Steve Farrell
Transforming Ideas into Reality
Steve Farrell is a visionary leader and innovative thinker whose work has left an indelible mark on today’s world.
Steve has consistently pushed the boundaries of what’s possible, blending creativity with practical solutions to drive transformative changes. In this interview with Steve, we invite you into his inspiring journey, uncovering the passion and principles that fuel his relentless pursuit of excellence. Discover the insights and wisdom of a true pioneer and how Steve continues to shape the future with his groundbreaking ideas and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.
Interview by Dina Morrone
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In what city were you born?
I was born in Hawaii on Oahu at St. Francis Hospital. My dad had gone to the Naval Academy, and when I was born, he was in the Navy on submarines. We frequently moved between the East Coast, Maine, where they harbor those submarines, the West Coast, Vallejo, and Hawaii.
When you think back to your childhood, what stands out?
My family was awesome. There were six of us siblings plus our parents and a dog. My growing-up experience was fantastic. We had this little home, only 1,388 square feet. At the time, I thought we were growing up in the upper middle class. I don’t know where I got that from, but that’s what I thought, and so to me, life was great. Even though my parents got divorced when I was in 6th Grade, and I would see my dad less frequently, I talked to him regularly on the phone. I wouldn’t change anything from my childhood.
To this day, my brothers and sisters are all incredible people. Over Mother’s Day weekend, I was in Southern Virginia, with my two brothers and my mother, who’s now 91.
Growing up, what did you aspire to become?
I didn’t think a lot about what I would grow up to be. As a child, I loved the outdoors and had a rich life outdoors with nature and animals. Eventually, I went to college to become a veterinarian because I loved animals. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be incredible to be a veterinarian and spend all day with animals?” That was my naïve thinking when I first started college. The reason I say naïve is, of course, that’s a pre-med focus, which means math and science, and that was not my thing at all. I was much better in the humanities, subjects like English and history. Political science ended up becoming my major.
How did your upbringing shape the person you became in Silicon Valley and the one you are today?
I had a lot of part-time jobs from an early age, including being a newspaper boy. My parents instilled in me the hard-working theme of buckling down and applying myself. Another part of it, which I bring up in my book A New Universal Dream is that in the ‘70s I was reading The Washington Post about emerging CO2 emissions and thinking, I’m young and don’t have a hand in how the world runs, but I was thinking, “I’m sure there are adults everywhere reading these very same stories. We’ve got to be getting our arms around this here now and figure out how to reduce our CO2 emissions and take good care of this planet.”
It was quite a surprise as I was growing up that we weren’t paying attention to this.
When did you move to the West Coast?
We were living in Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C., and right out of college, I was called to move to San Francisco for work. The move was rather jarring because I was so well integrated into my lifestyle back east, so moving to San Francisco at 21 and not knowing anybody wasn’t easy. It was at that point that I realized life was a little more challenging than I was accustomed to. It took me about three years before I really started feeling at home on the West Coast.
You seem like a positive person.
I’m definitely a glass-half-full person. That’s my outlook now as we’re here with these challenges on Earth. I’m very hopeful. I believe we’re on our way. I know we’ll get to these things, but I’m very hopeful and very positive about the future that we’re creating.
When did you realize you’d be embarking on an incredible spiritual journey that would change your life forever?
I grew up in the Catholic church as an altar boy, which was quite restrictive as a church back in the ‘70s. But I did have this other relationship with the God of my understanding that was quite different from that restrictive one. My other relationship with God made me feel loved and supported, that the wind was at my back, and that even the call to move to the West Coast felt like a Divine thing.
When I read Conversations with God in the mid-’90s, that was huge. It whacked me over the head in a positive way because there, the God of my understanding was actually speaking to me and bringing more color and depth to all of what I had already felt in terms of explaining life and the revolving door between non-physical and physical and that we are all one, that our thoughts are creating our reality, that there is no punishing or judging God. That was a massive new pivot for me. During my spiritual journey, through that process, I came into a whole new self-identification where I realized that I would no longer identify as Steve Farrell as this body born from Linda and Joe and here for this limited lifetime.
