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2 Elements that Create Financial Pandemic Immunity

By Phyllis King

In 2008 during the great recession, I unintentionally morphed into an abundance expert. I say unintentionally because it was not my primary line of work at that point in time. I have always understood how energy works in a practical sense and spoke about it often in my work. During the recession people became more worried and fearful about their money than I had ever seen before. Literally people began to flock to me to gain both an understanding and a method they could use to attract income. In the heart of the recession my business income tripled. I could not get away from talking about abundance.

During that time, I recognized the gaping absence of an understanding of energy and how it moves in a creative process. coined the phrase “spiritual bankruptcy.” That phrase incapsulated the breakdown people were experiencing, and the area that needed the most development.

I bring up this reference to the 2008 recession because the energy right now feels eerily similar. Nearly every session I have right now people are worried about their income, and their future. They want to know “if they are going to be all right”

When the external reality is thriving, and that is how we identify our success, it is easy to feel relaxed and content. Our beliefs are not being challenged. We think we have life mastered, and that we know all we need to know. When something unexpected occurs, and the external reality collapses this is when we discover what we truly know about how abundance is created.

What follows are two the key elements we must master for abundance to flow in our life, with ease and peace of mind:
1. Magnetism
To attract abundance in any form you must have magnetism. Think of magnetism like a fire that attracts things to it. If your magnetism/ fire is weak you will have enormous difficulty drawing anything to you no matter how many vision boards you create. Everything you draw to you will require enormous effort. We are all born with magnetism. We either stoke our fire, or we put our fire out.

Magnetism increases when our vibratory frequency increases. That is most readily accomplished through personal insight and growth, contribution to life, and generosity of spirit to yourself and others. It also includes cultivating a mindset that rejects worry as a meaningful response to life. Rather it assumes trust in the process of life. It says “I can’t be given a learning experience I do not need.” We mine the gold from
our moments. The mindset chooses kindness over rightness.

The more we develop our inner muscle and build a strong inner world, the more magnetic we become to high vibration frequencies. All forms of benevolence reside in the spectrum of high vibration frequencies. Such as money, love, opportunities, and insight. When our magnetism is high abundance finds us. Our job then becomes simply to state our intention and then release it. Abundant energy goes about the business
of generating our outcome.

2. Detach from the Outcome
This issue causes people to thwart their abundance more than any other. We set our sights on “getting” something, whether it is a job, a relationship, or something else. We get excited and want it to be what we want it to be. The problem arises in the attachment and the emotional investment we make to the outcome we desire.

We must maintain an energy of “this or something better suited to me.” That energy must be real. You cannot pretend it. You must embody it. It must be your state of being. We must grow ourselves to that level of awareness.

There is not a problem in having a preference for “thing A” or “thing B.” The problem occurs when we emotionally invest in thing A or thing B. Attachment excludes the expansive influence of abundance energy. Abundant energy does not reduce itself to my option is “either-or”, or “this or that” abundant energy says “anything is possible.” Further, when we emotionally invest in something it is never one emotion. We invest in a series of emotions. Emotions are the most potent creative energies that exist in the law of attraction. Example: A person applies for a job. They hope for money to meet their needs, and to feel accomplished. Underlying these obvious points lives the internal dialogue. Am I good enough? If they do not hire me what does that mean about me? I am scared. I won’t be able to pay my bills if I don’t get the job. What
will my family and friends think of me? Am I a failure?” The job is literally attached to their self-worth. When they apply for the job, all the negative attachments also influence their creative process.

We must remember that all of our being goes with us everywhere we go. Whether it is spoken, or unspoken, seen or unseen energy does not lie. Those we encounter react to it consciously or unconsciously.

When we allow abundant life force energy to drive us, and our decisions we do not have to be concerned about a specific event, person, job, or outcome. We know and trust all our needs will be met beyond our wildest expectations. We expect that what we need will find us.

When we learn to be in relationship to abundant consciousness through magnetism, and detachment, we cease to be at the mercy of anything external. It does not matter if the unemployment rate is 50% or 5%. It does not matter if the government shuts down the economy. When we maintain an inner balance, we remain clear channels for divine abundance to flow through us. Divine abundance never shuts down. It is a state of being we cultivate and nurture. Once it is cultivated your life will always work out for you. Your partner in an abundant life is infinite and unlimited.

This does not mean you do not have to participate in your life. It means that the way in which you participate is grounded in integrity, personal accountability, generosity, and love.