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Reinventing Your Story

It’s a wonderful sensation to feel and know you have a heart. To live in a time when the world is exploring all the possible ways of expanding human existence with life-expanding modalities, spiritual awareness, and personal developments. Orange was the new black, and now 80 is the new 40.

This month is a slight follow on from January’s article. This will be a short tip-toe through the tulips to pull the rabbit out of the hat.

Firstly, a quick exercise to set the path. Close your eyes, and bring together a past memory at half mast, a negative, not too unpleasant, for about 5 seconds. Now shift that over to a happy, wonderful memory for 10 to 20 seconds and allow that feeling to permeate throughout your whole body from head to toe, then open your eyes. Do this before reading on.

Is the past ever dead? No way. Memories are still with us even after a clearing. The emotional charge may have been diluted through a healing process, yet the memory remains. 2024 is a time to be real with your human self. Your past is always here in front of you today. You are always present here today.

The next item is our language, which is a crude way of communicating. It goes like this: a square, a circle, and an octagon are all representations of the source, whatever that means for you. We talk of heaven and earth as if they are separated. In fact, if everything is connected, When in fact it’s heaven earth. The same applies to yin and yang, it’s yin yang. This same principle also applies to how you see yourself. And the same for the 50-plus friends and family who see their 50-plus variations of you.

We speak, all are connected as if we know, and yet we still have no idea today of the fullest extent of what this actually means in our perceived and lived reality.

Today, more than ever, we are aware of our individual human patterns, our behaviours, traumas, our human personality, emotions, and beliefs. Each of these factors has a tremendous influence on our state of being, past, present, and future. All are related to one’s preconditioned responses, totally derived from the choices one made while engaging in all our past experiences.

With expanded knowledge, the question here becomes complicated. Who is making these choices? Was it the conscious mind, or maybe the subconscious mind? Could it have been the superconscious mind, maybe your soul or spirit guides? Was it your intuition or some preconceived feelings happening at the moment? Or the NY bestseller that explains it’s your natural gut reaction yelling, now you are in for it? Did we catch someone else’s thought pattern, a sort of cross-reference from another time in space? The answers today are endless. It was really a frog sitting on a park bench in China, confused by his choices for dinner.

Talk about being
Complicated monkeys.

So, who are we? Science states that we are a combination of made-up partnerships, mum and dad, then on your fist breath when you inhaled all that was present, existed in this earthly dimension, including the world of nature. Next, was the evolutionary manifestation of one’s psychological and physiological endeavors to help navigate our passage now that we are embodied within this fixed status quo system, or are we?

This brings us to the reinventing of our story stage. Who really made those choices, and what gives us our individual personalities? This perceived idea is how we see ourselves. If, as they say, all is connected, then there is no separation between mind, body, heart, and emotions.

A small digress. As a species, we have come a long way in our human evolution in many areas. Let us not go down the endless rabbit hole about equality. Standing in one’s own space and being accountable to oneself has nothing to do with any of the external affairs going on in this world. What was a breakthrough to acknowledge, around 2013-2015 on the front page of The Business Harvard Review, was a statement that the number one asset for any business or corporation was its workers. Grasp this if you can. It was less than 10 years ago that YOU, the average Joe blow, your importance, your power, your permission, was finally acknowledged in this country collectively for the first time ever, on the front page!


We are here now, individually, standing, facing the forefront of this new era. What exists, if you choose this assignment, is your moment to rediscover more of your personality by expanding existing parameters and perceptions. How, so glad you asked. Start by acknowledging yourself,

and discover the courage to face doubts, fears, and personal past demons. Next, realize your shadow selves are your hidden assets, worthy of your grace and attention. Guarantee this will make you stronger.

Assert yourself is healthy!

It is a saying worth remembering along your journey; no idea of the source, yet it is extremely powerful. When you find it difficult or confronted by an experience you know is not in your best interest, and yet

you still can’t say NO, please remember this. Everything is connected and in you via the heart-mind connection, which states that when you can’t say NO in a situation, your immune system can not say NO to sickness, cancer, and disease.

It is in your POWER,

Do you find this interesting: the “shadow side of choice” could well be the number one primary positive in your life? Self-awareness of your choices relates to the accountability and responsibility of who places the checkmarks and crosses on your choices. If not, we drive down Denial Road with blinkers on while pointing the finger at everyone else to BLAME. Now, that’s enlightenment.

Following on, we find ourselves standing amongst ourselves daily in our traumas. What to do? Have you ever considered how frightening it must be for those humans who walk on high-rise steel hundreds of feet above the ground? Or those who surf the pipeline? Who free fall from a plane, drive in a fast car race, or engage in any of the do-or-die activities. What they all acknowledge is that after an accident befalls them, they are still capable of continuing. If they go back and participate as soon as possible, all will be good. If not, they may never attempt that sport ever again due to the held-over emotions, not the memory.

These courageous humans, with their own self-reasoning, logic, and encouragement, define the situation based on their choices. Were they prepared physically and mentally? What happened in the moment? Were they in control, or were there doubts entering the mindset? This is when the body-mind is your ally, your front-line worker, and your back hero. The memory never leaves; the feelings and emotions that remain and activate trauma, stress, and anxiety are hugely diminished by all the above. This is what allows a human to overcome bad experiences that contribute to trauma, being in control of future avoided experiences.

What can we observe and learn from this? Once an experience is allowed to manifest in our feelings and emotions, they are cemented in the body; now, they are exceedingly difficult to remove. Therefore, at any time in our future, when a past energy is activated by a present experience, we relive the same outcome and move into some variance of avoidance. It’s only natural; this is how the human mind functions.

Bang, where is your responsibility in any given experience? Is it the experience that creates one’s trauma, or are our choices in any experience chosen by our identity? Is identity the same as one’s personality? Definitely not! One’s identity is chosen by what we choose to engage in and which we choose to avoid. Basically, it is a makeup of our self-chosen likes and dislikes. One’s personality is an inherited set of skills given and granted at birth. Do we know, are we even aware of what these gifts and skills are? Mostly, no!

It is a sad and terrible thing to never know who and what we are. And yet, what we think is self is the very foundation that allows one to exist and function in this world. Is it possible to ever overcome the fixated subconscious, breathe a fresh beginning, and dance our way with a warrior spirit? Choose friend; it comes down to all your choices when reinventing the story. Now the big question emerges: if all 8.1 million brains are never the same, are our emotional traumas from our experiences, or are they created from our responses and reactions based on our individual personalities? And if so, surely, we can devise an educated solution to reduce the effect of unwanted or misunderstood events on human lives!

By Zee