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Find Your True Purpose

by Bernardo Moya

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ —Nelson Mandela

Believe in what you are setting out to do. Ask the questions that will get you there.
So, is personal development, professional growth, and get- ting on in the world and taking charge of your life really so simple?

In many ways, yes, it is. If you start becoming aware of your internal dialogue, that voice inside your head and (for those who are questioning if you have a voice or not—that one, that’s the one I am referring to) then you get the chance to control it; to take it in the direction you want to go and to make a whole new reality and consciousness with it.

How do you do this?

The first step is to become aware of your inner voice. What you say to yourself is of extreme importance. But it’s not all internal.

It’s also vital to surround yourself with positive, loving people. Ditch the bad voices and questions and the negative people in your life. Do it soon, no looking back, no regrets. You have a choice: —it’s up to you to spend all your life trying to change those who are having a negative effect on you, or to become the person you want to be at a distance from their negative influence. Changing yourself is easier than changing others.

So start asking those empowering questions that will get you thinking in the right direction:

What are you here for?

What are you here for personally? What are you here for professionally? What are you here for globally?
We are only getting started. My job is to coach you. To make you think. To help you find your meaning, your passion, your mission in life.

The questions you start to ask yourself as you read this book, and over the coming days and months, are best when designed to steal the agenda away from that voice that once controlled your direction. You don’t need more of the same. You need more of what will make you ‘jump out of bed in the morning’ like when you were a kid, remember?

We Need a New Approach! You agree, don’t you? (See what I did there?)

The first thing to remember is that we will stay on track and won’t be deterred.

I believe we should use a combination of a steadily applied optimism and positive attitude— of doing what’s right locally to influence what’s happening globally—to make things change. Being ready to act and getting your own head in gear can make that happen. Aligning your needs and your desires with what’s good for all of us, so that you don’t live in a vacuum separated from others, is part of that journey.

Though you are one person, you can make a difference, but it’s through combining many of us that we can all together make a massive difference.
I believe personal development is the way to free up so much potential in the world and make the world a better, a happier place.
And I think we can all agree, we need that!
I’ve spent many years working in the personal and professional growth industry because it’s my passion. I’ll share with you more about my journey in the next chapter.
For now, it will be helpful for you to know that I am one of a large disparate group of people wanting to help others become the best versions of themselves. There are many of us, many people who help millions around the world.
I’ve been in the personal development business since 2006. I’ve read so many books, attended countless seminars,
interviewed and studied with so many great people; and now I feel a new approach is needed.
That’s why I created my company, The Best You. I meet with successful people and interview them for broadcast on The Best You TV programme and print their interviews in The Best You Magazine so the word can get out about what the most extraordinary and talented people do in the world today. That’s also why I organize The Best You Expos in Europe and America—to give people the chance to connect up with each other. To enable
people who really want to help others to share platforms and ideas. Because who knows what greatness and positivity can come from that?

It’s said that in the world of personal development there is a lot of ‘personal shelf-development’ going on. People buy books and attend seminars, but then leave the books and ideas on their shelves, or take really important notes and then leave them hidden in a drawer. Does this sound familiar?

My mission with The Question is to really help you think, to help you find your deep passion and then hold on to it. It’s simple, its straightforward, no seven steps or 22 steps, no acronyms.

It can be summarized in the words: The Best You – A Better World.

Let’s stay positive. Does being negative help? Does worrying help? The answer is No.

With self-development we can at least take charge of our lives; to have the tools to live fuller and happier lives with more meaning and get that message out to as many people as we can.

The Question is: What is your true purpose in life?
Stan Lee, my hero and the creator of Spider-Man, said through Peter Parker’s uncle, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Whereas in Mark Manson’s book
states that with “great responsibility comes great power.”
You, me, us. We all have the power. . .
I believe you hold a great responsibility to find your true purpose. As a fellow dweller on our planet, you have obligations to the world and everyone in it.
You’re not alone. Billions and billions have come before you and risen to the challenge by answering their version of The Question.

It’s worth looking at just how far we’ve all come and how amazing you, we, and those who went before us, really are.