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How to stop Worrying

By Nancy E. Yearout

I am intrigued with a book that I have been reading about how to stop worrying. I picked it up at an old book warehouse in Rockport Texas. This hard cover book that I paid $1.00 for was written in 1944 By Dale Carnegie. Yes, the same Dale Carnegie that wrote: “How to wind friends and Influence People”.


He has included numerous heart felt stories from people of that day and how they learned to stopped worrying.

As you read each person’s life story you begin to realize that there is no reason for anyone to worry. It seems they all learned, some early on and some later in life that worrying got them nowhere. They concluded that the worrying caused much havoc in their lives until they learned how not to. He said to instead do a good deed for another person every day. When you are busy helping others you will not have time to worry about yourself and life will fall into place. Your worries will disappear.

He talks about the adverse health issues that occur when we worry. He discusses the energy that goes out into the world when you worry and its effects.  He tells the stories of events that occurred in people’s lives. Events that made them realize that worrying did not get them anywhere. You begin to realize that you should count your blessings every day for what you have in your life and not for what don’t have in your life. The doctors interviewed in the book explain that when you get angry and try to get even with someone that the anger hurts you physically by causing high blood pressure, heart trouble, stomach ulcers, and many other ailments. The doctors that Carnegie worked with said, “high blood pressure was caused by resentment!”

Carnegie talks about how Jesus said to “Love your enemies”. He explains that Jesus was teaching us good ethics, and how to keep our bodies healthy and vibrant.

There are many profound quotes from the book. Here are a few I want to share with you:

“Every day is a new day to a wise person”

“Count your blessings not your troubles”

“Think and act cheerful and you will feel cheerful”

“For it is in the mind we see, and in the mind, we live, whether we know it or not”

“Prayer like radium is a source of luminous, self-generating energy”

The book is still in print today and the lessons still apply: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, By Dale Carnegie. This book reminds me quite a bit about what I talk about in the book; Wake Up! The Universe is Speaking to You.

Within its pages, you will discover, how to use Universal Energy to your advantage. You will learn how to draw things to yourself by the energy of your thoughts, your words, faith, and prayer. I also explain how negative energy can cause all kinds of havoc in your life if not cleared out. I bring to light the urgency to stay away from negative places and people. This exposer lowers our vibration and in turn lowers the immunity system in our bodies. This is very similar to what Carnegie was telling us about worry.

The result of long term exposure to negative vibrations causes illness within in your body.  This unwanted energy can also throw you off your life path.

It seems the message has not changed after all this time. Pay attention to your thoughts, your word, and your surroundings. We are made up of energy and the energy of worry can affect your health. Take every day as it comes and be grateful for what we grow!

Nancy E. Yearout is an author, a spiritual life coach, and a motivational speaker. Nancy has enjoyed an extensive corporate career as a sales coordinator with one of the Big Three automakers in Detroit. Her sales, management, and marketing skills have grown with each step of her business. Her success has blessed her with the real life experience, knowledge, and common sense that is required to help others through life’s challenges. Nancy has been fortunate to acquire hands-on energy healing skills from an Aztec healer from Mexico, and she has helped many balance their energy fields. She has received guidance from religious and spiritual teachers along the way, resulting in the development of her skills as an intuitive, a tarot card reader, and a life coach. She utilizes these tools to guide her clients to joyful and successful lives. Nancy is the author of Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking To Youwww.TheEnergyProphet.com

Photo by appolo