I moved to this new self-identification that my parents had delivered me. They were the airport terminal from the Divine, from where we all come as daughters and sons of the most high with all of those same properties: everlasting life and unlimited potential. That then colored my whole worldview and, ultimately, how I would spend my life.
When I started Humanity’s Team with Neale Donald Walsch in June 2003, that was an even more substantial stepping-stone I was now committing my whole professional life to this work, which we now call the Conscious Journey in Humanity’s Team. In this work, we see people all over the world who are conscious and who are stretching into more and more levels of higher consciousness.
It’s all been about my journey and supporting people on this conscious journey. Ultimately, what the conscious journey is about is that all the basic needs of people and the planet are met. The existential crisis is healed. There’s alchemy. We remedy the sixth great mass extinction. The conscious journey creates this delicious life for us individually, but then when enough of us, the 8% to 10% of us, are living this delicious life, there will be a tipping point, and from that, a whole new way of living on the Earth.
You grew up Catholic. What do you say to religious conservatives who don’t like you using the word God? Or atheists who don’t acknowledge a God. How do you speak to them and convince them to listen?
Let me speak to it in two ways. I will start by addressing them with a lot of compassion. We started Humanity’s Team in Europe, where God is a very loaded word. A lot of compassion is needed to accept their feelings because the reason they don’t like the word God is they’ve been spanked and judged and thrown all over the place in so many horrible ways that it’s become a loaded term they don’t want anything to do with. After all, this is where the Crusades and
Roman Inquisition took place that created so much pain and suffering. I get it, and I have compassion for them, and how they’ve had to deal with that, how they maybe still are dealing with it.
There may be substantial trauma in their life from this term God. I would begin by saying to them, “Let’s use another word.” As we know, science and spirituality bridge in a more and more complete way. This means we can use interchangeable words The Universe, cosmos, love, and life, can be interchangeable with God and the Divine. Even with an atheist,
I will share that the important thing from my perspective is that they can understand what science is saying. For example, Nassim Haramein sounds like a preacher, but he’s a physicist. He says we are inseparable from the universe. He says you’re sovereign to the universe, to the cosmos, which is to say, there’s no cosmos, there’s no universe without you, inseparable. From the science of that, the posture you can walk around in, the self-awareness, the compassion, the self-empowerment that can come from that are incredible.
I want that for all people. To study the science of it. If you don’t like the word God, come to understand this unified field is a term that a lot of scientists like to use for the cosmos and universe.
If we get that and start living into that alone, that we’re inseparable from that, that we’re a key, there’s a puzzle piece missing without you, then the kind of life that you can live in terms of your self-image and empowered life is amazing. Because if you’re sovereign to something, you’re incredibly loved by it, that it’s inoperable without you. This is the thing, for people to be able to live into this, what they’re bringing as a contribution to the whole unified field: cosmos, universe, life, and love.
This is the first and most important thing people can bring into their daily practice, live into that, and ultimately have a delicious life. The key thing I want for every person on the planet is that they can live a rich life from this understanding. And where God or the Divine aren’t seen as terrible terms. Then, you can start bringing in spiritual properties, which can enhance this further because we feel our everlasting life and the love of the Divine. We understand we are actually never alone because there is no separation. And where this can be a part of your daily practice, where you’re loving, letting in the extent to which you are incredibly loved by the one which I call God or the Divine. At this point, we can embrace our relationship with the Divine.
If we could get the whole planet to understand your message, there would never be another war.
Yes. You are exactly right. Meeting all the basic needs of people and the planet. This includes an end to war, only clean water for everybody, stewarding the planet, women and family empowerment, and no human trafficking. There is more, of course, but this gets us started. These would all be remedied. It’s not pie in the sky at all. It was Albert Einstein in 1921 who said that the greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation. Then there is the quote where he goes a little deeper and says there’s this optical delusion that we suffer from that creates this prison for us and causes us to create affinity just for those closest to us, our family members. He says our job has to be to free ourselves from this prison. That’s some pretty strong language. He goes on to say that we should embrace the whole of humanity, the earth, nature, and its beauty, which is exactly what Humanity’s Team is up to.
The words “conscious living” get thrown around a lot. What is conscious living?
That’s such an important question because it is being thrown around.
