Reclaiming Your Agency

By Angela Dunning When there has been a profound wound to the…

Cancer & the other Strangers

By Joe Santos Jr.  Cancer. Yep, that word. That dreaded disease. So…

How Floating in Quiet Darkness Benefits the Brain

By Glenn Perry The experience of floating in quiet darkness in a…

Depression – An Invisible Ailment of the Society

By Jayita Bhattacharjee There is a stigma, a hidden one that is…

Why uncensored expression leads to healing

By Jayita Bhattacharjee How do we live as authentic beings? Is it…

IS Planetary Healing

By Angela Dunning We can all contribute towards the salvation of our…

The Interface of Art and Psychology Where Healing Begins

By Jayita Bhattacharjee Art has come into existence for survival reasons. Art…

Reaching Out to Depressed Teenagers

By Elliott Robertson I’m concerned about teenagers in today’s world. In November…

Mathematics of Life

By Lavandaia & Marco Nunzio Alati Everything is vibration, therefore we all…

The Energy of Empathy

By Cyndi Dale Empathy is key to engaging with others in healthy,…

The Healing Power of Grief & The Loving Embrace of Horses By Angela Dunning

A number of years ago I had an experience with my herd…

Healing your Ego

By Sasha Gary I’m not sure when I first noticed my ego…