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4 Steps to Become a Receiver, Mastering the Law of Attraction

When life is not turning out as we expect or hope, the immediate response for many is to fall into the energy of the victim. Life is not working for me.   How could this bad thing happen to me? Why don’t I ever get what I want? Something must be wrong with me. I am obviously broken.

There are two reasons many find themselves in this state of being.  One relates to the inherent challenge in the human experience of remembering who we are. I call it the dance of duality.  We are more than a body. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.   We are much greater than anything the body can conceive. 

In this, the goals of the body and of the soul are different. The body classifies happiness as pleasure and comfort. The soul classifies expansion as the ultimate joy.   When we only see our moments from the point of view of the human body, it is easy to fall out of the flow of energy.   When we are not in the flow of energy, we cannot be receivers.

We become resistant to abundance.

The second reason relates to an inability to shift focus. We identify so strongly with the moment or experience we are in; we close down our ability to recognize the abundance in action in our lives in other formats. We can only see abundance if it meets the limited point of view that the ego and human body can conceive. 

We must develop the ability to recognize the value and the abundance of all our experiences.

For instance, if you are going through a breakup, it is easy to focus on the loss of your partner.  If you step back even a bit, you can recognize that you have a complex and interesting life by creating many experiences by which you can grow and understand yourself. In this, your awareness expands, making it possible for you to receive even more.

If we identify solely with the discomfort of a moment as the ultimate truth, we deny that abundance exists and set up a pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy.

The energy of scarcity and lack takes over our mindset and our creative process.

To remain receivers and stay in a position to allow both expansion and joy to continue in the human experience, these focus points will help:


-Allow your friends, family, therapist, or coach to help support you in a moment of difficulty. We are not meant to live life alone.   We are part of a collective. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed. When one of us fails, we all fail.  It is in the best interest of the whole that we help each other. That sense of connection and belonging to each other is what soothes the soul and paves the way to greater abundance for all.

-Practice. Create a consistent practice of remembering who you are. You are more than a body. This remembering can be done through meditation, listening to your favorite spiritual teachers, or reading books that remind you

of the greater truth. In that, you condition your mind.  We all have enormous conditioning from culture and external reality. We need to actively condition our minds with spiritual truth. Then, when challenging moments arrive, we have access readily to the truths that set us free. Absent access to these truths, we will default to the narrow view and scope of the ego and its conditioning.

Notice.   When energy is flowing, we are happy, we feel free, and we are optimistic about life.

If we are not happy, not feeling free, or optimistic, we are out of the flow of life. We are not able to receive it.   When we notice this, the most important thing we can do is get back into the flow of energy. Attend to ourselves until we surrender to higher wisdom. Otherwise, we will create competing energy patterns that thwart the abundance we yearn to experience.

Learn to See.   Challenge yourself to see the abundance in your moments. Not abundance simply from the ego’s perspective. Such as “I drive a BMW.”  “I live in a million-dollar home.”  “I am thin.”  “Others think well of me.”  Rather “I am learning and growing so much from this experience.”  “This experience hasn’t been fitting for a long time, and now I am free of it.” “What an interesting life I have created, so many twists and turns.”  “I am so much more compassionate and caring than I used to be.”

The art of receiving is as much related to your state of being as it is to set an intention and ask for your heart’s desire to manifest. Absent good receivership, your goodwill passes you by. If we create competing energetic patterns, we nullify the seeds of our good intentions.  Focus on becoming a good receiver. From a place of receiving, being in the flow of energy, set an intention to receive.

You will receive abundance in a form that you thoroughly enjoy.

By Phyllis King
