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Open Wrap-up, Open Vision, Open Future

By Rich Mollura

Ultimately, my book has been about one extraordinary phenomenon—being alive, together in conscious connection. We’ve explored conscious evolution and the extraordinary power of Kundalini energy, which encompasses the dizzying and bewildering infinitude of creativity and the bioelectrical reality that underlies and empowers it. I have made a point of emphasizing the cellular and physical dimension of the miracle of life and the promising potential that can result from an alignment with its natural genius. As human beings, we exemplify the highest, most complex, and most recent incarnation of a four-billion-year history, which is an astonishing fact. We embody all the wisdom of creation that is crystallizing now in a place in time where it is our responsibility to take the baton of life to the next stage of evolution. Throughout this book, I have tried to communicate the sense of gratitude and awe that inspired my journey that I felt deserved expression. The spirit of life is the very intelligent electricity that runs through every microorganism, plant, animal, and human, and each is a celebration of existence in its own right.

Life strives, grows, and expands through the intelligent connections it forges, and our evolving ability to connect directly to them is all part of this grand and supreme design.

The best way to see this is to fall completely silent; observe existence without words—even if for a few seconds—and look without mental noise, imbecilic voices, and preposterous worries.

Consider how words can wreak havoc and how plants and animals live in the wonderful silence of action and have no mind to impose conflict, doubt, guilt, and stress.

Consider how the vast majority of life is benevolent by tuning into nature and watching her in her purest and most brilliant forms as they exist without toil and take even death with unconditional acceptance and peace.

Take a second and appreciate the invisible consciousness you are as you read these words and what an absolute miracle it is that you can think, love, appreciate, and live this life so nonchalantly when there is nothing simple about it. It is simply glorious that we are alive!

I understand that I have repeated, sometimes even word for word, certain ideas throughout this book, but it has been purposeful and with good reason. Most of us, including myself, enjoy reveling in the insights, visions, and ideals like the ones I have presented. I understand that it’s difficult, if not impossible, to remember and apply higher ideas while absorbed and locked in the crossfire of physical, emotional, and egoistic reactions to the ordeals of everyday life. I specifically told my story of being a salesman in New York City while searching for transformation through Kundalini to provide a living sample of an effort quietly and secretly made in an otherwise commonplace and mundane life. I hope that it has been clear that an escalation of higher consciousness demands a new and different way of processing and perceiving in order not to get lost in the daily, transient minutiae of life, including the relatively serious parts.

We need healthier bodies, access to higher emotions, and disciplined use of reason and logic aimed at the collective good. We might want to consider our creative ingenuity as an inner spiritual war machine to combat our own lower nature, because this inner work can be difficult. It’s is easy to give up, not care, or surrender. It is also easy to get down, depressed, and discouraged. It is much harder to march forward and work for and with life to evolve and grow.

We must remember that we really don’t have a choice (if you seek higher experience) – the moment we choose cynical pessimism we contract instant negative karma – we, our precious consciousness – loses. It is also gravely important that we do not turn from the perennial wisdom of life’s highest manifestations through scripture, art, music, and all fields, including science and technology. If we can read the teachings of a Buddha or Jesus (or any other being of higher consciousness) and not be inspired by them as advanced incarnations of nature, then we will not rise to higher levels. If we cannot appreciate the wisdom from poets, geniuses, and gifted human beings, then we have cut ourselves off from the very source that our own creation has stemmed from. Life is vibrating with intelligence in every conceivable living thing or subjective mental position—even those that we despise, reject, and hate. Such ugly manifestations of life are always stepping in our evolution and never isolated evil. Our living and growing fabric longs for a level of consciousness that is active as opposed to stagnant. We ought to ask ourselves whether we are proactively managing our own being. Are we upgrading ourselves the way we upgrade our phones, computers, software, roads, and bridges? Do we have a new version of our self in production with more advanced features than we have today? If we are verbally attacked, is there a part of us that remains aware and conscious before launching an irrational and violent defense?

This is the reality of what it means to do work on ourselves. Reading books and attending retreats will not rewire our behavior. We have to do the work, or else remain childish.

I have honed into nature because no matter what our race, religion, creed, birthplace, or personal condition, we cannot question the cunning intelligence that underlies nature and the utter unquestionable integrity of her manifestations. It is compelling that consciousness derives from nature and therefore is its very home and surroundings. I have found that a serene inner comfort and inconceivable wealth of wisdom flows directly from this connection to nature and hopefully is shared by others. Nature, by tapping directly into the perceivable, tangible, and measurable intelligence, provides considerable security and calm fortitude while being enlightening and empowering. In a recent trip we took to Barcelona Spain, Nancy and I toured the Sagrada Familia, a stupefying cathedral that combines nature’s genius, human genius, artistic genius, and divine inspiration all in one collective masterpiece (if we are not galvanized by such miracles as this cathedral, we need to take our pulses). These wondrous creations must continue to inspire our deepest meaning and purpose and remind us of who and what we are. I hope that by walking with me through my search for transformation, you have felt the same spiritual growth and intellectual insight of life’s endless creativity; that you felt encouraged by an exciting inner world of revelation and expansion.

In closing, I want to acknowledge and thank you, my reader, for sharing your personal consciousness with mine for the time spent reading this book. I am not writing as a teacher or one with an established reputation in any field other than my personal life. I do not pretend to be an expert in consciousness, energy, or evolution. I am not trying to convince anyone to follow any path—except one’s own. It is your own personal energetic evolution and revolution you must wage in your-self that has long term relevance. I have made my living and supported my family as a salesman in New York City and have relished the inner opportunities that life has afforded me. I am appreciative most of all for a life that has taught me a very profound lesson that, if put into words, would sound something like this:

If you cannot connect everything, you cannot connect anything—rightly.

The key prize is just that: connecting everything. Living this way enlivens, stirs, provokes, and intrigues the energetic spirit. Of course, no human can connect everything, but that is what makes it so much fun. Enjoy!