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Introducing the New Spiritual Chakras

by Elizabeth Joyce

In addition to the normal Chakra Energy System there exists an ex- tended chakra system, the Spiritual Chakras which is just now coming into humanity’s awareness. This energy system is latent in most people; however, as more people advance spiritually and begin to ascend and raise their

vibrations, this extended energy system begins to unlock the golden door The new system, a natural part of the Fifth Dimension, is the next step in the Spiritual evolution of the planet.

In ancient times, the great Masters, as well as many other teachers along the way, were accessing this powerful energy system. In the past, the Fifth Dimension energies have not been available to all, but only to the chosen few. This energy, originating from the Double Helix at the center of our galaxy, arrived on December 21, 2012, and now the time has arrived for others to become aware of these new chakras and reap the rewards of accessing this powerful energy in their daily and spiritual lives.

The present understanding of the chakra system gives you seven active and spinning chakras, reaching up the spine from the base of the spine to the crown of the head The two foot chakras, Chakra Zero, is your Earth grounding center and is located at the balls of both feet. Above the Crown Chakra are four more, numbered eight and then ten to twelve. The Ninth Chakra is located at the base of your skull at the back of your head, and the Eight and One—Half Chakra is extended about eight feet out from behind your head, forming a Triad between the Eighth and Ninth Chakras.

The main purpose of these extended chakras, which have always been a part of the human energy field, is to enable the individual to tune in to his or her inner God-Self, the Divine Will, the guides and angels, and even the galactic community that surrounds and supports the Earth in its evolution. The first Chakra Group, zero to seven, the Physical Chakras, are meant to help you with your development regarding the Earth and the Third Dimension; they help you to become One with the planet. Then, the next five chakras, eight to twelve, help you to become One with the Universe

Your awareness is slowly being moved away from your center, your physical self, outward to encompass the larger framework of other peo- ple, life forces, other world realities, and divinity itself. In this way, you become more than you were before and more aligned and perfect as well. When you stop focusing on yourself and begin to focus on these larger energies, you move out of your small world and step into a new Universal awareness where almost anything is possible From a reality creating standpoint this movement to unlimited possibilities is very, very powerful.

This extended Chakra System aids you in the breaking down of the Self within the confines of time and space. To move outward into other dimensions and realities is to come face to face with the idea that the physical Earth is just one place of many that you could have or can in- habit. In the vast regions of the Universe, you have existences that are just as rooted and meaningful as your present earthbound cohabitation is. There are things that you do in these other realities, just like you do here on Earth, and these things are just as significant as your physical lives.

Furthermore, when you begin to glimpse these other realities and see what is happening, a new picture of what is developing begins to take shape. You realize that all your existences are like individual musi- cal instruments in a great orchestra that you are directing and creating. You see yourself as a being that transcends time and the physical body, using your etheric or Universal body instead.

Each Spiritual Chakra, besides aiding in your own energy development and wellbeing, helps you to touch a particular portion of this vast Universe. Each Spiritual Chakra opens up a corresponding doorway to another portion of the great vastness that is “The Creator”. During the accessing and opening of the Spiritual Chakras process you could become aware of past-lives and places that you may begin to access and identify with. You may also begin to remember and utilize spiritual gifts and talents from the past, and incorporate that learning into your present life.

As in all of nature, there is a natural order to each chakra; the open- ing of one leads very gently to the opening of the next. Because of this order, these centers will awaken one by one, with each center becoming more alive as another, higher one, begins to spin in harmony and syn- chronicity with the chakras below.

