The Power Couple
By Dina Morrone
Darcy and Corinne Cavanaugh, successful entrepreneurs, from Alberta, Canada, sat down in Los Angeles to speak with The Eden Magazine.
This power couple’s mission is to make a difference in others’ lives, one day at a time through their knowledge and experience, by giving back to those in need, and promoting good health through their company, Salvation Nutraceuticals Inc., with their product GSH+.
Corinne and Darcy, please tell us a little bit about yourselves? Where are you from, and where did you grow up?
Corinne: I was born in Northern Alberta in a small farming community town called Fairview Alberta, Canada. I lived there with my parents and my youngest brother until I was ten, and we moved the family to Red Deer, Alberta, in 1980. From there, I graduated high school and went to the local community college for legal assistance. After working in a legal office for two years, I became a chiropractic assistant. I worked in the office for four years until Darcy, and I started a family.
Darcy: I was born and raised in a small town in Central Alberta, very close to Red Deer, Innisfail Alberta. My parents moved to an acreage just outside of Red Deer. I lived there until I graduated from high school and went on to University at the University of Alberta, where I finished my commerce degree. Corinne and I met in high school. We are high school sweethearts. We’ve known each other for 36 years, and this June 26th, 2020, will make 27 years that we’ve been married.
Corinne: Now we have two sons, Nathan, 23, and Justin 17, who still lives at home.
What made you become an entrepreneurial couple?
Corinne: It fell into our laps.
Darcy: I want to say it’s been evolving over the last 30 years while I was in the insurance industry. We have worked together for that long as well. Corinne has been working at home, and I’m working in the office. We always supported each other, everything that I did at work I shared at home, and everything she did at home she shared with me.
Corinne: We support each other on all of our business journeys. That’s the secret sauce of how we function well as an entrepreneurial couple. I supported Darcy with his business for all those years in the insurance industry, and I had to be home and keep everything going smoothly and take care of the kids.
Darcy: Yes, she ran the business at home.
Corinne: When I started doing my own thing, with Style by Corinne, and even some of the other business endeavors before that, Darcy was there to support me and help me evolve.
Darcy: What triggered my exit from the insurance industry were my boys. Both our sons always wanted to work with their Dad, but didn’t want to be in the insurance business.
Corinne: So, part of being an entrepreneurial couple was having Darcy exit the insurance business, and starting our own business so that we could all do this as a family.
Darcy: We’ve been branded the Conscious Couple, and it was a conscious decision to move forward as entrepreneurs and be in business together as a family. This was a very easy transition because we have always worked together as a team and family in life.
Corinne: Our mission is to help others by doing good for our community and, hopefully, on an international scale.
Darcy: We want to focus on giving back on a larger scale.
How did you first embark on the path of
becoming entrepreneurs?
Corinne: It started with the choices we made as young adults with our education in college and University. I had a lot of knowledge from the legal system, and we were both educated with business and commerce. Right from the beginning, we wanted to use this knowledge to help others.
Darcy: Yes, and my 30 years in the insurance industry, I counseled a lot of businesses that I helped ensure. The businesses would tell me their lows and their successes. I also learned a lot about a different variety of businesses that I was insuring. That created a base for how to start our own business. I owned the company too, so I was active in the ownership portion of it and running a business.
Corinne: Running your own business allows you to go in the direction that your passions are.
Darcy: Unfortunately, I want to say with regards to that is I wasn’t able to pick my partners in the insurance business, and I had to work with them. As I stated earlier, what triggered us leaving the insurance business was our boys wanting to get involved with our family business and whatever that looked like. Another important reason was being able to align ourselves with the people we want to partner with, not who I was told to partner with.
Corinne: Partnering with people of your choice is a beautiful thing. When you’re running your own business, you can choose who you want to work with and who works for you.
What advice would you give to young
entrepreneurs who have dreams of making
a difference in our society?
Darcy: I would say find your passion and do business from your heart. External, internal, eternal. External is a business idea. A young entrepreneur may get a business idea in their head. Internally, your head is a filter. If you can filter what is in your head into your heart, and then continuously send it back into the world and keep it coming from your heart, you can be successful.
