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Who Are You?

You are not the single “I” that you refer to as yourself.

You are a Lifestream, a multidimensional being filled with frequencies that can be simply defined as both high (Oneness, higher consciousness, wisdom, love) and low (fear, judgment, anger, jealousy, lack) energies working within a dense, solid form: your physical body.

If you have any doubt that frequencies are present in your body, remember the medical testing of EEGs and EKGs, tests that measure the frequency of your brain and the frequency of your heart.

Frequencies are indeed alive and well inside of you now, and while medical science has acknowledged their presence, most likely, you have yet to understand and utilize these powerful aspects of your being as your core directional compass. Yet they are now working moment to moment, directing your life, and not always in ways that serve you.

In addition to your frequencies and your physical body, you were gifted a splendid tool called the brain, a highly complex physical organ that oversees your bodily functions and creates, organizes, and structures your frequencies into thoughts and emotional charges that are sent to and through your physical body.

With total respect for the magnificence of this wondrous partner, your life is not (as science and some New Age thinking would have you believe) the total product of your brain. You are more than your brain— so much more!

You are not your thoughts; you are more than that. Your true self is your higher consciousness (Oneness), which, to date, science has yet to fully explain. But Oneness has been experienced and spoken of since before the beginning of time.

Your brain did not create Oneness, which is your higher frequency of consciousness. Oneness is a separate field; it is the energy of love that came into you with your first breath as your brain was activated.

Science has said that the brain does not create anew; rather, it recognizes what already exists. What always exists within you constantly are your energy fields, your high frequency of consciousness, and the low frequency of your egoic mind, which is experienced as pain, lack, judgment, doubt, and worry.

The energy of love and the energy of fear cannot exist at the same time. Just as you cannot be hot and cold concurrently, you cannot hold the energy of love while you experience fear.

As you hold any frequency, your brain structures thoughts and emotions around whichever energy field is currently activated.

It is not accurate to say you are your thoughts. It is more accurate to say you are your frequencies. For the frequencies you hold are what your brain creates your emotions and thoughts around.

It is for this reason that your frequencies—not your thoughts or emotions—should be your guidance system.

Having the ability to be aware of which frequency you are holding— and shifting your frequencies when they do not serve you—is what is needed in order to respond to difficulty from higher frequencies.

It does not change your thinking; it changes your life. It is indeed a change in your frequency, a change in your life, for your thoughts and emotions are a result of the frequency you are holding at any given moment.

The main reason why you have difficulty when trying to change your life habits are because you have been taught to work on the wrong end of the equation.

Your energy field is what needs to be shifted, as that’s what fuels your brain. If you are unaware (and most people are) that it’s the frequency you hold that needs to change, you will continue to focus your attention on the incorrect part of the equation, and the changes you seek won’t occur. But when you start to work with your frequencies and learn how to shift into high-vibrational modes when low frequencies are present, changes occur almost magically-extraordinary changes.

In your earliest days, as you walked in the physical world while your body and brain were developing, so too did your personality and history mature. Your low and high frequencies were activated and accessed over and over as your responses to life situations.

Frustration as an infant was most likely your first experience with pain. Crying was an announcement that was generated from hunger, from being alone, or from simple discomfort. It was your way of communicating that something was wrong.

Your patterns of response to your life circumstances began at an early age as your humanity began to be influenced by the energy that was present in your physical surroundings. Your family of origin, the beings who took care of you, were your earliest touchstone.

Many spiritual students who have found their way to me have had extremely difficult lives, and some became seekers at an early age. They developed a body of knowledge through the readings and workshops they focused their efforts on, but until they took on the work of using the difficulties that appeared in their daily life as their transformational tools, they were still stuck deep inside of each piece of pain they experienced.

How your life manifested in the physical world from the time you were an infant is different from every single being that has been birthed upon our planet. All beings have their own paths, and your life represents no one else’s.

Your physical body and life patterns are unique, yet you share one quality with everyone else. You contain the identical frequency of Oneness, and you have the same opportunity to experience peace and happiness in an extraordinary life, as do all human beings.

These states will indeed be yours to experience as you learn how to respond to the irritations and difficulties that you now experience from one of the many physical manifestations of love.

As a child and as an adult, when you went through any form of loss or fear, and you responded in kind, you were choosing to say no to your divinity; you were repeatedly deciding not to access the gift of love that you were seeded with.

Over time, responding to chaos, pain, and loss automatically with more of the same became your habit. You forgot that you had a choice of responses; you did not remember that your highest wisdom was meant to be your GPS system. As you continued to respond from a low frequency, the Oneness got buried in the trunk of your being and your life now reflects this void of remembrance.

If you’re like many, the Oneness within you may now only be experienced through occasional, magical moments that you call synchronicity or through prayer and meditation.

When life is easy, you feel it’s because of “good luck” or karma. When times are tough, you may blame others or your own poor thinking. When your health suffers, you focus on the illness, believing that putting your attention on the illness itself will heal you. When you lose your job, your home, or a beloved, and you are at a loss as to what to do, you seek help from teachers and healers, as you do not know how to help yourself.

Prayer and meditation are helpful tools and healers, and teachers can be beneficial support team members, yet your greatest ally is the Oneness within you; your high frequency is the key to living an extraordinary life. Right now, it is lying dormant within you, waiting to be reactivated!

The concepts I have put forth here are easy to discuss but may seem difficult for you to implement—unless you have the tools and guidance that I am going to share with you.

As a spiritual teacher, I’ve discovered consistent blocks that keep people from leading an extraordinary life, and I’ve developed key, powerful spiritual practices that will move you through each impediment.

As you read on, I will guide you to discover where you are blocked and then give you tools to open to the Oneness that is your natural gift.

by Selina Maitreya