If you were to observe the openings from a perspective of time, there is a pattern to each opening. Generally, the 8th Chakra Center will open first, located in the Fourth Dimension, with a delay before another expansion occurs. Then, after this delay, in perfect timing, the 8 1/2 Chakra wilIf you were to observe the openings from a perspective of time, there is a pattern to each opening. Generally, the 8th Chakra Center will open first, located in the Fourth Dimension, with a delay before another expansion occurs. Then, after this delay, in perfect timing, the 8 1/2 Chakra will guide the 9th to open and the 10th will show just a glimmer of activity. At this point, the 8th Chakra Center will expand more. Then, when the 10th Center actually starts to open and spin, the 9th Center will experience another expansion with the 8th Center expanding even further. The next level or octave will have the 11th Center expanding with the 12th Center showing just a glimmer of activity. Then the process con- tinues, bringing the energy down into the other Chakra Centers forcing them to spin differently and open up more. Luckily, the newest Chakra, the 8 1/2 Chakra,

has arrived to filter out this intense energy and protect the body from becoming – exposed, or from opening up too fast for the lower body system to receive, absorb, and regulate the new vibra- tions; the 8 1/2 Chakra is filtered by invisible guides and Angels.

Below is a side view of what these NEW chakras look like and where they are placed. Because of the way these centers awaken, it is a good idea to work with the new spiritual chakra system from the ground up In this way, the natural awakening of the spiritual senses will take place in correct order, and you will not have to contend with overloading yourself or your clients. From a healing standpoint, this is a good thing to remember. If you are not sure which spiritual centers are active then always clear each center starting from eight and going, in order, up toward twelve.

Working in this manner you will feel increasing body resistance as you approach the Spiritual Chakras that are not yet open. The idea is to avoid opening up a center prematurely, which is difficult to do anyway. Be aware there are several safeguards in place that keep this from happening. Too swift an opening can burn up the brain cells or cause severe mental disorders. But, by gently becoming aware of the vibration of these centers, in time, you will quickly be able to access the individual’s spiritual posi- tion, know what is going on in that person’s life and just how to help them. As you will see, knowing what Spiritual Chakras are open will give you great insight into what lessons the individual is dealing with (See Chart – pg. 101) Unlike the lower centers, there is a plan to their opening and the gifts and lessons that are bestowed on the individual are carefully guided from invisible forces.

Sometimes a particular spiritual chakra will not awaken. Even with the vibrational nature of the spiritual chakra’s awakening, it is possi- ble for one to be bypassed. For example, the 9th center could become blocked from opening because of some structural abnormality in the Soul Blueprint  When the 10th center begins to awaken, as it will, its energy will f low into the lower centers.

If the 9th is blocked, that energy will pass by it and go into the 8th. The 8th will then expand. What you will have is an open 10th center, with a blocked 9th center, and an open 8th center. This causes an imbalance until the 9th Chakra is cleared. This could be one of the reasons we are now experiencing Divine Headaches Generally, the even numbered centers are fluidic (8th, 10th, 12th) and tend to pass on energy, even if they are closed to some extent. However, they do tend to shut down completely when there is a problem, blockage, or imbalance with them. Once you clear up an even numbered center, it begins to vibrate correctly.

You usually do not have to go back into it later on to do more healing. On the other hand you will find, as the odd numbered centers (9th, 11th) tend to develop, various kinds of blocks will not shut down completely. Unlike an even numbered center, these blocks keep the chakra from operating at full potential or, at the very least, operating strangely. For this reason, you may find that clearing the odd number centers will become more common in your vibrational healing work.

By learning what each Spiritual Chakra contains, and its vibration rate, you will know exactly what gifts of the Soul are held back by these blocks.

Remember, the odd Chakra Centers tend to have energetic hardwire problems. In your clearing and restructuring work of a typical odd num- bered center, you will literally have to find the improper connection and redirect or rewire it to where it should be f lowing. If you are clairvoyant and can see on the finer planes of manifestation, then note that while doing a healing on an odd numbered center, it will look as if you are

working on some kind of intricate electronic circuit. You may see what looks like a loose or burned out filament. Then see this filament being removed, and a new one set in to the correct f lowing pathway. These improper connections tend to develop due to the reincarnation process. If a lifetime is not properly cleared, after the Soul has moved on to the next incarnation, certain energy strands do not get wired properly in the rebirth, within these odd numbered Spiritual Chakras. As you evolve through the reincarnation process, you can actually construct and wire up these odd energy centers yourself. This is one of the main purposes of

