Richard Garnier
By Phyllis King
Richard Garnier is a hybrid of healer, mentor, and scholar. Along his journey around the globe to acquire tools and wisdom, he was given the title of “Mongu”, meaning Magic Healer. A title bestowed upon only a few by Balinese masters. Richard heals with his hands and his heart. He is nothing short of remarkable for helping people experience life-altering results. His book, “Your Health with Your Eyes Closed” shares secrets and wisdom about healing and how we all can live happier lives.
I read that your grandfather was a big influence early in your life. Please tell us a little bit about some of the things you learned from him when you were a young man?
He was a farmer. He gave me my first knowledge about listening to the moon. If you want to plant anything, listen to the moon, the planet. It opened my mind. It was also very practical teaching. For example, if you want the lettuce to grow, plant seeds when the moon is down; otherwise, it will not grow as well. He taught me that animals have intelligence and how we can receive teachings from them when we use our imagination.
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What did you witness when you were eighteen that changed you?
A friend told me about this guy who heals people by touching them. I had a problem with my knee. I went to see him and said, “Please heal my knee.” He said no. I said, “Why not? You heal everyone else.” He said, “Not you. You need to learn.” That was the beginning of opening a door inside me.
After that, I received Daoist and Tibetan teachings. I learned to take charge of my problems and stop being a victim in my life. From there, I decided to create a publishing company. I began to publish books in French about Daoism.
One of the most renowned Daoist masters in France wrote books about Chinese and Indian traditions. He became my master. I asked him many times, “Please teach me so I can heal people with my hands.” He would say, “One day.” One day he taught me something magical. That night something happened inside my hands. The next day I could heal people with my hands.
Then at twenty-five, I received a transmission and learned how to help heal people with my hands. Prior to that, I was a sales director for in a car company. In the same year, I helped my grandfather pass on. I had my first son, who, at three months old, received a blessing from the Dalai Lama.
At one point, you traveled to Bali. Why did you go there?
During my divorce, I took a trip with my
children to Club Med in Bali for three weeks. I had read about a healer in Bali. So, I asked the locals for a real healer, not someone for tourists. I began to see all kinds of strange people. I met three masters before I met my Balinese master. I received teachings from this master in Bali. I was one of the first white guys to become an official monk, a Mongu.
What does Mongu mean?
In Bali, the magic healer. If you see or read the book of prayer, the little Mongu, it is like spiritual teacher. I was given an initiation for the title. My initiation name is Jerumonkubalian.
Did you begin healing people in Bali as well?
Yes, because after my teacher would say, “Richard, you agree to heal people?” I said, “Yes.” My teacher said, “Let’s go. I know someone with cancer in the hospital.” We went to the hospital. There were four people, all with significant problems. I began to put my hands on them. The doctor and nurse came inside and saw me do it. They said,
“Everyone outside. Just you, Richard, you
stay here. You need peace.” They respected it. They knew I was a Mongu. If I were to do that here in a hospital, I would go to prison for sure.
Respect for the healing arts. When did you leave Bali?
I did not really leave. I just made trips. I met a psychic in Paris who said, “Richard, in your future, you will heal people with AIDS.” I said, “Hmm.” When I spoke of that with my Bali master, he said, “Yes, I think so too.” It is so funny now because Professor Luc Montagnier wrote the forward of my book. He was one of the discoverers of AIDS.
How did you meet him?
My mentor in Paris was a popular doctor. One day he said, “You must meet Professor Montagnier.” He organized a lunch. I showed him my research. He said, “Richard, it’s incredible what you can do. I want to do something for you. I know you are writing a book. I will put something in it for you because of all you do.”
When did you come to the U.S. and why?
In June of last year. A friend of mine who works in show business told me that show business people need my help because many are depressed and have addictions.
Do you always ask what the person wants from you, or do you just perceive it?
I always ask. Many times people say, “Oh, Richard, I have pain here.” I say, “Oh yes, but your problem is here.” “No, no, it’s here.”
