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The 2021 Symphony

By LAVANDAIA (Paola, Marco and the Team)
After only one month since the beginning of 2021, we can all acknowledge that this year has already welcomed us with its unique matrix and signature symphony. Many of us are still facing its loud and clear message, which we must comprehend and fully integrate. 2+0+2+1= 5. 5 is the number of freedom and change, the number of inner revolution. It is time for us to free ourselves from old belief systems, from the slavery of our limited perception of reality. Reality is not just a merely physical occurrence; it is the invisible
becoming visible. Reality is the manifestation of our daily thoughts, feelings, and actions, as we constantly float on oceans of decisions and discernment. It is essential to integrate within us the understanding of experiencing a holographic reality as a projection of our consciousness and our thoughts. It is necessary to understand the Spirit and dominate emotions with the will, the emotions that separate the individual from the unity in which God manifests himself.

The original point, the zero point, contains the greatest awareness and energy. It is the indivisible substance, the primordial fire from which creation originated. It is the Spirit and the essence of everything. It is the Holy Spirit (the fire) that allows us to define God as ourselves. We are the principle that embodies the Divine faculties. When you think you create. When you observe your thoughts, you become an observer, consciously creating energy forms that become a reality. Everyone does this, not just a group of elected officials. And, we all influence the Field.

Now, we are called to be observers of the reality we want to live, the reality that we will become. Everything we think is constantly manifesting. This is the greatest teaching of quantum physics. It is, therefore, essential to recognize and honor our importance as living beings. We must take 100% responsibility for our lives, never as victims, but always as creators.

We can constantly create, so why not create beautiful, wonderful, brilliant, superlative, loving, prosperous, abundant, joyful thoughts? It is time to give ourselves permission and, it is simple! What is holding us back from trying? The fear of not making it? The fear of not having enough knowledge? The fear of not being worthy enough? Or even possibly, the fear of admitting it works?

The simplicity comes in creating what you can now accept in your life. Find You, void of fear, void of what anyone else thinks. Take a moment to ask yourself, where did I put God? Is His place still out there in Heaven? Or it is in you; you are God, you are the nature of God. It is your state of being!

What do you want to believe? In any case, your reality will prove you right by always providing you with evidence and confirmations of your own perception.

So why not starting now? Allow yourself to be a conscious thinker, the observer, the creator. Decide now to become the grandiose director of your own orchestra, start producing your signature symphony, the symphony of your passion, of your dreams, and your purpose. Let your heart sing, let your brain dance, and your legs will automatically move towards a higher level of freedom and change. Start your inner revolution, and you will be participating in the co-creation of a newly-
woven matrix of this magical 2021.