hosting a body here on Earth. With a completely flawless reincarnation cycle, these odd centers instance, means a set of incarnations where the lacks of one are properly balanced by the abundances of another. Typically, when these chakras begin to awaken and spin, they should do what they are supposed to do. However, from improperly cleared lifetimes in the reincarnation cycle, some of these connections can be either left out or wired incorrectly. When these centers begin to open, they misfire and don’t start to spin properly. Part of the healing process is to go in and rewire that chakra so that it can oper- ate as it is supposed to. Naturally, the act of rewiring the chakra will release that particular life experience imprint and free the individual from its corresponding chains. Since the arrival of this new energy in 2012, the past lives of every Soul are coming up for review and thou- sands of people will be thrown off center. In 2013 thousands of people felt loss and change because of these unbalanced energies.

This kind of trauma is not your typical life experience material. They are behavior patterns of a multi-lifetime existence. Be aware, this is what will be happening with your clients. For example, reincarnating into a body that has poor circulation time and time again is a sign of an improperly cleared lifetime. In this case example, one of the odd numbered Spiritual centers—most likely the 9th Chakra, the Karmic Blueprint center—has a filament set in the wrong place. This incorrect filament usually shows itself when the individual begins to Ascend and that spiritual chakra begins opening. The removal or the resetting of the improper filament to its correct place will not only restore the chakra, but it will enable the individual to reincarnate in a body more

suitable, should that individual reincarnate again. At the very least, it will restore that individual’s present body functioning to normal.

If you are not as yet able to etherically the improperly function- ing filament, there are mudras that can be used to instruct you exactly on what level and where the malfunction is located, and in exactly what chakra. Permanent and very powerful body healings can be accomplished by working with the odd numbered Spiritual

Chakras. These healings are almost always karmic in nature and the individual’s life will surely be different after a Harmonization and Vibrational healing session. You can set a condition that the 9th Chakra is worked on for clearing during your meditations. This will create a more rapid change in the body, mind, and Soul of an individual that is awakening to his/her spirituality.

This may be uncomfortable for a while, but in truth, is very common because these odd numbered centers are being awakened and many of these improper connections are being reworked and cleared. Prior to this Ascended State, the Universal gift of these new, highly focused energies is the clearing of a particular karmic pattern.

Normally, this requires the individual to reincarnate and go through the life process to rewire that filament. However, as the planet evolves and more people come into their higher spiritual awareness, the the Oneness these energy centers open up in a natural way. This facilitates a kind of healing and cleansing of the Soul that has not been known or felt throughout this Galaxy for eons.

The even numbered Spiritual Chakras (8th, 10th, 12th) are a bit dif- ferent from the odd numbered ones. These centers deal with fluidic States of Being They also deal with spiritual knowledge and its proper use in the Universe. But more importantly, they are responsible for implement- ing the programming from the previous chakra. For example, the 8th Chakra is responsible for processing the programs contained in the 7th. The 10th is responsible for processing the programs in the 9th. The 12th is responsible for processing the programs in the 11th. Therefore, when a particular odd numbered center (7th, 9th, 11th) is spinning properly, but there seems to be a problem in getting the individual to implement that proper patterning, then the corresponding higher, even numbered (8th, 10th, 12th ) chakras need to be looked at more closely.

If you find that an even numbered chakra has shut down, the cause is most likely from some kind of fear held within the individual. For example, the fear of facing ones karmic residue will cause the 8th center to remain closed. The programs from the 7th Chakra Center will not be able to be implemented, and thus the individual will block the Ascension process. The 7th Chakra Center contains the programs that guide the individual toward Ascension. It is only when an individual is ready to face who and what they are over many lifetimes—that the 8th center will begin to open up. The release of these fears will open the door so that the blocked chakra can open, spin correctly, and allow the programs contained in its odd numbered twin to be implemented and integrated into the entire body system.

