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The Present Moment vs. The What is Trap

By Phyllis King

The road to happiness is paved with the skill of retraining our minds to process life as it is rather than how we think it should be. Often that means becoming adept at honoring the moment we are in. There is another side to the “present” moment objective. This is where many of us get stuck and even sabotage our efforts. It is in what I refer to as getting caught in our “what is” moments. “What is” is a specific moment when we are experiencing something we wish we were not experiencing. We become focused on what is NOT working in our lives. We supercharge that focus with emotion, often grounded in some form of scarcity. We unintentionally make the number one mistake people make using the law of attraction: rather than seeing the abundance in every other area of our lives, we hyper-focus on one element that we do not see as abundance and give it all the power. We manifest accordingly. Emotion behaves as an urgent call for something to happen.

The trap in focusing on “what is” is that it pinches off the life force energy that would otherwise flow into our desires and make them manifest. Our negative experience multiplies. We attract more of what we do not want.

An abundance of work begins and ends with focus, intention, and desire. When we fuel our desires with positive emotion, we expedite benevolent results as we align with the limitless power of divine wisdom. When we hyper-focus on “what is,” we create a competing flow of energy that moves us away from the desire we have crafted in our hearts and minds. We put ourselves at odds with the very thing we say we want.

Part of the answer to this ongoing challenge with human beings is to continue to develop an expanded view of life and strengthen ourselves as we learn to navigate gestation periods before manifestation occurs. The first step is to grasp that each moment life delivers to us is for us in some way. It is our interpretation of events that tell us something bad is happening to us. Life itself is conspiring every second of every day on our behalf. We cannot be given a learning experience we do not need. It is the ego that wants to quantify, qualify, and measure each moment and compare it to the ego’s view of what life should look like.

Another part of the answer is that human beings become addicted to their emotions. We must address this imbalance. Emotion pulls us off center. The feeling is the body’s biofeedback to life. It is useful as a guidepost. When something feels good, we move toward it. When something feels bad, we move away from it. Too often, humans ignore their biofeedback and press on at the urging of the comparing ego mind. It is not until we find ourselves in a quagmire we begin to reassess our approach. The feeling is a good thing. Emotion takes us out of balance.

We must learn to silence the ego’s voice and defer to the voice of higher wisdom, and trust that wisdom. Some people will spend their entire lives refusing to defer to high wisdom. They wonder why their outcomes are fragmented. We create a self-fulfilling prophecy of lack that becomes more difficult to undo as time passes, and we habituate our processes.

When we pinch off the wisdom that comes from divine consciousness, we take ourselves out of the abundant flow. We settle for a version of life that is smaller than what we deserve. That is how we know the ego won the battle in that conversation. Divine consciousness always says, “your needs are met beyond your wildest expectations.” The task as human beings is to learn to align ourselves with our creator’s promises. We have to learn how to be good receivers.

Quantum physics has proved that thought precedes tangible matter. Absent the ability to act as if what you want already belongs to you, your process to manifestation will either be delayed or completely

detoured. Master your thoughts and your feelings, and life will come to you beyond your expectations. In that, develop the inner strength to hold the vibration of the divine promise until the manifestation occurs. This is the path to effortless abundance. It is an inside job. Worldly joy comes through energetic alignment with the grace and promise of divine wisdom.
