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Let Go of Expectations and Allow Greater Peace in Your Life

Do you struggle with finding peace in your relationships and life in general because of the expectations you have for yourself and others? Are you blocking the easy flow of energy by trying to control the outcomes in your life? Are you ready to embrace life with an open heart, free of controlling factors? Keep reading and discover some ways you can let go of expectations and bring more ease and enjoyment into your life.

My Story

I am now officially the parent of three young adult children. Each of our four lives has changed dramatically over the last couple of years, so our relationships have needed to evolve. The greatest shift came as I lifted expectations of what they would do and how it was supposed to be done. This was not hard for me to accomplish. Be it a strength or weakness of mine, letting go and providing space comes easy to me.

I went from being a very involved PTA parent to sometimes feeling like a bystander in my children’s lives.

It was a dichotomy in our relationships and parenting style to go from day-to-day guidance and rules to an almost hands-off observation approach. Both sides of the relationship needed to recalibrate as everything shifted. We have mostly found our new rhythm, but I am sure that will change as we all grow older.

Experiencing a peaceful life, free of expectations, is like asking which came first: the chicken or the egg. However you get to peace or a life without expectations, the other will be there.

Steps To Letting Go of Expectations

Identify your expectations and what area of your life is most saturated with these energetic blocks. Most of us have expectations. We expect the sun to rise and set, but we also have beliefs about our neighbors and most things in our lives. Notice where you have expectations that are driven by a fear of your well-being. For example, expect someone to give you a discount on a service because you live in a mindset of lack.

Identify where your expectations for yourself come from. Are you simply carrying on the expectations of past generations? Did someone believe you should dress a certain way or have a particular career? Possibly, someone expected a certain type of behavior from you, and your life is built around this.

Identify where your expectations for others come from. This is a great tool for parents. Do you find yourself expecting your children to accomplish things because you see your children as an extension of you? Expectations can be pushing for a high-profile career or the opposite, believing the person is not capable of achieving any success in life.

Identify the triggers that make you hold tightly to expectations. Most likely, you will discover that areas of your life that feel less stable and hold more fear are filled with expectations or other limiting beliefs.

Take a step back and notice where you could loosen your expectations. This is not dismissing the value of accountability of self or others, it is allowing life to flow within accountability and boundaries.

One of the best things about living with less expectations; is being comfortable in the unknown. This creates an amazing landscape that allows life to flow, offering all sorts of choices.

Dream a little and play with the possibilities of what life might be; you can always choose again.

The Freedom of Less Expectations

Living with less expectations creates a connection with the Universe where manifestation is easier. You will have more celebrations because unexpected wins pop up in your life like little treats to savor. There is less stress because you are not holding on and attempting to control an outcome. You will be more objective and not take things personally.

Can you have goals without expectations?

It is completely possible, and even healthy, to have goals and dreams that are free of expectations. This mindset allows your dreams and goals to shift, free of judgment, when life delivers opportunities that look different but feel just as good as your dreams and goals.

Allow inspiration and curiosity to fuel your dreams and goals. Tap into the feeling of what you are manifesting. Allow these feelings to generate your life path. Recognizing that life will bring opportunities for expanded ways of thinking as you move through life.

Wrapping it Up

When you change one area of your life, like decreasing your expectations, it shifts energy in all areas of your world. I still see the potential and possibilities that I saw in my children’s youth, but now I celebrate that we are all living lives that inspire us individually.

Thank you for reading this article, and may you easily stay on the path that welcomes love and joy into your life.

By Polly Wirum