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How My Dream Vision Changed Everything

I’ve been knocked flat, in bed with a 103-degree fever and a scary cough that leaves me nauseous and unable to eat. This potent combination of high fever and days without food has cleansed my body, shaken my brain, and broken me wide open. Between bouts of fever, I feel like a newborn baby, joyful and grateful to be alive. Yet it will take weeks in bed for my ego mind to fully understand that I’ve been knocked flat so I can surrender, let go of old patterns, and embrace new realizations downloaded from the Divine and that these transmissions will take my soul and my work to the next level.

During one memorable night when my fever rose above 103, the thin veil lifted, and I had a vision of our planet on its evolutionary journey of consciousness-awakening. There was a moving river of light spreading around the globe, one light sparking another and another, until bands of illumination circled the entire planet, enlightening all the dark crevices. Suddenly I realized that this is the story of human evolution, sparking from one light of divine consciousness into billions of such sparks of light, which gradually overcome the darkness. It was clear how much more light there is in our world than darkness, and I felt assured that the light is winning, no matter how tragic the news may seem or what new events may unfold in the future.

This fever-fueled vision inspired me with new ideas and concepts to write about. Much of what I dreamt and understood that night, I couldn’t remember when I first woke up. I did remember my sense of knowing that all is well with the world, which is moving in the right direction. I felt transformed by this out-of-body experience, and for days I struggled to articulate these ideas to family and friends.

The experience of feeling reborn led me to a new level of work, which began to solidify into specific ideas over the next few weeks until I was consumed with the concept of the divine lens versus the ego lens as the two primary ways we perceive events in our lives. This new concept and how to reap the benefits of divine lens viewing is what this book is all about.

So how does this work?

As you can see from the vision described above, many things can precipitate an out-of-body experience that can reveal the divine realms, including illness and fever. From the time I was little, I’ve had precognitive dreams and clairaudient and clairvoyant experiences. More often than not, my nighttime dreams were out-of-body experiences, journeys into mysterious realms or states of consciousness where I saw sacred beings and extraordinary landscapes and met with departed loved ones. I always awakened from these dreams feeling exalted, uplifted, and eager to return there.

When I began claiming these gifts and using them to create my life’s work and inspire my books, I longed for a way to help clients experience these states of higher consciousness themselves. I knew their healing and insights would have more sticking power if they had the experience themselves. Several years ago, I gratefully received training in soul regression from Dr. Linda Backman, founder of the Ravenheart Center, so that I could do exactly that: guide others into the realms that I knew and loved so well from my own journeys.

As a certified Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression therapist, I have had the great blessing of guiding clients through meditative journeys into the divine realms for therapeutic soul healing. In these intensive sessions, the client ]experiences a significant past lifetime and a return to the divine realms to meet their spirit guides and Council of Elders for advice and guidance. These sessions are a complete immersion into the soul’s story, a way of seeing life through the divine lens. The experience brings a new and empowering perspective to whatever challenges the client is facing, such as the pain of grief or physical illness.

For more than two decades, I’ve also done intuitive numerology coaching sessions with thousands of clients. This work has helped many of my clients understand their soul mission and soul agreements for their current lifetime. When they follow these numerology sessions with an intensive soul regression (like the ones you’ll read in this book), they get a completely immersive experience of merging with their divine essence. That perspective is a transformative divine lens shift.

From my personal experiences and those of my clients, as well as from conversations and visions with my beloved departed, here’s what I have learned: We leave our bodies easily during certain brain-wave states of deep relaxation, such as meditation or deep sleep. During those times when the mind quiets, the soul travels. And we can learn to be conscious of the experience and remember it when we return to the body.

Slipping into that exalted state has always been easy for me, almost too easy, in this lifetime. It’s a painless, exalted state of awareness where our everyday concerns disappear. We know everything we need to know in those moments. In that state, we meet souls we’ve loved for many lifetimes, who wrap us in unconditional love and compassion; they’ve returned to their greatest divine potential after crossing over at the end of life. These souls are marinating in the loving consciousness of divinity, where forgiveness is effortless and eternal.

During these journeys, our primary spirit guides usually step for- ward. These are the evolved beings who have guided us throughout each lifetime and have helped us manifest our life plans for evolutionary purposes, for the highest good. We have intuitive knowingness conversations with these beings and can ask them how we’ve been doing in our many Earth journeys and what we need to know in order to do better.

For example, a guide may tell you to request their help more often because they’re always available to lift you into a higher state of consciousness, even during your moments of deepest pain. Yet they can’t step in unless we request their help, so our participation is required. And our requests are always answered.

If we desire, our guides will take us to meet the group of highest evolved beings known as the Council of Elders. It’s their job to oversee the growth and learning of all souls reincarnating on Earth. And yes, they also help individual souls whenever help is requested. We experience a higher vibration, a sacred presence, as soon as we step into their meeting space. We often feel a bit humbled and grateful to be in their presence while asking for insight and guidance about whatever challenges we’re facing; they will answer every question in a way that serves our inner growth.

If we so desire, we can visit the  Library of Souls to study and learn more. This is a place in the divine realms that I’ve visited so many times in this lifetime. I love the calm energy, wisdom, and knowledge that permeates this library. It’s like stepping into the most beautiful space of learning you’ve ever experienced. It’s called the Library of Souls because every piece of knowledge about incarnations on Earth and elsewhere is contained there, as well as higher knowledge about why we chose Earth as a place of learning. We have access to all knowledge when we visit this place of higher learning, even if we sometimes can’t consciously bring all of that knowledge back to Earth with us. One of my beloved departed, my best childhood girlfriend, Crissie, who was brilliant in her human lifetime on Earth, is one of the workers and teachers in this library; I often get to see her when I visit there.

There is another place that I’ve visited occasionally where we can learn why we chose our particular body for this lifetime and how it is perfectly designed to help us learn what we came here to learn. This place is similar to a pavilion where we can study and absorb the lessons and gifts inherent in each body type we may pick for a lifetime. Much healing is gained here about why we’ve struggled with certain health issues or poor body image and the purpose of it all. As we return to the earthly realms, we carry the love, wisdom, and insight we’ve gained in those realms.

When I guide a client’s soul regression, they’re the ones receiving the guidance, and I ask them to speak it out loud as they receive it; this way, they can hear their own voice sharing this wisdom whenever they listen to the audio recording I make.

Clients find those recordings extremely helpful because, as time goes by, the conscious mind begins to forget parts of that profound experience.

By Sue Frederick