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Hope, Faith, Freedom, Belief

By Michael White Ryan

There’s a mouthful, if ever there was! Most will think they have something in common, close your eyes, allow contemplation in 10 nice slow breathes, open the mind and discover their differences. As I open my eyes I create all that is me, all that I see, all that I’ve been told, all that is disguised as freedom. I never thought it would end this way. I have no idea how it all comes together, and yet we have been given reasons, beliefs for it to work. Take me away Happy Bliss.

Love yourself, what exactly are these strange intimidating words, when my little left toe is so ugly? Confusion inside, raging battles as the made in heaven insightful mind, remains in eternal conflict. As this growing pregnancy of false childish beliefs becomes, lives as my true reality of dauntless churning waves, experienced as this stranger “I am me”. The pathway to mastery is a choice, who or which consciousness, is doing the choosing?

Prepare to be the difference and life will enrich you with you, you will never understand why you never fitted in. Home, you are the home where your “once upon a time” story/stories began with no endings, when we fail to redesign the destination. Did we somehow miss this important memo, positive thinking is a mind-trip and failure is a heart-trip., The Feelings-She-Queen, resides over the Servant-Brain-Matter-King, and so the stories continues in the chosen 3D circus carousel of living.

Face to Face, standing watching staring into the mirrors image, who is this being, this stranger I have never known? Who is responsible accountable for this humans identity, identified-doingness? The immersion process, colors, sounds, amazed, connections, ensures we become the repeated becoming, unknowingly we drown in total focus. Our first step, a mile stone of appreciation pours down upon from the others above, so gleeful are we at joining the others-brigade! Let’s all dance.
We know, as some of you may also know, are graced by, blessed with the glorious sufferings of having/being acceptance, external continuous. The story never ends, the cycles are every 2 years or is it every 7 years, these cycles come and go like snow melting under new sunshine. I run to solace, sit in silence, lay before the wholly-man, receive the blessings, turn towards another direction and discover, the animal inside speaks. Tomorrow is a new dawn, come-try come-buy again?

Yesterday’s dreams lost in the flowing-swirling waters consummated by time, now forever lost in tomorrow’s new beginnings rising from deeper awakenings. The barometer has moved from the question of “who am I” finally to “what am I” into “what am I being in this moment” Duality, has made me a prisoner of the self, totally true, it was a set up from the beginning, we have been educated well.

Time and memories fade as time moves forward marching through the portals of never ending mind-games. We are as ships sailing through the day-nite-time-cycles, while hazy glimpses appear of tomorrows yesterdays or is it yesterday’s tomorrows? Ask the learned conductor for the answer, to stop temporarily one’s mind at this nearing approaching conscious bus stop. Breathe breathe, focus will slow the pace of the wandering egoic mind, in an hours instant, release arrives, send in the next “human-doings-becoming”.

Start here, for now is now, you have been on my mind. Ooh how the musical-mind delivers echoes deep within its hidden caverns, wherein lives our residing nature, it’s the other self. Love rises to greet you in boundless waves of joy as the facial mask breaks, body-mind motions into bliss renewed. Bathed in this saltan sea of protection, one gains connection, one’s-true-self rises beyond one’s daily servitude of doingness.

BoyGirl GirlBoy listen openly
via the “black-hole” ghost
one’s hidden freedom path,
while unbounded language
rages everpresent,
through the corridors
of this one’s mindless mind
it’s our home where flowing rivers live,
tears of self-correction.

As these dark times deepen, absolution rises like the Eastern sun, then, goes home to rest in the minds playful evening sleep. Gratitude abounds as the all-knowing wisdom acknowledges its appearance, we heal, again and again. Oh yes, and so it is within these wholly-grounds, lives the bounded “Will”. Tomorrows gifts rise once again, to be accepted or passed over, by the ever knowing king/queen of consciousness? It’s in these murky grounds where 2019 lived, for now a new powerful time is rising to replace its touch upon you, smile babies smile! Swim my babies swim, for on this day, your ocean runs deep.

Hope Faith Belief Freedom lives as a sequence to those who seek beyond the trappings of this 3D world of forever-existence. For now, it appears the marketer’s lobbyists are leading us down the path of maintaining our 3D existence. Oh these happy days of seeding successful endings. The reconception of the material-egoic-mindset has birthed it’s inevitability upon us once again.

Once upon a longtime, freedom lived a boring existence, and as intuition began to rise, suggested go forth and experience all that is possible. And so with backpack in hand, set off into the unknown 3D world of mind, armed with centuries of knowledge and wisdom, never suspecting all to be lost in arrival. Awakened wearing a fresh new dipper, one stands in the face of the unknown, bewildered and amazed, as we journey, blinded by Hope Faith Belief back through all we ever wanted, Freedoms never ending silent existence.
Blessings from this one…