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“The Basis of So Much” by Neale Donald Walsh

“It’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.

And if nearly everyone on the planet is wrong about God, it’s really not a small thing.

If nearly everyone on the planet has mistaken notions about God, then nearly everything that everyone on the planet is doing will not work the way it was intended. This is because the basis of so much of what they’re doing is found in so many of their beliefs about God.

Think not? Think again.

Nearly all of civilization’s modern laws emerged from the early rules and laws of some faith tradition. Nearly all of humanity’s moral codes derive from the mandates of a religion. Nearly every political movement and economic theory is based on ideas of justice, right-and-wrong, and basic fairness first espoused by spiritual teachers.

Even those who don’t believe in God are impacted and guided by many of the fundamental principles placed into the Cultural Story by those who do.

And a striking number of the personal decisions made by billions of individuals across the globe are made within the context of what they believe to be the purpose of life, what they believe happens when this life is over, what they believe about God, and about what God wants.

So it’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.”