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Life is like a Box of Curiosities

Are we there yet, the innocent voice cries out, conscious yet utterly oblivious to one’s surroundings, living life in antic ipation  to, only that which personally gratifies? Consumed by the delusion of choice, yet in real terms, well trained in the art of what’s needed for human acceptability. Do we relive our daily lives in the memories of like and dislike, the two most powerful differences that have created all the problems this world can muster? Supposedly living in the moment, totally unaware, we are avoiding those special moments, personal to one’s life, where opportunity awaits with open arms.

Is life like a box of varied chocolates, thank you Forrest Gump, or a box of curiosities, overlooked and unseen due to a depth beyond one’s predetermined perceptions? Does the goal or career feed the human to the same extent as to how a connection with love embraces one’s total beingness when engaging with another human? 

Does the environment                                                                            
we live in today                                                           
allow humans                                                                                                                                            
to discover a vision of                                                                                            
who they really are?

It seems humans have a tendency to embrace life for around 60, 70, 80 years, without the slightest notion that death is also living with us every second of one’s journey. When a loved one passes on, it’s those memories, not the goals or careers, just those single moments when the connection takes hold of all our being, which comforts one through the journey of our healing process. Like sitting together in the park, they can no longer exist, and as one acknowledges the emptiness, a thought arises, were they ever even here? 

Do you know                                                                                                                                              
what really matters?

Have you asked yourself, what is it, this food-stuff we eat, that seemingly has no meaning to life itself? Are we eating a tradition handed down from an unknown source that has, via a one-tracked mind, been turned into a convenient box of Wheaties to fit a 40-hour week lifestyle? Dozens of commercial food fads, revised almost on a monthly existence, designed in detail yet lacking in life-essence. Do we live longer due to the lack of tigers in the parking mall? Of course not. Don’t you realize it’s all that legal, healthy, nutritious food we consume? 

The wellness exhibition is the latest and greatest that mankind has to offer humans to live a healthy future. Watching a massage demonstration, the ugliest man alive strokes and caresses the individual while explaining how to channel and remove the stresses of daily life out of the body. When finished and questions answered, the individual who volunteered for the experiment rises, sits, and slowly moves in rhythmic ecstasy in anticipation of, don’t stop now, give me more. Is it for pleasure that we live, all wanting and living for something external, without knowing for what purpose? 

To BECOME that which makes a difference, that perfect family, that wealth, that position of power, to be noticed, that that that, the choices are endless in this crazy mixed-up world. All chosen by the predetermined choice-mind?Music is the traveler, takes hold, and slowly the body moves into a trance state of wonder. Wonder where that I am choice-mind is now that the body-creature has completely taken control? Trance is one of the most powerful states of being the human body-mind is capable of experiencing. No wonder raves and Burning Man are so cherished. They are the freedom trains, the energy seeking human travels, requires, for maintaining its stable existence.  

How many of us live near the beach, walk on the beach and never go swimming. That Swim Ming is such a strange fellow, never quite sure, why the possible always stands somewhere off in the distance, wanting engagement. When will time ever open its door?

Tomorrow when one moves beyond that, gonna retire someday, finally arrives; that’s when we start living yesterday’s dreams…The many plans of all the exotic places to explore, those many new and stranger-friends waiting to meet, fun and excitement will be explored., those many new and Stanger-friends waiting to meet, fun and excitement. 

There’s this deep hunger lingering on the inside, which needs to be known. It’s an interesting process when the external manages, trains, and develops; the internal grows equally simultaneously. Returning home, the question arises, which will remain, the newfound hunger or the well-respected, well-trained yesterday-being? 

In today’s world, more than ever, we feel the restrictions separating us from getting back to the good-old-normal. Time has placed a drought in the minds of humans; increased longing for times past has now been fertilized. And yet, one can sit in the arms of the tomorrow-being and contemplate, is now the moment to move forward. No looking back, and like old clothes, old ideas need throwing out with the garbage and allowing within, a refreshing approach to, what is it that really serves this heart-mind-being—then acting out those requirements fully. We are all different, generalized, and minorities, being treated and investigated as the same; time to wrap this baby up and vamoose out of here, no small task when confronted with new choices that have finally moved from the shadows out into the open for all to see. Have fun in exploring one’s new universe; it’s the dipper stage all over again, only this time, one has the opportunity to map out a chosen path in specified directions minus the outcome.

The question remains, can one live out their life as a curiosity and maintain an open mind to all that they encounter while traveling this human highway of existence? Or do we live a ghostly existence seeking needs and desires that tantalize one’s human mind and leave the unnoticed soul-journey unknowingly in the lost and found bin?

I think this is where our soulmate comes to find us, rescue us from the darkness, and be saved for another day in forever forever.

With newfound eyes, one can look out to those seemingly far horizons, which now look a tad closer, actually within arm’s reach. You know what to do, take action on what is next on your human agenda. Following another is a bit like following another dog’s rear end, not that sometimes it’s necessary to seek out the best advice in order to reach one’s goal, no, remember there is no goal, just moving forward with ya mate, buddy, Curiosity. Remember, movement is life; now let’s dance this baby home forward into Tomorrowland, where the box of jewels is waiting, for you friend.

Blessings, the world has turned towards the humans.