The Law of cause and effect teaches that nothing happens by chance. Instead, there’s a logical cause behind every effect. What we call chance or luck is simply causes that we cannot perceive or understand. From this perspective, our manifestations are the results of a long string of causes and effects. Simultaneously, they’re also the causes of more effects and, therefore, new manifestations.
What The Kybalion makes clear about manifestation is that there’s no such thing as creating something, but rather a natural and never-ending unfolding of a series of cause-and-effect events. To create something would imply that you start from zero, but nothing can truly start from zero, as there are always multiple preceding events leading to the manifestation of a desire.
To consciously manifest something, we need to be cooperative components of the causation process. We first need to create causes through our thoughts/intentions, our emotions/vibrations, and our actions. Secondly, we need to be cooperative components of the causes that are already in place and that we may not yet be aware of.
The majority of the literature on manifestation stresses the importance of the Law of attraction, thus the Law of vibration, in manifesting our desires and purpose.
As a result, we’ve considered our thoughts and emotions to be our main causes for manifestation. Although our thoughts and emotions are indeed our primary tools, through which we can be causes in the manifestation of our desires, there are more factors involved.
Is the Law of Attraction the Most Powerful Law in the Universe?
Popular spiritual culture teaches that the Law of attraction/vibration is the most powerful Law in the Universe. I previously held this belief myself, but my subsequent research, experience, and understanding of Universal laws have taught me otherwise. I believe that the Law of attraction is certainly a powerful law in the Universe, but there are also many other powerful laws, and therefore causes, that the Law of attraction has to work with.
In other words, the Law of attraction isn’t more powerful than the Law of gravity. However much you raise your vibration or change your beliefs to believe you can fly, you really can’t. The Law of gravity won’t let you because, guess what—in this respect, it’s more powerful than the Law of attraction. The same is true for most of our physical characteristics. We may try all we want to change our height, hair colour, or facial features just with the power of our minds, but that goes against the laws of biology and is therefore, impossible.
Conversely, the ancient Greeks believed that miracles are natural events in a chain of causes and effects that are in accordance with the laws of the Universe. From this perspective, miracles do take place, but the miracles are merely manifestations of people understanding and utilizing the laws of the Universe to allow an improved state of being.
Unknown and Little-Known Causes
As mentioned earlier, there are many causes beyond the Law of attraction that contribute to the manifestation process, many of which are often disregarded by popular spirituality. This results in frustration when our manifestation processes don’t work, making us feel inadequate and wonder what it is we’re doing wrong. As a result, we keep on buying more books and courses, learning the same limited perspectives on manifestation, which keep us stuck in the cycle.
The only way to break free is by educating ourselves about the lesser-known causes that contribute to the manifestation process. The seven Universal laws in this book are the main causes, but there are more.
Here’s a list of the most prevalent little-known factors that contribute to manifestation also:
1. Soul Contracts: Soul contracts are promises and plans we made before our present incarnation about the lessons we wanted to learn in the course of our lifetime. Many soul contracts involve our relationships with people and the roles we decide to play in each other’s lives. Other soul contracts have to do with certain virtues, skills, talents, and qualities we wanted to develop, as well as the various achievements we wished to accomplish. Soul contracts are so-called because they’re decided on a soul level, and they aim to help our soul ascend on its spiritual journey of evolution to enlightenment.
The reason certain manifestations sometimes don’t manifest is that they may not be in accordance with one or more of our soul contracts. Although our vibration may create a cause for the desired effect, there may be a bigger, stronger cause behind it that originated before our incarnation.
2. Fate: We often approach the subject of free will versus determinism in an absolute, black-and-white manner. Some people believe that everything is fated to happen and there’s nothing we can do about it, while others take the approach that we are the sole determinants of our future. I believe the answer is more balanced.
The ancient Greeks personified fate into three goddesses known as the Three Fates. The first is Lachesis, who’s said to visit each newborn baby on their first night and plan the main, large-scale events in the baby’s life. Although she determines the occurrence of these events, she doesn’t determine their outcome; this depends on the person’s free will.
The second goddess is Clotho, who’s responsible for weaving these main events into manifestation at the right time in the person’s life.
Lastly, Atropos determines when the person’s life will eventually end, thus the person’s death.
Essentially, this perspective on fate is very much in alignment with our soul contracts. Certain events and circumstances are set in stone and are fated to happen, but, as they do, we always have free will to change them if we so wish to. Consequently, for a desire to manifest, it has to be in alignment with these fated soul agreements.
3. Our Four Purposes: Remember the four purposes of lightworkers that I shared in Chapter 3? Our first purpose is the collective lightworker purpose, which has to do with raising the overall vibration of the world. The second purpose is the soul realm purpose, which involves a larger-scale collective purpose shared among people within our soul realm, which is our soul’s origin. Our soul purpose draws from the soul realm purpose and is a large-scale mission fulfilled over a series of lifetimes, whereas our life purpose is a step towards fulfilling our soul purpose and is, therefore, very specific to our unique set of skills, talents, and abilities.
For a desire to easily manifest in our life it has to be in alignment with our four purposes, primarily the life and soul purposes. If it isn’t, although we can still manifest that desire it’ll be harder to do so, as it won’t be in alignment with what we came here to be and do. Additionally, manifesting a desire that isn’t in alignment with our life and soul purpose may set us back in the fulfilment of our purpose.
4. Collective Manifestation:
Although what we manifest in our lives is primarily an outcome of our personal, conscious, or unconscious understanding and use of Universal laws, there’s also a degree of collective manifestation taking place. Since we live in a shared and therefore interconnected world, we’re not only influenced by those around us but we also manifest together.
From our souls’ collective perspective, before we chose to partake in the human experiment on planet Earth, we set up collective contracts and agreements regarding what we wanted to achieve and experience together. From a human perspective, each thought we think, and emotion we feel contributes to humanity’s collective vibrational frequency, which goes on to shape, to a great degree, our collective reality. The COVID-19 pandemic and other large-scale events such as wars, financial depressions, and technological advancements are all prime examples of such collective manifestations.
Manifestation Is Universal
With these factors in mind, manifestation isn’t just about our personal, human point of attraction. Instead, it’s a collaborative process that involves our whole, multidimensional self along with the entire human and Universal consciousness. To manifest anything, our desires need to be in alignment with not just our mental and emotional outlook but also the aforementioned factors and Universal laws.
Frankly, what I’ve learned in my journey to mastering manifestation, and what I hope you can now begin to understand, too, is that the Universe is not our bitch! Manifesting our desires and purpose isn’t about willing the Universe to do our bidding. It’s about understanding our purpose, soul contracts, and collective manifestation and partnering with the laws of the Universe to co-create the desires that will allow us to both fulfill our purpose and also fulfill our collective purpose of raising the vibration of the world.
Although taking so many factors into consideration may make manifestation seem like a complicated task, it really is simpler than it seems. Your soul is already connected with and aware of all the various factors and Universal laws contributing to manifestation. Your soul knows your life purpose and soul’s journey of ascension and, therefore, knows the exact desires that you need to manifest to follow that. Consequently, any desire that comes out of a state of alignment with your soul is already in accordance with the aforementioned factors and can easily manifest in your life.
To master manifestation, you have to nurture and sustain a connection with your soul so you can receive the desires that are already in accordance with the multiple factors involved in manifestation, as well as the guidance needed to bring them to life.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how the Law of gender can help you receive desires that are already aligned with your soul and highest good, as well as guide you in taking balanced action in your manifestation efforts.
by George Lizos