Consciously, what is this? As we know, there are mystical teachings going back to Plato and Hippocrates and before. Now, there’s all the science everywhere supporting these mystical teachings. The book Conversations with God was radical in the ‘90s when it came out. It’s not so radical today. You realize, in some ways, it’s a summary of what the mystical teachings were and what science is affirming.
There’s actually very little in there, notwithstanding the Ten Commitments and not the Ten Commandments. That’s new. There are a few other things as well, there is no “right” and “wrong” for example. Most of it is actually our teachings that are already out in the world. You often hear about reading literacy and math literacy. There’s such a thing as spiritual literacy. Spiritual literacy is where we deeply understand through taking the time to go through courses.
Humanity’s Team offers lots free courses that describe a deep connectionbetween all of life in the universe, that everything is deeply connected and interrelated and interdependent. Indeed, this is what science is bringing it back to, that there’s one global consciousness of which we are all a part of. When I say conscious living, I’m talking about being conscious of that, not only conscious from the standpoint of our mind but wisdom center of our soul.
When we understand that we’re one, and it’s not just a logic center of mind thing, but rather something we’re
living in, and that we’re embodying and expressing. It’s a different way of living in the world with this open-heartedness. We’re basically nurturing life, as is our highest priority. We’re conscious of this; we’re conscious of the science, and we’re conscious of the mystical teachings. It’s not just in our minds. It’s that we’re embodying and expressing those. We’ve moved that down into the fullness of our daily living as individuals. That’s what conscious living is, where we’re really living in the fullness of that.
Tell me about the Galileo moment.
Now, in a sense, there is where we are, we’re having a Galileo moment. Galileo, in the early 1600s, was a scientist, physicist, and astronomer based in Italy. Back then, the church and the whole world believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. This was canon, a deeply religious and scientific belief. That is until Copernicus and then Galileo came along with their research, which shows that it’s just not true.
We’re in a solar system. We revolve around the sun. We’re at the edge of the observable universe. We’re not at the center at all. He was in a whole lot of trouble for that, under house arrest at the end of his life, and was almost killed. Essentially, what happened is you had one man who stood up and carried the load for all of us so we could live into a truthful reality and not a false reality. Now, in a sense, today, this is where we are, we’re having a Galileo moment. What I mean by that is we’re living under this false reality that Einstein and Schroeder and David Bohn,
Plato, and Hippocrates, the list goes on, where science is affirming that we’re not separated selves at all.
Of course, there are more mainstream news articles coming out now sharing that everything is deeply interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent and that, in fact, there is just one consciousness. Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933 said “quantum physics thus reveals a basic Oneness of the universe.”
Basically, it’s saying everything deeply affects everything. There’s an energetic entanglement that exists between all things and there’s no such thing as a truly separated self. Returning to the Galileo moment, the way we all grew up, is that it’s a me, me, me reality. It’s a separate self of I want to do this, and I think I might like that and so on. We’re not thinking into and living from the expression of the connectedness or the Oneness of which we are a part, which is a “we” more than a “me” thing.
If we look at these ills in today’s world, there are so many people who are challenged, plagued with anxiety, fatigue, and a lot more including depression. It is the illusion of separation that causes this. If we weren’t feeling alone, if we felt a part of this connected universe and loved, we wouldn’t be feeling those things at all.
The problem here is we don’t have a single Galileo who can stand up and carry the burden for us, that can clear this whole separated self-problem in today’s world. It really is going to take all of us. This is what our personal awakening is. This is what our conscious journey is, where we realize it’s a false narrative, that we’re a separated self, this “me” thing. Our own personal awakening, our own living into that, and ultimately, our own open-heartedness and service. Instead of one person in the early 1600s, now it will take 8% to 10% of the planet, that’s 800 million people, to create this huge shift, the shift of the ages that has been prophesied over time. It’s a Galileo moment. One person can’t do it. Today, it’s going to take 800 million of us to do it.
How are you bringing more awareness to Humanity’s Team?
We are in a massive movement right now to create public awareness. Next, I will be going to the Cannes Film Festival to talk to these different impact funds. Then there’s someone at an organization who has committed to me that he’ll get me on a TEDx stage, and I’ll have a minimum of 50,000 views.
