Chances are you have lost a loved one, including pets, that you often think about. Many people want reassurance that those they miss are not suffering. Some people find comfort in the idea of life after death; other people struggle to find truth in the possibility of any existence beyond the here and now. This blog is written to offer peace and possibly even answers to anyone who has ever grieved the death of someone important to them.
Always Watching
Recently, I had to hop on a plane to check in with my mother. She is in her mid-eighties and has had a few health challenges. The flight was just a couple of hours, but I decided to fly first class. I like having the space to work, read, or sleep, but I rarely speak to those sitting near me.
When I found my seat, the person beside me struggled with her carry-on. I greeted her as I squeezed by to my seat. When Lila finally sat next to me, she
initiated a brief conversation, sharing that she was traveling alone. Lila had recently lost her partner. Her next comment grabbed my attention. She was looking for a medium to help her connect with her deceased partner. This comment was completely unprovoked and unexpected.
I work as a psychic medium and life coach. This is not the first time that a person randomly turns up in my life, grieving and seeking. I know that those on the other side can bring people together to help their loved ones on this side find peace.
What made this situation so funny was all the changes that took place for Lila to sit next to me on Alaska Airlines. First off, Lila only flies Alaska Airlines because that is where she met her partner. She had originally made a reservation for a different flight and, at the last minute, decided to change her flight to the one we shared. On top of that, she was assigned a different seat and was upgraded to first class the morning of our flight.
I was able to share messages from Lila’s partner. He showed me how much he liked baseball games and drank a lot of soda. I could taste it! He likes things to be orderly and neat, especially a well-made bed. I was shown the color of the hospital gown he wore and the window in his room the day they received his
diagnosis. He mostly wanted Lila to know he was always watching over her and loved her.
This experience was not planned by me, but I have learned to expect the unexpected when my spirit has evolved. I was grateful to help Lila find a connection with her partner. It brought her much relief, peace, and joy to know that her partner was still in her life.
How Does It Work?
I actually have no idea how those on the other side are able to send us messages. I do know that I know the craziest details about someone that would be impossible for me to know. An example of this is from a recent event I took part in.
A young woman came through and shared many messages, but it was not until she showed me a particular shirt with two different sleeve lengths that the person was convinced it was her sister coming through. They used to fight over that shirt when they were teenagers.
My greatest skill set is working as a psychic and life coach. It just so happens I can also talk with dead people. With this being said, I absolutely know that there are more gifted mediums than myself. I also know it can bring incredible peace into people’s lives when I am able to share the overwhelming energy of love in a session.
Funny enough, every time I decide to take mediumship off my website, something happens, and I am reminded that I can help people find peace in many different ways.
How Those on The Other Side Connect with Us
As our loved ones watch over us, it is more of them being aware of our vibration. Are we happy, sad, making good choices, or should we choose again? They can help steer us towards high vibrational choices.
It is important to know that when we are stressed, grieving, or depressed, it is much harder to receive messages from our loved ones. Do not give up on having a connection; they will still be there when you are ready. Visiting you in your dreams is an easy way for your loved ones to connect with you. This can even happen even when you are still grieving.
Music is another way those on the other side connect with you. When you randomly hear a song that you previously enjoyed together, chances are they are orchestrating this connection.
Our loved ones also help bring people into our lives. If you are looking for a dream job or ideal partner,
ask your trusted loved ones on the other side.
Those random times that it feels or smells like your loved one is with you breathe in deeply and enjoy this connection that they orchestrated.

How You Can Connect
Talk with your loved ones. This can be out loud or silently in your heart. You can also write them letters if that is an easier way to express your feelings.
Continue taking part in what you shared together. Maybe you hiked, gardened, or had your favorite airline. It will be easier to imagine them with you, which is the first step to a connection with the unseen.
Imagine that they are taking part in your meditation or prayer practice with you. Your heart is open wide in prayer and meditation; this makes connection easier.
Ask your loved one for a sign. Maybe you want to see a picture of the New York City skyline. Know that they can deliver this in a variety of ways. You might see it in a magazine, an ad on your iPhone or in a movie. Know they will try hard to make this happen:)
You can also get a mediumship reading. Make sure it is someone who comes to you by word of mouth or at least has great reviews. Ask them how you can best connect with your loved one.
Wrapping It Up
I have had so many amazing experiences with those who have crossed over. Some have even shown me what it was like to cross over to the other side. One man recently came through at a group event.
He had a troubled relationship with his family and was simply ready to stop the earthly fight. He showed me how he just gave up, let go of this life, and even pushed off into the unknown at the time of his death. He was more than ready to go. He also showed me how much he still loves his niece and watches over her.
Your Connections
However, you find yourself connecting with the other side, stay grounded. This can be with exercise, meditation, and, in this instance, sharing your experience with a trusted friend. Find that person or people that you can discuss the afterlife with. This keeps it real and not just in your head where you might doubt what is happening.
Wherever you are in life, know that ancestors, angels, and guides are watching over you. We have many people and beings that are invested in our well-being. Some we knew in this lifetime and some beyond time and space. Enjoy discovering how you best connect with all who love you 🙂
by Polly Wirum
Read other articles by Polly here