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What Can’t Be Replaced?

By Lee Milteer

an entrepreneur, you can replace everything except your time. You can make more money and get new customers, but you can’t replace or replenish the time you waste. Dan Kennedy says: “Most people give more thought to protecting the crap stored in the garage than to protecting their time.” This is sad but true. Where is your integrity with yourself about what is important in your life?

Effective time management is linked to integrity with self. If you have integrity, you take your commitments seriously. When you make a commitment to yourself and you let yourself down, you are setting yourself up for failure, insecurity and self-doubt. You program yourself with your thoughts and you teach others how to treat you with your actions.

We are now at a point in reality where we face unrelenting and constant communication and data. We have no time for recovery, and we suffer from serious brain overload in life and business. As I observe the coaching clients I work with, I see extreme burnout, serious mistakes being made with bad decisions, and great business opportunities being overlooked and delayed. We have lost integrity to our businesses and ourselves.

Dan also says that success is ultimately and fundamentally about behaviors. It’s not your attitude, your upbringing, your education, your capital, your skill, or your luck; it’s all about YOUR BEHAVIORS. Think about it: if you behave in a way that is incongruent with your goals, you can’t achieve them.

I want you to give yourself permission to be conscious because most people are seriously unconscious. They don’t notice what is going on around them. They do the same things in the same way by rote, and they always get the same results. Their time is consumed without any consciousness about where it goes or who uses it, yet they wonder why things never change for them.

It’s an interesting fact of life that people with no financial security are the worst about being able to tell you where their money went. Unproductive people can’t tell you where their time went.

The Solution to your Time Integrity Problems lies within you right now to say STOP. I now give myself permission to honor myself and have integrity with my purpose and business right now. It’s your job to take control of your time and focus on the money-making activities you know you should be doing instead of letting other people suck up all of your time.

I want to give you a homework assignment that I feature in The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Banishing Time and Energy Vampires Program (find out more at www.milteer.com/timeprogram). Take the time today to make new decisions about the following questions. These questions are going to make critical distinctions for how you run your business and life. These questions and the decisions you make about them are going to determine how much profit you have at the end of the year, how much time you take off to enjoy with your family and loved ones, and the integrity you have for your own time.




Ask yourself: where am spending my resources of time: Mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually?
I’m asking you to answer questions because you’re the only person who really knows what you do with your time, how you use it, and how you give it away.

Have integrity with yourself. Do you want to work in your business or do you want your business to work for you?

If you’re not having integrity with yourself and your business, come check out the Peak Performers Implementation Coaching program. We’ll help you conquer indecision and Chaos, and regain control of your life and your business and help you make the profits you want.

One of my talents is to assist people to find their blind spots, where they’re wasting time, and opportunities to make money. If you’re dealing with challenges with effectively using your time, marketing strategies, and personal blocks, PLEASE stop trying to do this all alone. Join me, Dave Dee, and Darcy Juarez in Peak Performers-Implementation Coaching. This exclusive Coaching Program is focused on Performance, Productivity, Right THINKING, Wealth Building, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Masterminding, and Implementation Strategies. Go to www.gkic.com and look under Coaching to find out more about it today. See how Peak Performers has helped GKIC members upgrade their lifestyle, make more money, and jump ahead of their competition.