Dear readers,
Of all the editor’s letters I’ve written, this one is by far the most meaningful so far. What an amazing time to celebrate our 10th Anniversary in publication as we turn over into the new decade of 2020. I’m so grateful to our team members, writers and all the contributors who work very hard every month making it possible for us to be here celebrating such a momentous anniversary.
The story of how the magazine came to life all began in 2010 while living in Los Angeles while taking care of my mother who was battling Alzheimer’s. I felt how many people feel when dealing with challenges in their life without answers; frustrated, alone, scared and wanting to make things better.
With a Graphic Design degree, I had past experience in the industry publishing a small, black and white print magazine called, “Critter”, when I lived in Savannah, Georgia. The content was primarily based around Animal Shelters and Animal Rescuers, but I wanted to focus on more than animals. This led me to the idea of creating a publication that could be a bridge between those seeking answers and those who have a solution.
The Eden Magazine was officially born in January 2010, with only 20 pages and just a few readers. Today it reaches over one million readers from around the world. The goal of the magazine has always been to help people find a better way to live and to focus spreading compassion to all sentient beings living in a healing and peaceful world.
I’m passionate about highlighting people who support charities and have a keen awareness of the environment and all living beings. Over the years I’ve been fortunate to feature celebrities, environmentalists, animal rights activists, athletes, artists and musicians.
The Eden Magazine has been a labor of love from all our contributors who have stood strong together in one voice for the past ten years, believing our mission and trusting our path, never losing sight of what it represents.
But none of it would matter if we didn’t have readers like you who agreed with and believed in our mission. Thank you for your continuous support and for being part of the Eden team by sharing our messages and extending your compassion out into the world.
My Best wishes to all the family of The Eden Magazine for 2020.
With deep gratitude,
Maryam Morrison

Maryam Morrison
Editor in Chief, The Eden Magazine