My first client in the USA was a girl. She had a tumor in her liver. We removed the tumor in one full session. She said, “Richard, you didn’t just heal me; you changed my life”. we must do that for full results.
I try to be fully connected to the divine to guide me. I am just a tool. Everything is energy. And when I have a good connection, I receive a lot of information. You cannot lie. You can try, but you cannot because each time I ask a question, I receive the answer at the same time. I know if you are right or not.
We hear about the roots of problems being psychological or emotional, but does it matter?
No. Sometimes it is interesting to know. Sometimes the root is not the real world. I will give you an example. Many years ago, when I first opened my office, a woman came to me and said,”Richard, I need you to heal the sexual abuse I experienced as a child.”
I said, “Okay.” What I received during the
session was that she never had any abuse. But the fact that her mind was thinking it was true was enough to cause a problem. So I gave her a session like it was true and removed the problem. For me, the result is more important than what you think. Now she is free. That is more important.
Tell us about the Holiseat.
Holiseat is the prototype of a chair. I created a technology that can change the physical body and increase the size of the telomere. “I created a technology that can change the physical body and increase the size of the telomere, the region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome.
Is there an ideal client or patient for this type of healing?
For me, no.
Do you need to be open to it, or does it work on anyone?
Oh, no, it is not always that easy. For example, someone may come to me and say, “I want to stop smoking.” I say, “That’s not true. You don’t want to stop.” They must be ready to stop. Others say, “Richard, I don’t believe in what you do, and I don’t want to stop smoking. I just came because my wife told me to come.” There must be a willingness of spirit.
Another example: a very good friend of mine in Paris came for a session and said, “Richard, I need your help with my stress. My daughter is taking exams in school. I’m worried for her.” I said, “I will help you stop smoking.” She said, “I don’t want to stop.” I said you need to stop now because I feel it inside your body. She said, “You can try, but I don’t believe you can help me stop.” She stopped smoking in one session.
Sometimes, it is not necessary that you believe. What is most important is your spirit. If you are sure and believe in me and if you agree, we can do anything together.. That is why my signature session is three days back-to-back.
What do you think is the prescription for a healthy life? Is there a formula?
To be connected to your soul.
What are the steps to make that happen?
There are many ways to try to grow. Sometimes through meditation or with more spiritual study. I do not mean religious. For me, it is more mystical. The more you are connected to yourself on all levels, the more you will be at peace in your life. The more you are in your destiny, the more you will be at peace.
Spiritual awareness and depth, we need that. Is that enough?
I am sure if you are connected to your spiritual path, and if you increase that, life will improve– One of my last teachers, Dr. Jeriana Johnson, said that when you are in service and when you heal people, a lot of obstacles will come in your life. It is testing you. It is like when you are a surfer on a good wave. Everything is simple. Sometimes you think that it is hard to see.
What is “meeting your soul.”?
If you listen to your soul, everything is simpler. The problem is most people listen to their brains. If you listen to your soul, everything becomes easier.
Is that how we know we are listening to our soul because things are become easier ?
That is a very good question. If you see your life, and everything is wrong, it is your mind. If you are looping with many problems in your life, you are not listening fully.
Do you think laughing is good?
I think for everyone, it is a personal way. I have a saying, “if I cry with you at the end of the day, I will feel it inside my body.” If I do not play with humor, I become crazy with another person’s information in my body. This is why some therapists become very dark inside or outside and dry because they receive all their patient’s bad energy. To remove that, you need to play with the energy. But at the same time, to play with your mind and love for self. I discovered this with my first Tibetan master. The first time I met the Dalai Lama, I felt that he loves a lot. When he loves you, love becomes contagious.