Corinne: Success will continue to follow you when you’re following a passion through your heart. The universe will guide you and allow that to happen. When you’re following your passion and where your heart is leading you, you will experience many naysayers. You really have to block that out and know that you’re doing the right things for you.
Darcy: I always say “never chase the money, let the money chase you.” If you chase money, which is an external thing, and too many entrepreneurs these days do, it ends up stifling their creativity, passion, and drive that should be coming from the heart.
Corinne: Pretty soon, you can start losing focus and start panicking because you’re not successful, and the money isn’t coming. This may cause you to try all these other things that are not fueled by passion or what drives you, and you become miserable.
Darcy: What drives a lot of people is money. It is the individual that should be driven, not the money driving them.
Corinne: Some of the most successful people in the world are just an empty tin can. They have all this money, but they’re empty inside.
Darcy: Success isn’t measured just by dollars and cents. If you have a business and it’s internal coming from the heart, the money will chase you around everywhere you go. When you’re doing good and you’re doing a good thing, it’ll capture attention, and people will invest in you. The money will chase you.
Corinne: This is what we tell our young sons. Our 23-year-old just graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in commerce, and he’s working for us. They’re both up and coming entrepreneurs, our oldest one already is. That’s our advice that we give our own kids.
Darcy: Take that leap of faith.
Corinne: Yes, and don’t let fear stifle you and hold you back. I know about fear, and I decided it was time to go for it. I found what’s on the other side of fear is so amazing.
What has been the most challenging aspect of running your own business?
Corinne: A challenging aspect is always the economy.
Darcy: For me, aligning yourself with like-minded good people can be challenging. There are a lot of predators and corruption out there that will put on a facade that they’re good people, but they’re not. They have a hidden agenda. That’s a challenge.
Corinne: To source that out and to find that is very difficult.
How do you vet/filter the people you would like to work with in business?
Corinne: We go by their energy, we run our business very intuitively.
Darcy: Energy and using intuition. Even on the surface, we ask them for a shopping list of what their wants and needs are. A lot of that will come out on that shopping list.
Corinne: You can read a lot about a person from that, what their visions are, and what they’re doing currently for business.
Darcy: Yes, and what they want to accomplish.
Corinne: It’s a lot of that, and right now, we can’t meet people in person face to face as much due to COVID-19. It’s a little difficult when a lot of our business right now is remote. What we have found is having them forward us a shopping list has been very beneficial.
Darcy: In one of our recent ventures, we let a business partner go. The first thing on their shopping list was money and online shopping as soon as we have cash flow in the business. That gave us great insight into where they were heading. They are chasing the money. We had another business relationship, and we’re parting ways with him too. We haven’t really invested too much money, more time, and mentoring. We asked him for his shopping list, and it was that he wanted to use our money to buy a new house when his business is just breaking even now. He’s chasing the money. These are just a few examples.
Darcy: Relationships, life, and business are all the same. They are all in the same lane. If you use the same criteria for all three, you’re golden.
Corinne: It isn’t different than when you’re meeting someone to be in a relationship. In your head, you know you’re looking for someone with specific qualities or values. That’s how it is when you’re looking for any relationship with someone. You have a shopping list.
How have you dealt with obstacles in your life?
Corinne: It’s about how quickly you can jump back from obstacles and disappointments.
Darcy: Look for solutions and don’t keep bringing up the problem.
Corinne: It’s important not to keep harboring on the negative.
Darcy: Compromising is important, too, in overcoming obstacles.
Corinne: Also, staying positive. I always say when you take your garbage to the curb you, leave it at the curb, and you don’t keep bringing it back into the house. That’s part of resiliency and moving forward to get over the obstacles. Everything is about perception and mindset. The longer you dwell on negativity and obstacles, it will stifle you. Your energy flow and business will be stifled because you can’t get over or deal with your obstacles. It’s very much a mental game. It’s something that all entrepreneurs have to learn, and it’s a muscle, how to get over obstacles and how to handle them.
Darcy: It’s not any different than fear. Overcoming obstacles has an underlying tone of fear. When you come up to an obstacle, you’re fearful of jumping over the hurdle.