The healer needs a good understanding of what each Spiritual Chakra is and its relationship with its twin, to see where the problem/ blockage may lie. For example, if an ascending individual has a fear of leaving the body, this fear will keep the 12th Chakra closed. They will be unable to take advantage of the programs in the 11th Chakra, which deal with the Spiritual path of the Soul,

and will not be able to travel with their Universal Body, consciously, outside the body into the galaxy, Universe, and beyond. In this instance, a clearing of this fear will be necessary so the energy center can properly begin its spin. The individual can then project free of the body, and make full use of this ability—walking fully aware in their Universal Body On the other hand, using the above example again, if that same individual can etherically project out of the body, but is yet unable to travel into the past, then the 12th Chakra is functioning properly. You will know the defect lies in an improperly wired 11th Chakra, which is blocking

the individual from being able to travel into the past. A filament in the 11th Chakra is wired improperly, so the in- dividual does not have the proper access to this information. He can travel out of the body, because some of those programs are usable and the 12th center is operating, but he cannot avail himself of that one aspect, Soul travel into the past As you can see, a clear pattern in diagnosing these spiritual char- kas and enabling them to function properly is developing here. As we get into the specifics of each Spiritual Chakra, you will be able to look at a spiritually awakened individual and tell just what chakra has the problem and what the remedy is. In this book we will be getting into the specifics of each Spiritual Chakra, its function, its diagnosis, and the ways to heal and awaken that center.

The Spiritual Chakra System

Chakra 12   Diamond/Crystal Clear

Brings the connection to the Higher Dimensional level of Divinity, ad- vanced spiritual skills, ascension, connection to the Great Masters, our Universe and beyond.

Chakra 11—Aqua Blue/Silver

Opens the pathway to the Soul, the individual’s ability to acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, instantaneous precipitation of thoughts, and telekinesis in some cases)

Chakra 10—Bright Yellow/Silver

The Heart Center of the Spiritual Chakras. Brings Divine creativity, synchronicity of life; the merging of the masculine and feminine within, unlocking of skills and higher energies contained in the Ninth Chakra.

Chakra 9   Magenta/Silver

Opens to the Soul Blueprint, the individual Soul’s total skills and abilities learned in all the life times. Contains all karma, knowledge, and actions since the Soul was created

Interfacing Chakra (8 1/2)—Amber/Mother of Pearl

There is a half-spin chakra between the Eighth and the Ninth Chakra, spinning at a lower rate. This chakra brings a clear triad connection between the Third Eye, Ninth Chakra, and the Crown Center, and it governs emotional and mental clarity. Problems with any of these areas usually show up here, and express themselves as a Fifth Dimensional headache. This Chakra vi- brates half in the Fourth Dimension and half in the Fifth Dimension. It is your bridge to accessing and ascending to the higher levels

Chakra 8 – Ultraviolet/Clear

Brings in the new Energy and is the first center of Divine Love rather than physical love, of spiritual compassion, and spiritual self lessness. Your karmic residue activates the Soul’s spiritual skills and purification contained in the Seventh Chakra,

Chakra 7—Crown Chakra—Violet/Silver

Traditionally is your connection to the Divine. Contains programs to be used by 8th and 9th Chakras including the release of basic psychic skills, telepathy, seeing auras, lucid dreaming, out of-body travel, natu- ral energy healing, and feeds this to the 6th Chakra—the Third Eye.

Inter-Dimensional Vibrational Healing™ is the way of the future. This high-level healing is a process whereby vibrations are introduced or transferred into a human being’s physical and energetic body. The vi- brations that have become unbalanced in the physical or Universal body are adjusted. This is based on the idea that illnesses or diseases in these bodies are characterized by blockage and imbalance. These blockages and imbalances cause a cell, organ, system, or energetic body to slow its vibration. Slow vibrations result in disease (dis-ease) or illness. The process of Inter-Dimensional Vibrational Healing™ restores the natural f low to this energy field.

This New Spiritual Chakras book gives you a step by-step process on how to accomplish this. May you grow, develop, and ascend by using these energies wisely, according to Natural and Divine Law.