do this, simply set the intention to cord your desires to you, and visualize the cords extending and attaching to you.

Rather than attaching them to specific chakras, I always let my desires choose what chakra or other part of my body they want to make a connection with, and I simply observe and remember their choice.

Step 3—Match Your Frequency to the Frequency of Your Desires

Once you’ve attached your desires to you, focus on the energetic exchange that will naturally start to take place. Your energetic connection allows energy to flow both ways so that you can infuse your desires with

specific thoughts, images, and energy, and your desires can infuse their own energetic communication to you through the cord. Bask in this position for a while and notice this energetic exchange take place.

To amplify this process, consciously invite the energy of your desires into your own energy. Feel the vibrational frequency of each desire flow through the energetic cord and into your energy field, tuning you to that frequency, too. Imagine these energies as vibrational vitamins that seep through every pore of your being and tune you to the frequency of your desires. While this energetic transmission takes place, you will likely feel your vibration changing; it’s important to keep your body relaxed and breathe deeply to allow this process to take place naturally.

As you tune your frequency to the frequency of your desires, you may also start getting downloads of action steps that you can take to bring your desires to life. Keep an eye out for these downloads and make a note of them after the meditation.

When this transmission feels complete, slowly bring some movement into your hands and shoulders and come out of the meditation. Be sure to have your journal nearby so you can take notes of your desires’ energetic location, the chakras they’re connected to, and any ideas and action steps that came up. 

The Importance of Planting Your Desires inYour Energy Field

In her book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert supports the notion that ideas, and consequently desires, are intelligent living entities with the singular purpose of manifesting themselves:

“I believe that our planet is inhabited not only by animals and plants and bacteria and viruses but also by ideas . . . Ideas are a disembodied, energetic life-form . . . Ideas spend eternity swirling around us, searching for available and willing human partners . . . When an idea thinks it has found somebody—say, you—who might be able to bring it into the world, the idea will pay you a visit. It will try to get your attention . . . The idea will try to wave you down (perhaps for a few moments; perhaps for a few months; perhaps even for a few years), but when it finally realizes that you’re oblivious to its message, it will move on to someone else.”

Elizabeth’s theory aligns with the law of mentalism, which elucidates the relationship between the energetic and physical aspects of our desires. It also sheds light on the repercussions of failing to plant our desires in our energy field. Unless we actively engage with the energy of our desires by planting them and taking concrete steps to manifest them, they will eventually seek out new hosts.

There have been countless occasions in the past when I conceived ideas for new books and online courses, only to be hindered by other commitments. Eventually, I would discover that someone else had beaten me to the punch. Recognizing that desires are living entities, I consciously developed the habit of planting them in my energy field and nurturing my connection to them on a daily basis. Consequently, I keep these desires engaged until the time comes for me to dedicate the necessary time and energy.

However, it is important to acknowledge that I cannot keep them confined within my energy field indefinitely. If left unmanifested, they will inevitably find a way to escape, which fuels my drive to bring them to life. At present, my ideas for the two next book titles are firmly planted within my energy field. To ensure their continued engagement and prevent their departure, I activate their energy using the practices outlined in subsequent chapters while also engaging in daily research.

By George Lizos