Corinne: Yes, or fearful of dealing with it head-on. It’s all in perception and mindset. That doesn’t just happen. It takes work. Sometimes you have to go through it in your mind more than once a day like you’re exercising your muscle.
Darcy: Yes, and if you keep exercising the wrong muscle and not jumping over that hurdle and finding the solution, practice makes permanent. That permanent could be bad.
Tell us about your new product, GSH+, and how it can be beneficial.
Darcy: The name of our company is Salvation Nutraceuticals Inc., and our product name is GSH+. The product is an optimal immune therapy formula. GSH+ is the acronym for glutathione, a naturally occurring molecule in your body. Your body uses it as an antioxidant, a free radical scavenger, and a detoxifying agent capable of preventing damage to important cellular components. Our product triggers the production of glutamine, and it also has the breakthrough ingredient, an antioxidant powerhouse called NACET. We are the only product that has this. NACET increases the bioavailability of glutathione up to 65% compared to 5% in the leading treatment used in medical hospitals. Among many other positive contributions, NACET has been shown to reduce viral load during viral infections. It also increases the absorption of vital nutrients to combat harmful free radicals to optimize your immune system.
Corinne: Our product promotes intracellular immune function, enhances respiratory function, helps boost the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, supports cognitive function, increases energy levels, provides powerful liver support, supports the bioavailability of key ingredients, may help regulate blood sugars, supports muscle strength and endurance, and elevates a sense of well-being. I like to think of this product as your invisible mask, and it is your best defense against COVID-19.
What inspired you to create this product?
Corinne: Our inspiration has always been to help others and be ambassadors of goodness.
Darcy: We are good people aligning ourselves with other good people to do great things and give back. It even started with our own health and wellness. We were taking similar types of products, but they just didn’t have the horsepower or a WOW factor. Most people in this world take a supplement and expect to see a benefit in the first week. If they don’t, they will stop taking it. We are a very immediate result society, so our own health and wellness journey really led us here.
Corinne: It also led us to Dr. Morris in Utah.
Darcy: Dr. Morris had been studying and researching the formula for over a year doing human testing and clinical trials.
Corinne: He realized how amazing his formula was, but he had a hard time finding markets for it, distribution and manufacturing on a larger scale. Through contacts of ours, we were led to him, and we were willing to move ahead with him.
Darcy: They needed the business minds to take it to market.
Corinne: That’s how it started. Knowing how amazing the product is, allows us to help people, which is our passion. This product has so many benefits to the human body. With so many people having many health issues, this product will augment their health and help them.
Darcy: The name “Salvation” was used for a reason. The definition of Salvation is the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, or destruction. That is what this product does.
Corinne: That’s what we want to help society with.
Darcy: Our mission statement is to inspire people throughout the globe to achieve better health and well-being through the power of un-paralleled innovative health products.
What is your Philanthropic vision?
Darcy: Our philosophy and where we like to focus our money is on health and wellness and the environment. That’s what our product is, health and wellness. Our largest philanthropic play so far has been with Sir Elton John, for the AIDS foundation at the Oscars, and our biggest environmental donation was for a Virgin Unite non-profit.
Corinne: Moving forward, those two areas will be our main focus; environment, health, and well-being.
Darcy: We are looking into opportunities for giving money to or funding a wellness clinic. We had some previous discussions with a group that was setting up windmills and solar farms in Mongolia as well on the environmental side. We had visited making a philanthropic donation there. It would be put towards a sustainable energy solution. We’re working on some tech right now too, that I call the Oscar. I named him Oscar from Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street. He lived in a trash can. What the tech does is process garbage. You would throw your bag of garbage into the machine. From there, it produces fuel, crude, electricity, fertilizer, and it fuels itself because there is so much energy around the process. This is also sustainable energy, so there wouldn’t be any more landfills.
Corinne: We are doing trial runs with it right now, and that is something that we will be bringing forth.
Darcy: It’s a big environmental business we are working on.
Special Thanks to:
Darcey & Corinne
Candice Bar
Dina Morrone
Lesley Jean Photography | @lesleyjeanphotography