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Everything is ENERGY & Awareness is Everything

By Shelly Wilson

Photo by MaddiesCreation

According to science, everything is made up of energy; it is the building block of all matter. Everything in this universe is made up of the same stuff. It´s just present in different forms and shapes. The energy that composes our body is the same one that composes the materials of the house we live in, our car, our phone, animals, trees, and so forth. The energy is the same and is constantly flowing and changing form all the time. We learned about protons, neutrons, electrons, particles, atoms, molecules, and so on in school. We also learned that energy could be changed, manipulated, moved, and altered, and it may be in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas. No activity is possible without energy, and the total amount available in the universe is fixed. In other words, energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one type to another.

Our physical bodies are also made up of energy. This includes our thoughts, words, actions, and emotions; this energetic emission is similar to a radio transmission. Our physical body walks in the world of matter, but a subtler facet of ourselves, which is woven within and throughout our physical body, moves and interacts on a level of pure energy.

Simply speaking, everything is energy. This energy vibrates in frequencies. We are essentially walking vibrations. Like a radio station, the frequency we vibrate at is what we broadcast out to the world around us. Our emotions affect our physical bodies. If we are vibrating with fear, worry, stress, or lack of trust, the energy is being focused in a lower vibrational way and resisting flow. Our self-talk and the other thoughts running through our minds are similar to radio signals. As you are guided, take a moment to become conscious of your own energetic emission. What energetic emission/radio transmission are you sending out?
Is your energy focused/grounded or scattered?
Empowered or dis-empowered?
Confident or clingy/needy?
Stable or unstable?
Joyful/happy or unhappy?
Light or heavy?

No need to dwell upon the answers as neither response is good or bad. Simply become aware of your energy as it is at this moment. Take a deep breath, knowing that our breath is life-force energy. The power is within us to change our energetic emission if we choose to.

When we fully recognize that everything is indeed energy, our awareness will increase. Throughout this progression, we will also continue to expand our understanding of who we are and why we are here having a human life experience. We operate, function, and respond from our individual level of awareness and consciousness. Throughout our lives, the universe will typically present contrasting experiences to truly experience life in all possible ways to learn and grow, which is why we have a human life experience, to begin with. These life experiences provide a point of
reference and influence our perception.

Ultimately, there are two ways to view everything we experience. We can view life and our experiences through the lens of love or through the lens of fear. Love is a heart-spaced higher vibrational energy, whereas fear comprises every emotion that is not love, including worry, fear, doubt, regret, guilt, shame, frustration, and so on.

Choosing to stay in the heart-space and doing our best to see every individual and experience through the higher vibration of love — through the lens of love — is essential for our journey into consciousness. According to the Law of Polarity, everything is on a continuum and has its opposite or contrast. There are degrees of difference between the extremes or poles, but no absolutes. It is all in how we perceive them.

Experience life in all possible ways —
good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter.
Experience all the dualities.
Don’t be afraid of experience,
because the more experience you have,
the more mature you become.
~ Osho

As humans, we are supposed to experience contrast and are able to do just that by the awareness of these vibrations. Without one, we would not have the other. Consequently, within each one is the potential for the other. If we did not experience sadness, we would not know enough to experience joy. Without pain, we would not have pleasure and so on. We create our own polar opposites by recognizing the lack of something of the perceived positive. Examples of polar opposites or dualities based on perception include:
good and bad
easy and hard
light and dark
wellness and illness
night and day
sad and happy
pain and pleasure
failure and success
big and little
large and small
black and white
love and hate
full and hungry
yin and yang
masculine and feminine

I have posed the question before on my social media page, asking, “What is one thing you are ready to release and let go of?” Individuals who chose to comment indicated fear is what they were ready to let go of. I asked them to go a bit deeper by inquiring, “fear of what?” Responses were fear of failure, fear of losing everything, fear of doing the wrong thing and not doing the right thing, and so forth.

Defining the fear helps us to become more aware of what we are fearful of. I believe this feeling of fear is much different than the healthy fear needed to recognize danger. Focusing on feeling empowered that every choice we make is the right choice for us at the moment helps us to move through those moments of fear.

Naturally, some situations warrant extreme concern for our safety, and we may feel overwhelmed and even consumed by fear in those instances. The increase in public mass shootings undeniably makes us question if it is safe to leave our homes.

Love is what we are born with.
Fear is what we have learned here.
The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear
and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
~ Marianne Williamson

Awareness of fear, while not residing in the fear vibration, is significant. There is no need to allow fear to consume our energy. However, recognizing fear’s vibration and choosing to experience its contrast is beneficial if we wish to consciously create the positive.

So, what does fear have to do with it? Everything or nothing. Rather than being fearful or fearless, just have an awareness of the vibration of fear, but don’t reside there. It’s time to consciously shift the fearful energy we may feel as we continue to recognize that everything is energy and awareness is everything.