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“OH Breath on me, so that I know, I am me”

By Heike Stenzel

“Breath. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.“

~Oprah Winfrey

“Good morning Breath, are you with me?” How the day will flow is up to the Owner of that I am; Signed by The Breath.

Owner: „What the heck – writing, haggling and talking about – a Breath to take?

Breath: „Yes, as I am the A and I am the O, this is the essence of my nature“

Owner: „Dwell on , and flow through me“

The story about the most natural ingredient. Breathing. The Breath that is something that we all own, that is just there and controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Created from the very first moment we took our very first breath by ourselfs to introduce our beingness onto this plane of existence.

Arriving healthy and wealthy with all the potentials we carry within our inner being. The fullness and wholenss that we are. The unlimited potential that strives  beyond. The greatest of what we have within our core to manifest without the urge to control as it is just given.  The Breath to remind us of every moment that we are here to be present, in the Now.  Inhaled and exhaled.

Owner: „How many times per day are you around, Breath?“

Breath: „ As if, when you breath me in and out its twelve per minute that sums up to 720 breath per hour. I fill your day of 17.280 glorious breath! Nevertheless, a lot of You, do the common – shallow breathing – you  just stop,  in the centre of the diaphragm – does not represent ME and my empowered Self, the Breath that I am- I go beyond!“

Owner pointing out to you, the Reader: „ Alright, where is your breath,  right now?”

No doubt, you are becoming more aware in the instant by reading these words and next,  setting your intention towards your precious breathing.

Taking a full breath deep down into your abdominal that returns a smile, brightening up your whole system,  shimmering its magnificent excellence!

How good have you been,  if you would measure your breath on a scale from 0 non existence up to 10 full deep breath that gives you access to your full capacity of  life force energy on a day to day basis?

Already inspired with the sense of joy to continue to pracise your  breathing and embrace your Breath?

Actually, while writing this article my heart just sings with joy and I take a genious breath of gratitude deep down to my abdominal area that is comforted by my diaphragm that returns a size of relief that I finally got it – in and out,  and its fun to do so!

When you begin practising more conscious breathing, you are opening up to an unlimited field of source that will reward you with an endless stream of life force energy – Good bye fatigue!

Because you are paying attention towards your breathing, you become more aware  of how shadow you  breathing is at times;  and that gives you the choice to decide deliberately how deeply you want to breathe. Beautiful side effect, you not just begin the understanding

of how important your breath is,  but also you begin the journey back to your inner being,  your true Self and your own inner guidance!

Or am I mistaken? And you are one of those who practise forever  deep, delicious  breathing because you know about the  dynamics of your Breath.   

Metaphoricall spoken,  it is really alike the serpent coiling up the tree trunk  and coming into its powerful essence of being. A  treasure within,  charging you with oxygen and releasing carbon deoxide and your own physical outcome.

Left behind a story of  times when you felt disconnected  of our own inner being and lingered more on  personality traits, sometimes those of non-benefical experiences,  being hooked in motions of emotions that unravel  tension, stress, worris anxiety, fear or whatever concealed your beautiful diamond,  and not listening to the call to return to Shine.

Forgotten to breath to intrigue the possibility in shifting negative circumsantces much quicker as you may be conscious about.

Metaphoricall spoken,  it is really alike the serpent coiling up the tree trunk  and coming into its powerful essence of being. A  treasure within,  charging you with oxygen and releasing carbon deoxide and your own physical outcome.

Left behind a story of  times when you felt disconnected  of our own inner being and lingered more on  personality traits, sometimes those of non-benefical experiences,  being hooked in motions of emotions that unravel  tension, stress, worris anxiety, fear or whatever concealed your beautiful diamond,  and not listening to the call to return to Shine.

Forgotten to breath to intrigue the possibility in shifting negative circumsantces much quicker as you may be conscious about.

When we are exposed to situations of controversial momentums – how magnificent and glorius the flow of your  breath would benefit to  guide you out, profoundly; back into a stream of alignment to be back in the moment of Now.

Next time you find yourself drawn back in a roller-coast journey. Stop. Become aware. Inhale. Exhale.

Even 60 seconds of conscious breathing aligns and centres yourself back  to the present moment. And what happens when we breath deeper and more conscious?

There are so many great benefits that can reduce emotional turmoil of  anxiety, fear, worries, or confusion.  Beside those psychological aspects it also serves to charge you with more life force energy. You feel revitalized, have more vitality, and clarity with reducing your stress level. Neverthelses your physical vehicle becomes strengthened in the abdominal and intestine muscles. Beside it  releases body aches and pains and helps to release toxins from your body. Also it can help to have a healthy sleep. Those are just a few to name.


Why not practise conscious breathing  every day either by yourself or in a group environment. Practise in meditation, guiding you to an expanded state of mind at times. Why not join courses or classes that fulfill the purpose to teach different relaxation techniqus. Attend a Yoga class, where  the Yoga instructor or teacher will show you different kind of breathing techniques that benefits Body, Mind and Soul. Overall you will harvest what you seed.

Give it a go,  and next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, remember to breath deeply.   Inhaling and exhaling 12 times – done in a quick break from your busy time schedule will reward you considerable.  Turning  back to your vibrant Self, the reflection of  your glorious inner being.

Heike Stenzel is trained in a wide range of healing modalities including Spiritual Healing, Reiki Seichem Master and Teacher practitioner, The physical &emotional journey technique. Yoga and relaxation modalities. Her compassion, integrated with her heartfelt intuitive divine Soul Readings have supported people worldwide. Sessions begin with a brief meditation to centre the client, an opening prayer to align to higher dimension and divine source. Scanning the energy Chakra System, opens a gate for guidance, insights and messages given by divine true Self. Heike unique skills include profound and deep guided meditations that leave people filled with love, light and connected to their True Self. If you have questions or would like to set up a session, you can learn more about Heike by visiting www.angelbeyond or on FB Heike Stenzel