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The PIED PIPER who is…

We don’t break down old patterns or issues in order to evolve in our progress. Best we penetrate and engage with the program, not to dissolve for this is impossible. Better yet, once engaged, transform and mutate the existing into a new revised, benefiting energy pattern for use in one’s future quest. As our past is the forest, we must transverse if one is ever to be, the Pied Piper of their destiny.
Denial, see now, how its treachery binds one to assume personal power over past choices, delivering today’s circumstances as a false safety zone. As the Pied Piper Denial, we maintain our rat-personage, leading us into one’s future-prison-past.
I have been informed I write terrible English, whatever that is, so please accept my apology. If one reads to correct, the story is nonexistent.  As the morning sun rises in the West, the yellow hues engage across the wide expanse. Its silent-light dazzles across the waxy eucalypt leaves. Once again, it lives as our spirit dances, healing all who gather unto its presence. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to the serious stuff at hand.
The year is beginning to gather momentum; what to do? There are, as an example, TWO choices. Yes, there may be more; for now, let’s get a handle on just these two. Opportunities are standing in front of you. What do you actually perceive? Opportunities are seen freely for what they are, or we see them in what they can do for “theme.” We perceive from a past thinking program the same result existing now as a pattern extension when looking at again. Do we need these words? When perceiving freely, the opportunity may look enticing, yet one may see it as a bad choice over an extended moment if one remains aware-free. This will instigate a paradigm shift in your perception, resulting in opportunities never noticed that have always been there just for you, now visible.
Choice alone is an opportunity. Two portals, one,choose possibility, two, better yet, look for probability!
What can you see when you look at a piece of 70-year-old wood shaped and designed to do a specific job.
We are creatures endowed with intelligence, insight, and wisdom. It’s a fascinating phenomenon indeed, how in this age of intelligence, is it possible that a 70-year young person is not in as good as condition as that 70-year-old piece of wood?
Boggle boggle boggle!
It’s a mystery
Anyway, what is this Pied Piper fairy tale all about, does it have to do with choice, maybe it explains real-power versus assumed-power, or could it possibly be karma in the real? One thing is for certain, the phrase pay the piper is as enduring as it is today. Note that all historical facts surrounding this story point to this power-tale being absolutely true.
It’s definitely a story about; when we commit to a contract, as we all do every day of our life, there will automatically be consequences. When one side thinks they are the powerful upper hand, they assume a role, a self-consumption relationship. It’s an unfortunate position for both parties when the “I am” is beyond needing to follow up and commit.
It’s an accepted story in today’s world, still alive and kicking in business and marriage. Fortunately for us, when one accepts the Pied Piper identity, this old human-accepted pattern of assumed power now sits squarely on the chopping block. When allowing the process of automation into our existence, we forgot to look outward for any anticipated consequences. Cause and effect are still the dominating rulers of this planet.
         Choose wisely future decisions,
past paradigms
are losing power
it’s a quickening
The Pied Piper tale is one of regarding the full acceptance of self and acknowledging one’s true-worth to be renewed at this time fully. Rather, not in a value for money sense to look beyond one’s judgment of self-worth, beyond false past memories, in accepting one’s worth as 100%, stay true to the core.
There is no one else you can ever turn to, greater than you. Thinking has its boundaries preset, long ago among the fairy floss, games, and ice cream, long before we ever knew we existed. High performance is a Tom Cruise game-changing event. Make no bones about it; this is not, for most, an overnight event.
One’s purpose at this time juncture is to release one’s magic, hiding behind the curtain-veil, where you, the Pied Piper Magician, stand waiting for the command to invisible all of one’s past worlds and experiences. You are the symphony, the orchestra, and the conductor this time round. Go write a new musical story while this portal remains open.
I t’s going to be alright, for each person has their own private journey. Meaning, along the path, one’s failures, successes, fears, doubts, and overwhelming joy, are experienced by all. It appears to be the natural journey of life, yet there is more. Find your belief? Allowing a person free reign to fail, fall, and stand requires real understanding from observers, friends, and you, the witness, who has not yet been graced with patience and maturity.
The Pied Power tale is about who? The answer is so daring I say it, obvious!. It stands and delivers a message or remains forever hiding behind the many masks of false identities. No matter where one goes, the choices one makes are merely bus stops that we mistakenly attach to thoughts, feelings, and lies. Only to live in constant denial of one’s true worth, hear the music, or create the music, ….. Run in the shadows, stand to deliver. Now is the perfect time to choose.
Blessings are forever yours.