In 1981, when my son received a blessing from the Dalai Lama,” He stopped for a moment to speak and became very serious. He said, “there are only two types of problems.” If you can resolve them, you can laugh.” Then, he paused, became very serious again, and said, “there are problems you cannot resolve. If you can’t resolve them, you need to laugh about them too.” It is the easy way. It does not erase your problem, but this is an easier way to be with the problem.
Is there another book coming out soon?
I am writing another book with more secrets inside – How it is possible to change the body of people inside and outside.
You’re somewhat of a dichotomy because you look like a businessman, but you are a spiritual master.
I stopped the part of businessman some time ago. For me, life is always about learning something new. I have met a lot of masters in many traditions on this planet, but it is never enough. I want to learn more. I want to discover more. I want to discover new technology. The idea for me is to help people.
Are you always taking new clients?
Yes. In general, my best way to find clients is word of mouth. In the US, I have my first website. People here told me, “In the US, you need a website.” In every other part of the world, like in Paris, I never had a website.
Word of mouth?
For me, word of mouth is better advertising. For example, when a girl in California who had cancer speaks to someone about her experience, they want to meet me. So for me, it is the best way.
Is there anything else you want to share with our readers?
Something very strange about Western people. One thing is old people ask you, what is the name of what you do? Why do you want a name? It’s so funny.
In Daoism, the Daoist master says, if you try to describe and define Dao, you limit the Dao because the world is unlimited. I created the word ‘hypnomagnotism’ because people want a word.
In another way, I received a certification for the specialty of sexual problems, to heal them by hypnosis; my master from China taught me about alchemy. It is more profound. For me, it is so strange to see how much, especially in the US, you need to be very careful of what you say. For me, when I do a session, I am channeling, and I cannot control what I say. If you speak about sexual energy, people can be shocked by that. It is the most powerful energy inside of a body. If people are afraid of that, they lose one part of their life potential.
One of my Daoist masters in Santa Monica said to me, “Richard, you can’t believe it. Some women, especially in the US, do not have orgasms and think it is normal.” She can have pleasure. It is enough. It is the wrong way because her brain and the energy and your soul need this very specific frequency. If you do not have it, you lose one part of yourself.
For me, people need to discover how important it is. For instance, each time we have a physical relationship with someone, we keep a link for life with their energy. If you know that, you will think about that before you have relations. All teachers of alchemy know this. That is why when people say, “Oh no, you can’t speak about sex.” It is not just sex. It is about the energy link because of sex. It is completely different.
Women are stronger than men. Normally, not at the physical level of most girls, but every other level – for energy, for
sexuality, for everything. Men try to abuse women. Women try to prove they are equal, the same as a guy. As a result, they both lose their power.
We are complementary. We are not the same. For sure, for me, women are more important. For me, a woman is a moon. Without the moon, the sun kills life on this planet.
All my teachers tell me the answer to life is to open your mind more and more. You do not have to believe it; just listen. For example, when the Dalai Lama teaches about Buddhism, he says, “Try this practice. If you do not find it efficient, stop it. It is not for you.” It is not like religion, where you do what you are told and do not think for yourself. It is the opposite. See for yourself. It is very hard to open the mind of people who do not want to listen.
The same teacher in France said to me that the most important spiritual quality is discernment. Discernment requires you to look at all sides of something. You cannot have discernment in only one way.
During the COVID time, I was in Paris. People went crazy. Some people thought COVID was real. Some thought it was not. Some people thought the vaccine was real, and some did not. When you study the manipulation way of hypnosis, the more you create a problem like that between two parts of people, the easier it becomes to manipulate them.
When you speak with people who say, “the vaccine is not good.” Okay. Not efficient. But if you try to speak with them to see if there is any discernment, they have not looked at both sides.
Neuroscience says you need to be stressed to change. Without stress, there is no change. You keep your habit. Some of my teachers used provocation and shock for everything. They might speak about a very dirty thing or something like that to shock you. One part of you can be blocked. It is a way to play on another level.
People need to agree sometime to change!
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Editing: Dina Morrone
JSquared Photography @j2pix