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The Transcendent Consciousness and the Divine Light

From time immemorial, mystics have been well-versed in the auric field because this is where we forge our spiritual mettle. In more modern times, Theosophy and other metaphysical teachings brought knowledge of the aura to the general public. Public awareness grew further in the 1960s with the advent of Kirlian photography and phenomena such as the “phantom leaf” effect. Yet even at this stage, public understanding of the aura was in its early stages.

Today, we are moving into a new phase of working with the aura. Curiosity about the aura is evolving into a deeper desire is to apply these auric principles not only in day-to-day cares, but in the development of our soul. People are crying out for real soul development, which means it’s time for a more mature understanding of the auric field and its relationship to the transcendent consciousness.

The transcendent consciousness is the experience of stepping out of the immersion in physical consciousness and gaining a greater, objective experience of the spiritual life. When we are immersed in physical life, we cannot see the spiritual foundations of material existence. We are in what the Hindu mystics call maya — the world of illusion. This doesn’t mean that the world is not real. It means that defining life only by the five physical senses is an illusion because life is far more than just the physical. The goal is to break the illusion of maya and rejoin with ultimate reality.

You develop the transcendent consciousness by enlightening the energies of your aura. Your aura is a collection of various states of consciousness. That’s what the various auric colors represent. You are not always aware of these states, as aspects of your consciousness operate on unconscious levels. Some of these states of consciousness are on a developed, enlightened level, while others’ levels are less developed and unenlightened. Most people have a “mixed aura,” which means both enlightened and unenlightened energies are present in the aura at the same time. We are all in the process of releasing the unenlightened energies and building up greater spiritual power. The question is: What do all these various states of consciousness add up to? Are they only to be able to manifest the various goals we have?

Of course, the aura is essential to all activities of life. Yet the various aspects of our aura are the keys to the evolution of our consciousness. Nowhere is this better described than the transcendent consciousness, the ability to reach beyond the material sensing and into the inner mystical union with the root of life.  

In our meditations with the aura, we call on Divine Light. The Divine Light is the fuel of your evolution. Every time you call in Divine Light into your aura, you are calling in some facet of divine consciousness, and this is helping to evolve your soul and draws you closer to your divine source. Changing and elevating your aura is not only empowering you in certain areas of your life; it is raising your consciousness into new understandings of those areas, which adds up to the transcendent experience.

For example, we often think of prosperity in terms of money flows. Yet prosperity is first a consciousness; it’s not what’s in your pocket. This consciousness shows up in the auric field as radiant turquoise light. This light embodies the consciousness of wealth and abundance. As you hold onto the wealth consciousness, then by divine law, you will eventually manifest wealth. Yet this consciousness of wealth is not an end unto itself. It’s not about just making money. It’s a facet of the transcendent consciousness. So you are understanding prosperity — not just in terms of earthly needs, but as an eternal principle of life.

This same principle holds for all facets of life. Step-by-step you build up every area of your auric anatomy, you eventually cross the threshold to a whole new spiritual revelation.

Many aspects of your aura come together on the journey to mystical experiences. As the soul nears its enlightened state, the shape of the aura makes a fundamental shift from rounded to pointed oval. Your Higher Self Point, a chakra point about two feet above the physical head, is key to awakening your spiritual awareness. By its very nature, it brings you into spiritual knowing because it is already in a divine state of consciousness. The light you are receiving from the divine flows through your Higher Self Point, helping you to become more aware of the divine consciousness you are receiving.

Another part of your spiritual anatomy that is intimately connected with awakening your spiritual awareness is the crown chakra. For someone to have a genuine metaphysical experience, the crown chakra is involved. When you experience divine light, the crown chakra facilitates that experience along with other aspects of your auric anatomy. Some think that by focusing on the crown, they can awaken their mystical nature directly. This is not quite how it works. Certainly, there are moments of contemplating your crown chakra, but you develop this chakra as you are working with the Divine Light and living the spiritual life. Eventually, as this chakra opens along with other elements of consciousness that need to be developed, the soul reaches illumination, and a new era of the soul begins.

Look at where you are in your consciousness: the areas that are strong and the areas that are weak. Right now you have more opportunities to enlighten your aura than ever before. Elevating your consciousness is what helps you to reach your spiritual potential and serve humanity in more beautiful and wondrous ways.

by Dimitri Moraitis