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This one Shift in 2023 Will Manifest Your Heart

By Phyllis King


Conscious creation is simple. To access the simplicity of conscious creation, we must first master our inner world. Human beings love complexity. We get lost in it. It’s a bit like driving on a freeway with no off-ramp. We continually find ourselves on the same road to somewhere we do not want to be. The sooner we recognize the answer is simple and employ that simplicity in our lives, the sooner we will find our exit ramp and get off the endless freeway of discontentment.

The challenge most people face in manifesting is not paying enough attention to how the creative process works. We manifest what we focus on and what we give our attention to.

No exceptions. We squander our focus and spend it thinking about what we do not have rather than the feelings of what we want to receive. We use a lack mentality. We will spend 90% of our thoughts and feelings in a lack of awareness. Then we wonder why saying affirmations for two days doesn’t bring about a joyful manifestation. It’s simple math.

How do we expand our view and stay alert to energetic truths?

AWAKEN through a process such as reading this article. Commit to staying awake.

We often have a core disconnect with ourselves. We are asleep to our power and purpose. We behave as if we are only our body and that physical reality is the only reality. In this slumber, we silence the wisdom and connection to the intelligence that gave us life. We need that wisdom and that connection to receive the fullness of our desires.


We compare ourselves to each other, and to measurements, outer reality tells us we should meet. We shortchange who we are and neglect our authentic purpose. Absent authentic purpose, everything feels hard.


We must become an expert at aligning internally first with what we want to manifest externally. Absent this skill; manifestations will be lackluster and incomplete.

One of the most potent ways we attract what we desire is to act as if what we desire has already happened. I often tell my clients to win an Oscar in their life stories. Act as if.

As we focus attention and energy on alignment with “it already happened,” it manifests quickly. The mind says, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”   Energy says, “when you believe it, you will see it.”

Quantum physics has proved that what we perceive to be true alters tangible matter. This is why two people given the same circumstance and opportunity will have different results. They perceive the circumstance and themselves differently,

altering the outcomes. Perception is powerful. It is the greatest tool we have to influence our well-being. The sooner we grasp this truth and strategically act “as if,” the sooner we will start having fun creating our lives.

Many of us spend our time focusing on what we do not have. We focus on what hurts. We focus on repeating stories of our injustice and pain. This only magnifies loss and pain, assuring recreation of that circumstance in some form. What we give our attention to is what we create more of. We must learn how to shift our awareness as quickly as possible to pore beautiful “outcome” energy into our thoughts and emotions.

We cannot be given a learning experience we do not need. Any moment of hardship or discomfort teaches us more about our true nature and clarifies what we want in life. It is preparing us to receive something even greater. It affirms the direction we need to focus on. Too often, when discomfort arrives, we focus on the discomfort and slow our rewards. Never forget this:  the human mind says pain and discomfort are bad. The soul says pain and discomfort are an opportunity to expand awareness and love more deeply.

Feelings are the barometer. They give us immediate biofeedback as to whether we are moving closer to or away from joy and wealth. When we feel the opposite of joy and wealth, the answer is always to move away from the biofeedback we do not like. In the practice of feeling “as if” what we want has happened, we empower ourselves to be the divine creators we were born to be.

When we feel enthusiastic, happy, and optimistic, we are vibrationally sound. Our happiness is not conditional upon anything outside of us. When we achieve that state of being, we become magnetic and attractive. This is the state of being where we become automatic receivers. When we do set an intention from a state of receivership, the only possible outcome is a benevolent manifestation.

In 2023 dedicate your attention first to becoming a receiver before focusing on a specific thing. Awaken to source wisdom. Remember who you are. Practice aligning internally first with what you want to experience externally. If you do that, you will have wealth, love, joy, and abundance in your life. Full stop.

Photo by Junior Reis