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The forgotten Voice; stray dogs of Abadiania

A featured story written by Heike Stenzel

Saint Francis was born in Assisi, close to Rom in Italy in 1182. Well known as a patron, preacher and friar he followed all what Jesus said and did. A saint of compassion and love for all beings with certainty involved animals, alike those without a home to go.

Following story shared; will give those animals; who have silent out by mankind; a voice; now!

Either it happened un-intentionally or simply by not knowing better or may it be the lack of education that animals have been forgotten of what treasure they carry within, often we call “unconditional love” and they own equal respect in return.

Knowing this, a enlightened trail leads us to a remote area; called Abadiania in Brazil – here we find the Casa St. Ignatius Of Loyola that attracts thousands of
visitors from all around the world, who pass in front of John of God for healing of any kind.

A place of extraordinary high vibrations and a vortex; as it is said, the Casa is build on a huge Crystal formation; where the veil from the physical to the spiritual world is so thin, that prayers may come into matter by almost instant manifestation.

It is no surprise that dogs are drawn to this place. They simply follow the energy of love, and by that find people abandon dogs and puppies, because they know of the stream of international visitants that may adopt those street dogs.

But many have been forgotten, neglected, abandoned and mistreated, lacking nourishment, love and the care to have enough food and water to exist in a respected way of well being on planet Earth.

The community is poor themselves, castration are not a common method to avoid the breeding and the result are, that puppies being born facing abandonment; ending up on the streets without sufficient nourishment that a dog really requires.

There are no active pet shelters in Abadiania and one that existed was forced to close, because of lack of financial foundation and not having the ability to provide the necessary basics, such as food and water.

The nearest pet shelter and clinic is in Anapolis, but does not have capacity left to take on further stray dogs. They do an amazing work and host about 400 dogs. This organization is a non-profit group called ASPAAN- Associacao Protetora e Amiga dos Animais (Protective Association and Friend of the Animals).

But miracles occur; and this happened when Vivian Mauro, an amazing lady from New York who accompanies groups from the States as an Official John of God Casa Guide since 2004, arrived.

Over the years Vivian Mauro recognized how much the situation of the homeless dogs worsened and following her inner guidance, she decided in 2014 to make Abadiania her new home to pursue the model of ASPAAN to become a model as well in Abadiania.She voiced a few of the interview questions as follows:

Heike Stenzel: When did you feel the calling todo something to help these abandon stray dogs?”

Vivian Mauro: “I felt the need to do something after seeing all the suffering and lack of care from the locals. Because Abadiania is a transient community (most people stay for 10 days.) There was no one who offered to help. There was an animal’s shelter here years ago, but they had to shut down because of lack of food. All the animals had to be let go on the street again. In 2014 I asked to be shown my mission… and the dog project appeared!”

Heike Stenzel: How much time do you spend on helping them?

Vivian Mauro: I work non- stop for the animals. I do 2-3 rescues a week. Arrange pet travel, check on animals in treatment, fundraise, organize castration clinics, and walk my dogs daily. Very time consuming. Most of my emails and phone calls deal with animals.” “Our non- profit group – Association to Protect Animals of Abadiania is now official! This took a year!”

“There is also an education side that is crucial. I have been to 8 elementary schools with a local vet, teaching children how to take care of cats and dogs and showing WSPCA DVDs on, „Animals Are My Friends.” That was over 1000 children who heard our talk. Our next challenge is how to educate the community. “Awareness is the mother of all transformation”.

Vivian passion goes beyond. She continues eagerly to find a way to give those dogs a place for treatment and protection. Hoping to find a piece of land by donation to build a clinic for veterinary examination and medical care; and the opportunity to find them a home, where they are lovingly welcomed and taken care in the best way possible.

By this, it is a great acknowledgement that Vivian Mauro was able to help 38 animals! 27 rescues and 11 got the right treatment they needed at that time.

She herself lives with 7 dogs – all rescues and sharing a touching story that happened five years ago, where Lucy a stray dog found her way to Vivian. Lucy, the female dog suffered from Cancer and in an emergency surgery the cancer tumor was removed by the veterinarian, Dr. Marcelo Da Silva, which was a lifesaving operation!

Now Lucy lives a good dog’s life a dog truly deserves in the United States.

Vivian Mauro´s amazing work unfolds and continues. 23 dogs have been adopted internationally by now; with the goal for more of those doings to hit the ground in positive ways.

