Life Coach, Self-Help Expert
If you’ve grown weary of self-help books giving you step-by-step instructions on how to be happy and achieve success, the new series “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha” promises to provide a better approach to accomplishing your goals and living a fulfilling life.
Haisha is a life coach, self-help expert, and author who regularly speaks to audiences around the world. She provides insight and guidance into areas including interpersonal communication, marriage and parenting, self-awareness, relationships and goal setting. Haisha has built an exclusive private practice, providing one-on-one counseling to executives, celebrities and other notables who want to better connect with themselves and others, improve their leadership skills and create a legacy.
Like her clients, she found her new career by being present in the moment and open to her opportunities. After working as a film producer and actress over four years straight, Haisha was stressed and unhealthy. She decided to take a break. For her, a break was getting a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. It turned out she was a natural fit. One of her professors touted that “one session with Lisa is equal to 10 years of counseling.” Soon after, her classmates and friends began seeing her for coaching. Word spread, and she was asked to help actors on set. “It grew organically,” explains Haisha. She soon realized, “this is where I’m supposed to be.”
Merging her experience from counseling friends and classmates with those from her travels, Haisha developed SoulBlazing, her method of life coaching. SoulBlazing is an interactive process of therapy that draws on Haisha’s counseling background as well as her experience in improvisation. She uses the impostor model with clients to help them discover the masks they wear as different characters in their lives. She also uses these masks to explore the who, what, when, where and why of those characters. She then guides clients in a process of self-discovery as to how they use these masks to get what they want and authentically need, or how these characters can be used as weapons. Haisha also brings into her practice different modalities she learned in school as well as her travels: Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, Shamanism, and eye gazing.
In conjunction with SoulBlazing life coaching, Haisha has created the video series “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha.” The first season just released on Amazon Prime Video, consists of 15-episodes each of which features an interview with a different person who excels in their respective field and has overcome obstacles to achieve success. The guests include Harry Hamlin, Lee Aronsohn, Elina Furhman, Maria Conchita Alonso and Isabaelle Furhman among others. From this series, viewers are able to gain an understanding of the common behaviors and practices that lead to success and learn how to establish a positive momentum in their lives.
According to Haisha, one take away from the interviews is that the guests did not reach their goals by having a strict five, 10 or fifteen-year life plans, but rather, they were present in the moment. They were “tuning out the noise of tomorrow or yesterday,” so that they could be open to the opportunities of the moment. By being present in the moment, and listening to their own desires, new opportunities presented themselves. Once they had found and described their new paths, Haisha then focuses on the energy and discipline it takes to move forward. Beyond the lessons they teach, the shows are interesting to watch. Haisha has a gentle way of interviewing her guests to lead them to talk about their journeys, their epiphanies, and their struggles.
According to Haisha, “A lot can be learned by listening to others and how their behaviors, actions, strategies, and philosophies lead to success. What viewers will find is there are a lot of common denominators and similar approaches among these people, which provide a solid foundation and, in some cases, a complete blueprint that others can use to accomplish goals and live a fulfilling life.”
SoulBlazing also has an online component on her website. Haisha offers online life coaching with additional video and interview content to offer additional inspiration. Through the website, clients can also learn to be a SoulBlazing life coach and follow in Haisha’s life-changing footsteps. She also offers leadership classes for children and adults.
The successes brought about by SoulBlazing for Haisha’s clients has to lead their personal and professional success. Luminary leaders, Haisha’s newest project, is aimed at business professionals in the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. While the focus of Luminary Leaders is corporations and groups, the coaching is both personal and professional. Haisha explains, “In order to do well in business, you need to fix yourself first.” Business only works well when you “enjoy what you do, and it is not drudgery for the dollar.”
Haisha views travel as essential for personal and professional growth. Having traveled to more than 60 countries on seven continents, Haisha has observed and researched the behaviors and social practices of other cultures. She has visited wellness centers around the globe and brings those healing modalities into her practice of SoulBlazing.
Haisha finds great fulfillment in her charitable work personally and recognizes that it is professionally beneficial as well. She has philanthropic projects all over the world which have blossomed into group philanthropic tours, a charitable foundation and a yearly gala. Haisha is the author of Whispers from Children’s Hearts, an inspiring and fascinating look into the minds and hearts of children she has met through her philanthropic work around the world. The success of the book led to the formation of the Whispers from Children’s Hearts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to recognizing and supporting charities that benefit the needs of children.
Expect more from Lisa Haisha. She is completing her book on SoulBlazing which is expected out in 2019 as well as the memoir of her travels which is expected in 2020. A great place to get started with Haisha’s SoulBlazing techniques and to learn about other people’s paths is her new series on Amazon Prime, “SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha.”