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The Law of Gender

The word “gender” is derived from Latin and it means “to generate, create, and produce.” Our modern understanding of the word gender to refer to biological sex (male/female/intersex), or social gender (man/woman/genderqueer), is simply a way through which gender expresses on the physical and social planes. From a spiritual and energetic perspective, the office of gender has to do with the creation process.

“Intersex” refers to a variety of conditions in which an individual’s reproductive or sexual anatomy doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male. This can involve variations in chromosomes, hormones, or physical structures. Intersex might be apparent at birth due to visible differences in genitalia, or it might be discovered later in life, such as during puberty or through genetic testing. Not all intersex conditions are visibly apparent. Sometimes, the terms Differences in Sex Development (DSD), Disorders of Sex Development, Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC), or Diverse Sex Development are used. The Kybalion teaches that gender is at the basis of the manifestation process, in that the masculine and feminine energies are both intrinsically involved in the creation of things. Simultaneously, everything in the world is made of, and balanced in, both energies.

A prime example of how masculine and feminine energies drive the manifestation process is the way through which atoms are formed. Essentially, atoms come together when a positive ion (masculine energy) exerts influence on a negative ion (feminine energy), allowing for an atom to be created. Since atoms are the physical make-up of everything on the physical plane, and since by the law of correspondence, the same laws govern all planes of existence, then all creation, whether it’s on the physical, mental, or spiritual plane, is created by the interplay of, and is balanced in masculine and feminine energy.

The Gendered Process of Creation

Masculine and feminine energies play distinctive roles in the manifestation process. Masculine energy is the one that directs and expresses energy, thus getting the creative process started and seeing things to completion. It creates a framework and a plan of action, and directs the action-taking required for things to manifest. Masculine energy is like a project manager, choosing the right team and materials, handing out responsibilities, and orchestrating the manifestation process.

On the other hand, feminine energy receives instructions, makes sense of them, creates space for manifestation, and does the generating work of bringing the manifestations to life. Simply put, masculine energy directs the energy of creation, and feminine energy is the womb that births them into the world. 

The way through which masculine and feminine energy manifests within us in the creation process has to do with our capacity to receive intuitive guidance on the way to manifesting our desires (feminine energy), and using this guidance to plan and take forward action (masculine energy). To successfully manifest anything, we have to be balanced in both energies.

Balancing Our Masculine and Feminine Energies

Most people are imbalanced in their masculine and feminine energies, which prevents them from successfully following their purpose and manifesting their desires.

To begin with, the patriarchal world we live in values masculine energy more than feminine energy. As a result, we’ve been conditioned to hustle, struggle, and take mindless action towards our purpose without consulting with our intuition first. Rather than letting our feminine energy inform our action-taking, we instead abuse and over-depend on our masculine energy, which creates an imbalance.

If we don’t overuse our masculine energy, we do so with our feminine energy. This is true for many people who have either burned out at an earlier stage in their life or have experienced abuse by patriarchal forces in this or their past lifetimes. Afraid to use their masculine energy in case they abuse it or be abused by it, they instead find comfort in receiving intuitive ideas about their purpose but never take action towards them.

Because our world has been imbalanced in masculine and feminine energy for thousands of years, we often don’t know how to go about finding balance. We’ve lived out of balance for such a long time that we’re conditioned to abuse either our masculine or feminine energy.

The easiest way I’ve found of balancing the two energies within us is by consciously and consistently connecting and realigning ourselves with our inner being, and therefore Source, through our spiritual practice. Source is already perfectly balanced in masculine and feminine energy, and so by regaining our connection to it we automatically find balance too.

Mental Gender

When it comes to using the law of gender consciously for manifestation, we also need to understand how the principle of gender manifests not just on the physical level but also on the mental one, as this is where manifestation begins.

The Kybalion distinguishes between masculine and feminine energy on the mental plane by explaining the difference between the two main identity pronouns we use to understand ourselves, the “I” and the “me.”

When we think of “me,” we are usually referring to our physical and personality characteristics and desires. We think of the way our body looks, our feelings, beliefs, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and all the ways through which we define our human incarnation. The “me” is the already manifested version of ourselves, and thus it’s more aligned with our feminine energy.

On the other hand, the “I” that is us is rooted in our consciousness and is more aligned with our will to create, rather than what already is created. The “I” comes up with ideas, desires, and intentions and projects them onto the “me,” so that they can be manifested. As a result, the “I” is our masculine mental energy, the one that starts, directs, and operates the creation process.

In practical terms, on the mental plane, the masculine energy within us comes up with an intention and desire to manifest something, and our feminine energy conducts the work of nurturing thoughts and emotions, which will allow that desire to grow momentum and eventually manifest in our lives.

Where Do Your Desires Come From?

A question to ask yourself is, where is your “I” getting its intentions and desires from? Are your desires an extension of your authentic self and purpose, or are they influenced by other people’s desires for and expectations of you?

Although we’re born knowing our life purpose and have a direct connection to Source, who can guide us in following it, as we grow up we’re inevitably indoctrinated and conditioned by our family, the school system, and society at large. At first, we rebel, resist, and hold on to our authenticity. Eventually, they break us, and we end up buying into their cookie-cutter formula for being and living. We forget our life purpose, lose our connection to the Source, and end up thinking other people’s thoughts, feeling other people’s emotions, and behaving in ways that aren’t in alignment with our true selves and purpose.  (To learn how to effectively protect your energy from such conditioning, read my book Protect Your Light.)

As a result, our “I,” our consciousness and sense of will are to a great degree influenced by other people and systems whose will was either instilled into us, or is stronger than ours. This means that many of the desires we’re working on manifesting aren’t in alignment with our purpose and highest good; in fact, they’re not really our desires. They belong to the people and systems we listened to our entire lives.

From this perspective, our sense of self or “me”—our thoughts, emotions, likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests—and the ideas and desires we nurture and strive to manifest isn’t really about what we want for us, but about what others want for us.

Reclaiming Your Authentic Desires

Since our mental masculine energy, our “I” or will, and therefore our desires, are to a great degree guided by our conditioning, an essential pillar of the manifestation process has to do with doing the inner work. We have to do the work of deprogramming our minds from the limiting thoughts, fears, beliefs, and conditioning we’ve been indoctrinated with and realigning ourselves with the thoughts, beliefs, and desires that our higher self has for us.

In other words, manifestation isn’t just about doing the high-vibe work, but also about having the courage to face your deepest, darkest fears and limiting beliefs. It’s about stopping being in denial of your shadow self and using processes to heal, resolve, and transmute the darkness into light. It’s only when we dive deep and strip the layers of our conditioning that we can allow our true desires and purpose to come to the surface.

Unfortunately, the majority of manifestation literature teaches spiritual bypassing. Thus, you’ve been guided to ignore your fears and limiting beliefs and avoid facing your negative emotions. Instead, you’ve been asked to just “think positive,” “raise your vibration,” and “fake it till you make it.” But how can you think positively when you have deep-seated limiting beliefs around negativity? How can you raise your vibration when you have unresolved traumas that keep you rooted in fear? How can you fake it till you make it when you’ve been conditioned to see yourself in a limited way?

Ignoring the negative and focusing on the positive may work in the short term, and you may find yourself enjoying some ephemeral manifestation bliss. But eventually, your buried, unhealed fears and limiting beliefs will gain momentum, take over your consciousness, and sabotage the manifestation process.

The law of gender marks the end of Part One of the book. Now that you have a deeper understanding of the seven manifestation laws of the Universe, you’re ready to start living them. In the next part, you’ll learn how to use these laws in a practical manner to manifest your desires and purpose.

By George Lizos