I’m going to do that, and we’re going to go far and wide with that. Then, beyond that, we have a massive public awareness thing going on with podcasts I’ve done in the last year and podcast-staged events, anything and everything we’re looking at because the number one thing that we’re focused on right now, which is the basis of your question, is public awareness.
We’re celebrating Global Oneness Day for its 15th year in October. One donor came in and said, “Okay, here’s some money. Go to the United Nations and get Global Oneness Day on their calendar. They have the International Day Of Peace.”
It’s not just Humanity’s Team with its summit, but the whole world, like International Day of Peace. We met with two ambassadors from the U.N. this week. We are positive and hopeful that we are going to get this on the U.N. calendar like the International Day of Peace. This is significant because when we come from Oneness, we are united, we work together, and we implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are so important. We’re already reaching out to the president of the United Nations to see if he wants to champion this thing.
The Eden Magazine is thrilled to do our part in helping spread your message.
Thank you. In all these campaigns we’re working on, we connect the dots between today’s world and what’s going on and the whole aspect of raising consciousness, which Einstein said so beautifully, “No problem can be solved at the current level of the consciousness that created it.” We’re investing all of our organization in public awareness campaigns, educational programs and outreach to help draw attention to ultimate reality as we now understand it – there is no true separation of anything from anything. We’re on a mission.
Did you ever doubt that Humanity’s Team would not succeed?
There was a time years ago that I openly share today, when we had no revenue, no way to compensate our team, no way to pay expenses. The odds that I put on its ability to survive were only 5% to 10%. I don’t think I was reading that wrong, but a miracle happened. We created a masterclass that was an enormous success.
We brought in a science-based masterclass with Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and the HeartMath leaders, Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin. Nothing had ever come to the scene like that, and it was a wild success. We were a small organization at the time, and we had 1,300 people enroll in it. That gave Humanity’s Team the shot in the arm to create this whole new day that allowed us to scale and grow into who we are.
In what ways can Humanity’s Team contribute to fostering a more conscious and compassionate global community, especially in today’s challenging times?
Let me tell a story that will get at the answer to that. It’s a story that was told to me that I’m repeating. Imagine we’re walking along a river. We’re noticing that there are more and more bodies that are coming down that are damaged, hurt, and even that have already transitioned. Also, other life forms from the planet are damaged, hurt, and in need of aid. The first thing we’d do is say, “This is horrible,” and then we would go about administering first aid for these people and things that were coming downriver. We would support them and create healing. Then we would say, “My God, what is upstream?” What’s the causal factor that is creating all of this destruction that seems to be getting worse? We wouldn’t stop by giving first aid on the shore. We would go upstream to find the causal factor that was behind all this. That’s what
Humanity’s Team is doing. We must do something about this.
We have become the largest global streaming platform for consciousness-raising, masterclasses, and transformational education. It’s called Humanity Stream+ and has all these live programs. There’s this huge community that we’ve created where people come in and watch live programs, sometimes more than one a day, go through video training, come to our global oneness summit, and watch our free programs. It’s a true community that supports people who are living consciously. We can stretch and deepen our own conscious living. I look at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Women Empowerment, Families Empowered, ecology, and Jeff Bezos Earth Fund and think we’re probably the most effective channel for all of these organizations because we’re going to the causal factor that addresses the source of these problems the organizations care so deeply about.
What is your idea of the American dream today?
This is the American Dream at its basis. It started as something positive for the whole earth, promoting equal opportunity and equal education.
Then it morphed into something different. It began to focus on big business, fame, fortune, and power over people and the planet. There is nothing wrong with creating big business as long as it is conscious. We can create businesses where there is a need, but we must ask, “Will this business nurture homes, communities, countries, and the world around us? Is it going to have a positive impact?” Then, of course, that’s fantastic. Humanity’s Team has a conscious business program and a team that supports people launching these businesses that can grow into large enterprises. They are here to help support people and the planet. What’s happened is the American Dream has lost its way. Many businesses are not pointed in a healthy direction. The focus is just top and bottom line, just revenue and profit. Businesses like this can become like a locust, adding no real value at all. I started two companies in Silicon Valley that each grew to $75 million in revenue, but I walked away from technology-based entrepreneurship because I was called to something else. My still, small voice guided me to another direction for my life. It said, “You’ve got other things that are more spiritual or conscious in nature where you can make a contribution. You have to close doors to let new doors open.”
