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By Shelly Wilson

A thorough cleaning of a house or room is often referred to as spring cleaning since, many times, this action coincides with spring arrival. There’s no need to wait for a specific date as anytime is a perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning in our homes as well as within ourselves.

Clear the Home’s Energy
Clearing physical clutter from our home is necessary to change its energy. Removing unused items by discarding, donating, or selling them will instantly provide a shift in the home’s energy. Then, choosing personal décor that fits your personality will lighten and brighten the space.

In addition to clearing the physical clutter, setting the intention to clear the space energetically can be achieved by lighting a candle or burning incense as well as sagging the space. As we would dust the furniture, sweep the floor, and vacuum carpet, we can easily clear energy at the same time. Recognizing that emotions can linger in our home, this type of clearing will alter the energy in our space very quickly.

Surpassing the Past
Much like an individual would do a thorough cleaning of their living space, one can also intentionally do a mental spring cleaning. One way to do that is to create a space to release ourselves from the pain, heartache, and frustration we have been holding on to. This involves forgiving ourselves for any choices we made and now regret.

Every experience and individual we encounter as well as any self-perceived mistakes or bad choices offer us opportunities for learning and growth. We can also choose to consciously practice non-attachment to an outcome rather than having expectations or pre-conceived notions. Sometimes, we need to simply step back from
experience, observe what is happening, allow it to happen and then let go of the outcome.

Some people may choose not to forgive those that have hurt them when they feel wronged or abused. The reason may be personal and justifiable. No one should tell us what is right for us. However, practicing forgiveness provides us with an opportunity to free ourselves from the ties that may bind us to another in regards to the anger, frustration, disappointment, pain, and other emotions that we are also holding onto.

The only way that we can now evolve,
therefore, is elegantly simple:
discover, experience, and heal the parts
of ourselves that do not love,
and discover, experience, and cultivate
the parts that do.
~ Gary Zukav

A simple yet powerful technique involves a releasing and forgiveness exercise. Please know that this is a process and is not something that will have instantaneous results, although it is possible. The concept is to allow space for healing to occur.
In doing so, we are offering an opportunity for the repressed and suppressed memories to surface.

In addition, seeking appropriate counseling or other types of therapy may be needed and would be determined as necessary by a mental health counselor or medical professional.

Releasing and Forgiveness Exercise
Take a moment to just be. Sit up with your back straight and your palms up, open to receiving. Close your eyes. Allow the memory of an experience or individual that you have labeled unpleasant or uncomfortable (one that may trigger or affect you) to come into your consciousness. Do not attempt to relive the experience in its entirety or remember all of the details. Simply allow this individual, event, or experience to come into your mind. Then, acknowledge and release this memory you have labeled unpleasant. Say aloud or in your mind, “I acknowledge. I release.” Breathe in deeply and visualize yourself exhaling this situation or individual. Continue to allow any feelings or memories to arise while breathing consciously. When you are ready, open your eyes, ground your energy and give yourself time to adjust to your surroundings. This exercise can be performed any time you feel led to do so.

Honing Healthy Relationships
We may also be guided to assess our present relationships and become aware of our time and energy investments. We may choose to cultivate healthy, balanced relationships (invest more time and energy) and establish boundaries within those relationships we deem unhealthy or imbalanced (invest less time and energy). I am saying No when we really mean No means we are saying Yes to ourselves.

Since everyone has their own unique human life experience, we must also know that our life experiences, culture, conditioning, and frame of reference will influence our perception. Taking this into consideration will enable us to be more aware and in tune with what is being conveyed from those around us. Communication is a key element in all connections. Rather than denying ourselves the opportunity to share our thoughts and emotions, we can choose to express ourselves fully. Feeling safe to speak our truth based on our own perception is essential.

We may even be called to connect more deeply to ourselves while listening to our spirit, heart, and physical body. Intentionally devoting time to practicing self-care and self-love will create a ripple effect throughout all of our relationships.

A self-care practice may include removing people from our saved contacts as well as deleting text conversations and emails. As humans, we tend to revisit the past and reflect on previous experiences. Becoming aware of how much time is invested is necessary. Feel as if doing so is energizing or exhausting to you. Rereading old texts and emails can sometimes hold our energy hostage rather than allowing us to move forward and also, choosing to unfriend or unfollow people on social media as well as unlike pages assists with clearing energetic clutter. Being selective of what and who we see in our social media feed reminds us of the power of choice we behold.

Making conscious and empowered choices is fundamental for our overall wellness, including our physical health and mental/emotional well-being. A mental spring cleaning assists with clearing the energetic clutter from our body, mind, and spirit so that we can
fully embrace our aliveness and do more of what we love.

Quick Tips to Spring Clean for Well-Being
1. Discard, donate, or sell unused items
2. Clear the energetic clutter from your personal space
3. Delete phone numbers from your contact list
4. Delete text conversations from your phone
5. Cleanse your emails by unsubscribing from
6. Delete emails from your email account
7. Clean up any social media accounts
8. Speak your truth and communicate clearly
9. Create conscious connections and cultivate
healthy relationships
10. Embrace your aliveness and do more of what
you love