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Everything is a Energy Healing with Energy

by Laurie J. Brenner

Of course, you already know that everything is energy. You’d have to have your head in the sand if you didn’t. Quantum physics has proven that everything is connected, and we’re (each and every one of us) connected by this energy matrix. Some scientists call this the Field, some folks call in the Divine Matrix, others call it Source or Universe or even God. Whatever name you use, everything is energy and healing with energy, your emotions, your finances, your thoughts and focus, your body, mind, and spirit, just got a whole lot easier.

What Blocks Your Well Being?

Wealth in old English means well being. Well being of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. We are complex creatures we human beings and we can create a many a convoluted life story in trying to get where we want to go. And along this journey, we pick up baggage that doesn’t belong to us, yet we carry it with us for the majority of our lives. We end up identifying with the luggage, thinking somehow that we are what we carry, what we experience, and what happens to us. When we do this, we are identifying ourselves with the wrong things.

We Are Not What Has Happened To Us

We aren’t – we are much bigger than that, but in order to make sure that we don’t shine too brightly, that we don’t bask in the brilliance that we are, we dim down our lights, we make ourselves less than how we are really seen by the the Universe. We play small to other people, places, and things, in hopes of getting through this life intact.

If we don’t bring too much attention to ourselves, maybe, just maybe, we’ll be able to get what we want in life. Unfortunately, playing small serves no-one, not you, and not those around you.

Let Your Light Shine

You may be thinking how can I do this? The economy has tanked, my job sucks, I really don’t like the people I hang out with, and I’m not even really sure of what I want in life? How can I let my light shine when I don’t even know what it is that I like to do?

Does this sound like you? Are you ready to move beyond what limits you? Are you ready to find what you want in life? You can do this and it’s very simple. There aren’t a lot of hoops to jump through and you do this by going back to the Source — you do this by working with energy and healing with energy.

We Are All Divine Children of the Universe

Living a small life isn’t really the way to go about things. When you live small, you send a message out to the universe that somehow, you’re not worthy. It’s also the same message that you unconsciously send out to the energy matrix, the field — and it is what you will continue to experience in your life.

On the other hand, tuning into your brilliance and learning to live large (from a spiritual sense) will allow you to follow your passions, live a dream life, plug-in to the Energy Matrix that is freely and continually available to you 24/7 and have experiences you’ve never dreamed of. When you learn to live your life by being the real you you are sending a message to the Energy Matrix, to the Universe that you are worth it – and this message gets sent along the connecting fibers that connects you to every one and every thing else. It raises the vibration for the whole.

Tuning into and raising the volume on your brilliance eventually allows you to be a position to help others do the same thing. And that can be a wonderful feeling — helping those around you step into the fullness of their being.

So, what are you waiting for? When are you going to take that first step toward living your dreams? If you’d like to find out how you can do this, and learn to do healing with energy then hop on over and read more at: https://www.Law-of-Attraction-Masters.com