Do you plan to invite politicians and religious leaders to collaborate with you?
I look forward to speaking to religious leaders, politicians, technology elites, and financiers. My focus is public awareness and getting in front of any audience, especially audiences that can have real reach and impact. What we’re talking about has no boundaries. You can have any political orientation or religious orientation. I can bring this to a level where I don’t see it contradicting all these other beliefs. People ask me, “Are you a Christian?”
I say, “Yes, Jesus was surely sent by God. I’m probably a Buddhist, too.” I believe Buddha was sent by the Most High, same with Christ and the same with Abraham, Moses, and Solomon; I believe in all of them. I don’t have an exclusivist understanding where I think this one was the only one and that which goes against their teachings, Jesus was the most loving, compassionate, healing, and giving soul the world has ever seen.
Humanity’s Team is a nonprofit. How do you keep the humanitiesteam thriving and successful? And how can people who are readingthis interview help?
We have a raising global consciousness campaign ongoing right now. We just had a donor walk in the last 48 hours with a $40,000 matching grant. I will raise that $40,000, and then we must fully develop this fast-start team to raise global consciousness for 800 million people. There’s another sum of money larger than that we are raising to begin a massive public awareness campaign and scaling project to support our mission. Consciousness-raising requires that we raise capital, and in a hurry. We can go to any stage, speak on any stage, virtually or physically, take people through this whole vision, take them into the budget, the allocation that we’ve created for this 21-year-old organization.
We call ourselves shovel-ready in the sense that we have a mature team. We’re now the largest global streaming platform for consciousness-raising masterclasses and transformational education, and we want to expand it. We’re already translating new masterclasses into 75 languages but there is so much more we can do and need to do if we’re going to get to the tipping point by 2040.
We invite people to go to changinghumanitysfuture.com to read about that initiative and volunteer financially or contribute or help in any way possible.
Is there a place you’d like to travel to?
My honest answer is that I don’t have a place I’d like to travel to. I don’t feel the need to travel anywhere unless it’s to head someplace to bring awareness to what we are doing. I was on my knees in prayer this morning, saying, “Don’t let me close my eyes for that last time until we’re at the tipping point.”
Where do you call home?
Boulder, Colorado. I have been there since 2007. I love it there.
How do you spend your time when you’re not working?
I’m married and have two young adults, a 19-year-old and a 22-year-old. I love my family and my dog. We spend a lot of quality time. Living a balanced life is part of living a conscious life. There are strategic things going on seven days a week. My prayer, which is not a prayer of Supplication is more of a prayer of belief. We have 800 million people join us in a new renaissance where we unite to live consciously on Earth.
Do you have any parting words for our readers?
We have such a bright, beautiful future when we pull together. Humanity’s Team’s goal is to have 8 billion people interconnected globally, where we can come together and see the simplicity, even as there’s complexity in what we’ve been talking about. There’s this basic human operating system driven by our soul, with that still small voice where we’re guided and where we start living in this connected state, which science affirms is true.
When we are mature, we see our connection and we become responsible to each other. Then, we take positive action to support the whole. We are on a mission to unite humanity so we may create a compassionate, sustainable, and flourishing earth for current and future generations.
It’s a hopeful message that we’re well on our way and have already covered a great distance. You could even say the hardest part of this journey is behind us. Now, we just need to deepen this journey for ourselves, invite and engage others, which is what we’re doing here, and then come into these abundant lives and create this whole way of living beautifully on the planet in a very simplistic and sustainable way.
I invite people to stay hopeful and avoid falling into a sense of despair, fatigue, or deep isolation. Please don’t do that. It is a false narrative. We don’t want to live in an illusion of separation. We’ve got a lot of free programs that
explore conscious living on our website, humanitysteam.org. We’re engaged in something that is helping us to live a more beautiful life. We can do this. We are doing this. Let’s be hopeful. Let’s be positive. Let’s be contributors, and let’s get this job done. Kids are being born onto the planet; they deserve this.
Special thanks to:
Steve Ferrell
Photography by:
Benjamin Buren
Alive Studios: https://alivestudios.com/