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Introducing Moon Sign Astrology

By Lori Reid

Astrology is a deeply fascinating study that works on many levels. It can help explain how and why we make the things we do: our preferences, decisions, how we live, love, and respond to external events. As individuals, we are complex beings, often acting instinctively to people and situations. Why do we react to certain conditions the way we do? Why do our moods change from one day to the next? What guides our choices? These are the fundamental questions that astrology can help us to answer.

And when it comes to our instincts and emotions, astrology unequivocally turns our focus onto the movements of the moon. Your Lunar Code sets you off on that journey to discover the basic you. By studying your Moon sign, its position on the day you were born, and its influence as the moon moves through the ebbs and flows of the month; you will be laying the first building block toward understanding your psychology. Most people know what sign of the Zodiac they belong to. Saying that you’re a Gemini, a Leo, or a Capricorn, for example, is pointing out in which sign the Sun was located at the time you were born. However, very few people know what sign the Moon was in on the day of their birth. And yet our Moon sign is just as important as our Sun sign, if not more so because it is our Moon sign that reveals our innermost feelings and emotions.

As well as describing your feelings, your Moon sign can tell you about your deepest drives, your needs and desires, your reactions, and your personal sensitivities. It reflects how you interact with other people, what sorts of relationships you’re likely to form, and how you come across emotionally. Your Moon sign will highlight your expectations, your dreams and hopes, what makes you feel good, what nurtures you, and in what things or people you find the greatest comfort. The Moon in Taurus, for example, will endow you with very different emotional characteristics, too, say, the Moon in Sagittarius. In Taurus, the Moon strengthens and stabilizes the feelings. A person born with this moon seeks permanence and security in his or her life.

This is a very different story from that of the happy-go-lucky individual born under a Sagittarian Moon. This person would run a mile rather than be tied down. So, each sign the Moon travels through will “colour” your emotions with its own distinctive characteristics and qualities. But because the Moon moves quickly through the Zodiac, staying for just two-and-a-quarter days in each sign, many of us normally use an expert astrologer to find the exact position of the Moon for our time of birth, thinking that this is not something we can do for ourselves.

Predicting the Future

Many happy returns! Have you ever heard someone say that on a friend’s birthday? And have you ever wondered, who or what is it that returns? Simple – it’s the Sun. In astrological terms, the Sun travels through all twelve signs over twelve months, returning, on your birthday, to the same point in the heavens where it was at the moment you were born. So a “return” denotes a whole revolution of the Sun and, therefore a complete year of your life.

From this point on your birthday, the Sun starts off on a fresh journey and thus sets in motion the cycle of events that will take the next twelve months to complete.

Beginning at Aries and ending with Pisces, there are twelve signs of the Zodiac. Each sign describes a set of characteristics, personality traits, and particular interests. For example, courageous Aries takes a keen interest in sports. Being first in the Zodiac cycle makes Aries something of a pushy sign, but it does mean that Aries people are keen to break new ground and lead the way. Gemini, on the other hand, is more cerebral. Matters of the mind, communication, and social affairs are the principal preoccupations of this sign of the Zodiac. As the Sun travels from sign to sign, it switches your attention to those aspects associated with the sign it is in at that time. So, in one month you may find that financial affairs predominate because that month’s sign has rulership over money. Then, as the Sun moves out of that sign and into the next, it could be your domestic life that heats up, as family or property matters become the new leading preoccupations in your life for that particular month. Just as each sign influences the characteristics of the people born at that time of year, so it also affects what we think about and the actions we take.

This information empowers us to work with the Zodiac so that we can exploit its influences to our best advantage – planning when to take action and when to sit back and enjoy. As we know that the Sun spends just over four weeks in each sign, it is possible to work out, starting from your birthday, and in

relation to your sign, which issues are likely to come up for you over the course of a year and, moreover, at what point in the year these affairs will be demanding your attention.