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Why Love will rule in 2021

By Phyllis King

For spiritually oriented people, 2020 was the year of inner discipline. It was the year we discovered what information we have that truly works to keep us happy. We also got to discover where the gaps are in our personal formula for happiness.

I believe with a lot of certainties that 2021 will be the year of external joy, specifically love itself. I expect with each passing day as the pandemic nears a close, we get to rejoice in every step that takes us closer to our freedom again. I also say this because of my long-standing interest in the field of quantum physics.

Quantum physics proved decades ago that perception influences tangible matter. Further that the internal reality is the basis of external reality.

Additionally, as a life and business strategist, I have spent a good portion of the year, encouraging my clients to embrace the inner journey that the pandemic forced upon them. Rather than a lament for what we did not have and could not do, embrace the opportunity for internal growth and develop our spiritual muscles. As quantum physics proved, when we grow internally, we manifest externally. It is the natural side effect of how energy performs in the universe.

As we move into 2021, and we become free again to move about our world physically. Not only will life return to a familiar normal by mid-year 2021, but the need for connection, human interaction will be answered. Both businesses and individuals will be focused on expansion after a year of contraction. Energetically expansion always follows contraction. It is the natural ebb and flow. As we have been denied the connection, a connection will be foremost in everyone’s mind. Few people will be able to resist the opportunity to get out and be with people.

Human beings are tribal by nature.

It is truly an unnatural state for us to be apart from one another. With each passing day, week, month, and year, we will see our lives return to normal.

The inner work people we all have done over 2020 has prepared us to be more present and more intentional in relationships. It has prepared us energetically for more functional relationships. It has prepared us to appreciate connection more deeply. For all these reasons, I am naming 2021 the year that love will rule.

Anyone who lived through or remembers the 60’s remembers that love ruled. It was a time of the flower child, of a commitment to peace and free love. We aren’t going all the way back to the ’60s in 2021, but I expect we will absolutely move into an era of unprecedented love and connection. The timing is right. We all need it so much.

Although we are still in a waiting mode to have our freedoms restored, as we continue to do our inner work and become more grounded, more thoughtful, and more internally abundant, we have much more to bring to the table in our relationships in 2021. We all will do so.

There are many challenges in life itself. Those challenges keep us fresh and engaged with living. Those who give their attention to the day-to-day task of maintaining inner peace will benefit the most from the energy of love and connection that will be flowing in 2021.

I am actively encouraging all my clients who want a connection in 2021, or to create a partnership, to brush up on their social skills. It is the time to bring relationship viewpoints into the present time, and once again become comfortable being vulnerable and allowing the world to see us.

We are almost there.

The pandemic will soon be in our rear-view mirror, and we can once again embrace the purest joy of being human.

Falling in love, being with those we love, and loving life itself and the beauty of its changing conditions.

If 2020 were a year for the record books, 2021 would also shatter records for different and more positive reasons. Happy New Year!