I asked Vivian Mauro if her 10 years experience as a John of God Casa Guide influenced her with the work she does for animals and this is what she replied.

Vivian Mauro: “Yes, my experience here as a guide has a very positive influence on my work with the animals. Since we are living in a world vortex and situated on the biggest crystal mine in Brazil the pure Divine Cosmic Light that we are absorbing also has an effect on the animals. We meditate at the Casa and the dogs sleep at the Casa all day. The work here is an opening up of the heart where compassion starts. Many fall in love with the Casa animals. The animals actually choose them, not the other way around. People always tell me the dogs are so calm here and so
loving. They are doing the same work as we do. Dogs are on the 5th dimension and teach us how to forgive and show us unconditional love. We only live in the 3rd dimension where forgiveness and love can be a challenge. We as humans think too much. Animals live in their heart; they never lie – St Francis of Assisi makes my work possible and countless Entities who do the healing work here as well. Here there exists a very thin veil between heaven & earth where it is very easy to manifest what you need.”
This is an incredible sharing, isn´t it?

Vivian Mauro shares that some tourist stepped in, to help her. Some helpful hands that provided her with supplies, others volunteering time to rescue, many have made donation; but mostly she does this profound works alone. For this, she is very grateful to receive donation to make this project a flourishing non-profitable organization, based in the good and best intention of those animals in need.

Vivian felt encouraged to step up and show that the situations in Abadiania with the animals are a serious problem that not only needs public attention but also interaction by the community.

She was able to address it to the Mayor and the local City Hall. With a glare of hope; as they drafted a Plan of Action for a non-profit organization and promised the permission for a rental free piece of land – Unfortunately so far, they have not followed through with this.

Disappointed about the turn, she does not give up and felt inspired to involve the public to bring the message out by dog programs, commercial on TV to the importance of castration, and many more to come to shed light on the darkness.

What Brazil lacks in the moment is the education about the animals and her 26 years experience as a teacher becomes Vivian new assignment – a mission she follows from her Heart – helping those stray dogs in Abadiania!
Vivian continues “Society needs to become more compassionate. Sensitivity, awareness and consciousness for the animals all are needed in order for the planet to ascend.”

She underlines the importance for those who are visiting Abadiania and there for only a short period of time, that it does not serves the dogs best, when they take stray dogs into the hotel rooms, which is not permitted.

Dogs are living beings with feelings and become attached to the person who takes care of them for the short period of time and feel gob smacked and heart broken when those leave in a taxi and never return to the dog. She continues by saying “I saw a dog once chasing the taxi that got killed on the highway. The tourists dog their needs met by hosting the dog, but it ends up homeless and sometimes completely broken emotionally.

Heike Stenzel: If someone wants to adopt a dog, what do they need to know?

Vivian Mauro: “Most important is to get the dog a blood test for diseases and also a vaccination for protection and a good bath. It is rare, but some dogs here have cinomose or distemper and this is a fatal and highly infectious disease. So before you bring a street dog home have it tested. Many tourists take strays into their hotel room and this is not recommended.”

“If they want to travel out of Brazil with the dog I make all the arrangements with my Adopt & Fly Service.”

“Animals that fly to Europe need 3 month quarantine here in Brazil and a microchip and rabies shot but each country differs with its pet travel requirements! We have 3 dogs and 1 cat waiting to fly out of Brazil. If you plan on adopting or taking a dog with you then best to rent a house or get into an animal loving pousada (inn) that allows you to have the dog near you. Domesticate the dog, so it gets in sync with you like; waking time, eating time, play time and sleep time.”

“Taking a stray into your hotel room and giving it royal treatment for 10 days is not recommended!” The silence of the dogs will change and the voice will become stronger to be heard. We can do it! We can change the world and make it to a more loving planet that respects every living being; in the eyes of divine creation. If you feel called to help Vivian Mauro project on her non-profit organization and share for those who care; you can get in touch with her on Facebook: Vivian Mauro; or Facebook Animal Lovers Abadiania.

You also can send her an email on vivianmauro@yahoo.com and donations are welcomed on www.GoFundMe.com/8t33bavw.If you are by any chance in Abadiania right now, the best place for local donations is to go to Frandolce Art Boutique on the Main Casa Road on the last corner on the right just before the highway!

By this, I thank Vivian Mauro for her devotion and contribution for this profound project and organization she called into life in Abadiania. Those stray Dogs deserve a life with all the love and respect; Love and Blessings to you all!