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Turning the Tide

By Tara-jenelle Walsch

There’s a strange sensation being experienced in the world right now.

Have you noticed?

If you listen carefully, you’ll likely hear a lot of talk around despair, confusion, disbelief and fear for the future.

Most of us are struggling personally to stay balanced; financially, emotionally and physically. All of which takes daily strength, courage and trust.

On top of that we are exposed to the weight of political chaos; provoking hostility, finger-pointing and side-taking. All of which creates irritation, animosity and separation.

The unfavorable combination of personal struggle and worldwide chaos is shifting our universal energy. This shift in energy is the sensation I’m referring to—an “energetic sensation.” One constructed from a field of vibrations invisible to the human eye.

The particular energetic sensation that I notice being experienced on the planet right now has a signature similar to a downward magnetic pull or tugging.

Have you felt it at all? 

This is what has so many of us anxiously spinning in circles, depleted and exhausted for no apparent reason, and feeling abnormally doubtful or illogically irritated.

The good news is that we’re not victims of this downward pull. We can do something in response to its existence. In fact, doing so could be one of our greatest opportunities, as a whole, to energetically turn the tide of humanity.

But to reverse our current situation we must first join forces with each other. By aligning our hearts and minds with unity and coming together as a team we can override the direction in which we are headed and collectively lift the energy back up.

We have the ability to reshape society like this. And when we begin to consistently hold one another in a higher, harmonic vibration, we will create a Soulciety.

But how? How can we build the tranquility of unity within a sandstorm?

Simply put:  By coming together.

Currently, our spiritual, political and sexual disapproval of one another is scattered all over the place. Judgment and fear are ever-present. But it’s time to stop. It’s time to let go. It’s time to put our swords down and place our differences to the side so that we are open enough to listen without defense and feel safe enough to look one another in the eyes.

Beliefs are limiting. There are no absolutes and yet we hold onto our opinions and beliefs as absolute. This energetically transforms humanity into one big lot of bumper cars because everything is constantly changing and everyone looks at things from a different perspective. It boils down to what feels good, which boils down to energy.

And it’s our job to be aware of the personal energy we emit and to stay aligned with and grounded in the energy of the greater good for all. To not sit back in fear and get sucked into a windfall of negative energy by default.

We need each other more than ever right now.

We need to know that we aren’t alone. Actually, we need more than just “knowing” that we aren’t alone, we need to feel that we aren’t alone.

When we genuinely feel that we aren’t alone our heart breathes in more hope than despair and we’re filled with an undeniable sense of being embraced and protected—even, and especially, if we’re physically alone most of the time.

Reassuring each other that we’re here for another is one of the first things we can do to start increasing unity. This will generate a sense of partnership so empowering that we’ll be urged to pass the feeling onto someone else, creating a domino effect in the direction of peace.

Another way to increase unity is by being a Walking Blessing. We can become this by extending kindness to all who cross our path, through our words, actions and self-expression. And by entering all interactions with only one agenda; the greatest good of the whole. Without the need for others to be a certain way. Without the mind judging and objecting, but rather the heart guiding our personal energy to exude a sense of invitation, with the nonverbal communication of, “I understand. I get it. I’m just like you.”

One of the most natural ways to step into becoming a Walking Blessing is by simply reminding ourselves that we all just want to be loved. This is our greatest commonality. Love binds us all.

But herein lies the catch:  The prerequisite of it all is that we have to first retrieve the ability to be there for ourselves. To be kind to ourselves and love ourselves. Only then can we ensure that our own inner battery is charged enough to share clean and positive energy with others.

We can start our own “self-charging” by increasing awareness around any energy we experience throughout the day that has a downward pull. Perhaps it’s the big sighs we take, or the occasional negative comments we make. Maybe it’s a critical inner dialogue, or even bigger still, “shutting down” and hiding out from others—protecting ourselves for no apparent reason.

One way to activate a heightened self-awareness is to ask our true selves to guide and redirect us back to love the moment we experience a downward emotion. As we return to love internally, we’ll find it easier to then share love with others externally. Then others will be given the opportunity to receive our love and also share theirs.

It’s helpful in such moments to look into each other’s eyes without turning away and to express feelings from the heart, however, they may fumble out. There is no right way, just a real way. Being honest, vulnerable and authentically who you are within your expression. This establishes a new sense of kinship, safety and togetherness.

These small, yet courageous choices to consciously interact with ourselves and others will alter your personal energy which in turn will alter the energy of others, ultimately shifting humanity towards the greater good and the universal vibration that herds us all.

This new dedication to unity will be energetically contributing to a redefined society, creating a Soulciety…once a dream, yet so close to reality now with clear direction and fire in our bellies.

We have the fortitude it takes to engage ourselves and others in this way. Together we can turn the tide.

You in?

RoadMap to Turning the Tide

1. Feel into and identify the current universal energy.

2. Remember you’re not a victim of negative energy or prey to a downward pull.

3. Make a commitment to be part of the solution and help reverse the energy.

4. Release your grip on old beliefs and opinions that you’ve been holding onto.

5. Dedicate to being part of creating a new-found unity.

6. Start with yourself by increasing awareness around the energy you emit.

7. Reassure others they aren’t alone through your words and actions.

8. Decide to be a Walking Blessing. Kindness will follow organically.

9. Feel into the lighter universal energy as it starts to emerge and extend it to others.

Tara-jenelle Walsch is a monthly columnist for the Eden Magazine. She is the author of the book, Soul Courage, and the founder and spirit behind the Soulebrate greeting card company. You will also find her speaking publicly about emotional and energetic awareness, and a sacred formula which she believes has the ability to enrich the world at large. Tara-jenelle was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Towson University in Baltimore. She currently lives in the beautiful hills of Ashland, Oregon.


Are you in a soul quandary? Feel free to ask Tara-jenelle for courageous insight. Submit your question to https://www.facebook.com/tarajenellewalsch