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Finding a Way back to Worthiness

by Heike Stenzel of Angel & Beyond

Once upon a time your True Self Identity made of eternal light formation of Source.  You owned the complete identified Wholeness without owning it. It was a constant flow of Divine Energy. Resonating and expanding in the harmonic field of the Creator.

This worthiness – no doubt and troubled mind as it simple was the truth of being.

Your field responded to this truth by downloading love and your heart answered with expansion and a feeling of being wrapped up in this beautiful heart-warming blanket we call self-realization without the need of approval from the outer world from people, situations and places. And then it all Changed…

Yet the memory faintly there, lingering and waiting that the wind takes aloft bringing this awareness back to your consciousness; an impulse to mute the negative mind chatter.

The problem of the negative mind chatter,  is not that it see´s the unworthiness and undeserving as a need to search for approval from the outer world but that we let ourselves be confined by it and belief it.

Behold! This is a belief you can Change and know that you are worthy! But how you wonder? Very much we find this psychological flaw of questioning our worthiness and self-esteem very much living existence in the functioning of the third Chakra, the Solar Plexus connecting us with our Will and Power.

Since we live in a duality and responding world we may live in the shadow part of Shame that undermines our Self-esteem and worthiness, and the right deservingness at the right moment it is needed.

A program, a habitual pattern we believed to be true! This illusion came at a time; when its program was in its development stage from the age of 18 months – 4years old.

As little infant we absorbed the programming into our database as we dwelled on the Theta brainwaves where we don’t distinguish between true or false.

Teachers, caretakers and parents did not know better if run by their own old beliefs and how we can reach if we cannot make mistakes? And without these lessons, how can we develop a sense of our own power and will?

But divine source and messenger do not leave us alone and with clear intention we can transform to the higher frequency to our worthiness and deservingness.

“You deserve to receive the highest best and good in all ways and all levels of existence” given by the powerful Archangel Michael.  Instantly invoked his name; and he is there, with his flaming sword to cut and release this entanglement and reclaim the power!

You won´t find the healing and release if you decide to look outside and wait for the approval of loved ones, people who you put up on a pedestal.

How can you become happy and worthy in the long term when you need to look outside instead of seeing the truth in yourself?  You’re Will depending on someone else?  Seeking and awaiting that you receive this approval?

Do you want to make the other person to your Source instead of making Source your resource?   When you look deep within your own creation you find the way back and with this, you will fully and completely remember, the treasure within that is filled with the Abundance of “I am worthy” , “ I am deserving”, “I am eternal light of love”.

“Be still and know that I am God „feels the hand of Archangel Michael sweeping through your auric field, entangling the lower frequency in the third Chakra and replacing the light of your Divine Willpower in positive Terms.

This activation and knowing of Worthiness will upload the stream of Abundance and you can  act like a magnet to attract what you need in life, again in positive terms!

Worthiness returns through empowerment in claiming the right to have. And know, it is your divine birth right as Soul incarnated into physical body.

Don´t give the power away when you can overcome the fear of not being good enough when you can ask and take the hand of a loving and giving Universe that provides exactly what you need when you change your state of mind.

With this new born identity you can step forward by holding confidence and courage as your truth. This truth linked with your higher Self guidance; and advises you to take action in the direction of worthiness, love and you’re true Self.

Claim your divine purpose here on Earth and attract the love, the Joy, the prosperity Creator wants you to have.

Don´t give up when you feel a setback into the old behavior way of thinking that rules the emotion of unworthiness. Simple acknowledge this program, become still, readjust and claim your truth of “I am worthy. I am whole. I am completely filled by divine love!”

Practice active healing that will work out beneficially in your behalf, through:

  Breathing exercise, deep breathing down to your gut and belly area

  Work with your hands and arms, reaching out, taking in

  Journaling, self-discovery

  Emotional release work


  Inner Child Work

  Loving yourself the way you are

Find the following affirmation aligned to your hearts responds, so you can include this power booster daily. Remember that affirmation work best done repeatedly and not only once in a while.

Daily practice is a must if you want to change a belief. The morning hours after awakening and before bed time, affirmations sink deep into your subconscious mind.  This is when you enter the alpha and theta brainwave state. Belief!

Change your thoughts today. Every spoken word is energy and energy goes where you set your intentions and that will become reality.


“I am worthy of love”

“I am enough”

“I love myself and others”

“I live in balance and reclaim my worth that is with me at all times.”

Heike Stenzel offers Intuitive Angel Therapy Session to empower yourself.