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The Secret Ingredient to Manifestation

By Phyllis King

When we think about how to manifest or the law of attraction, most of us think about being positive or making vision boards to magnetize our desires us. All these tools can be useful in certain circumstances. The stand-alone vibration that causes the most abundance to flow is courage. It is the largest factor that will determine how far and how well our desires manifest.

It can truly make or break a person’s path. Those who learn to summon courage from the inside, despite their fear, are the ones who have the most success and find abundance waiting around every corner.

Many believe that my job as an intuitive life coach entails holding people accountable. Contrary to this popular opinion, the vast amount of my time is invested in teaching people how to allow courage to lead the way in their life.

Many come to my service hoping accountability will be the standard. In that, I will somehow push them over the hump they have been unable to surmount toward their goals and outcomes on their own.

Mistakenly people think that a good swift kick in the derriere is the path to expansion. Most of the time, that is the exact opposite of what is needed. Most people need compassion and understanding to be able to come to their present moment and stand center stage in their reality. Then and only then will real progress be made. It requires enormous courage to stand center stage in our reality. To look at our naked and unvarnished selves and embrace what we see.

The combination of our conditioning, experiences, and emotional wounding has written on the slate of who we are. It has told us a story about who we are and who we are not. A false and unreliable story. Even the idea of breaking free from the false story that has defined our life can be frightening. It is all we have ever known. It is familiar. We know how to do it, even if we do not like it. Human nature would rather live with the discomfort of the familiar than lean into the uncomfortable unknown for the potential of greater ease. Abundance only occurs when our awareness expands into a broader point of view.

One of the reasons so many forms of coaching fail is because it is goal-oriented as opposed to presence oriented. Results in that style are most often temporary or localized to the moment a person is in. Will power, force, and external stimulus will never solve the problem lack of presence creates.

When presence is not the state of being, my job becomes a cheerleader and advocate to encourage compassionate curiosity. Inspire one to embrace the honest totality of their experience. In a container of acceptance, we become free to reconnect to our inner wisdom where abundance becomes most available.

Most of us are ruthless judges of ourselves, with exorbitant expectations of perfection.

Anything less than perfect is viewed as a failure. We are deathly afraid to look into the present moment. We are terrified of what it might say about us and the life we are living. When we reach for the courage to nullify the superfluous noise of life and wrap our arms around our sacred flaws, we engage with the most vital and powerful energy available. We marry ourselves to abundance itself. Every time we find the courage to validate the perfection of our lives, we step into abundant energy and become ever more increasingly magnetic.

Whether it is private coaching or a personal journey to solve complexity in our lives, the formula for being present with ourselves is compassion and patience in the face of fear. Allow stillness in. Be with ourselves with love and kindness. In that, we more easily access our courage. Once courage lights our way, the changes we long to see happen nearly effortlessly. Further, they become changes that are permanent because they originate from the wealth of our own being.

As we ponder abundance and how to receive the bounty life yearns to give us, we want to consider the idea of fertile soil. We want to strive to be fertile soil for the seeds of life to grow in our energy. The most potent quality that inspires abundance to grow is the courage to witness our own present moment and honor it for the sacred gift it is in the story of our life. In that awareness, we magnetize to us all that is good and true.