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Meditation with Moldavite

Moldavite is a glassy-like stone, classified as a tektite, and in its raw state, it is not smooth, but actually rather rough.  It is usually green, and sometimes brown. Many believe that it came to Earth as part of a meteorite and is, therefore, extraterrestrial in origin. 

Sometime back in the late 1980s, I read Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation by Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner.  I immediately ordered a raw moldavite pendant; and on the day it arrived, I put it on and wore it to a meditation class I was taking that night. 

Sitting in class, I suddenly found myself thoroughly ungrounded, feeling like I could sense the individual atoms in my body racing around; and truth be told, I felt a little high and had no idea why.  Something was happening to me physically and mentally, but it didn’t occur to me until the next day that it was an initial reaction to the moldavite. 

As I started wearing my moldavite daily and my vibrational energy level gradually adjusted to the stone, I no longer felt like I was about to leave my body at any moment–which made it much easier to drive to work. During meditation sessions, I started putting the moldavite on my third eye, while holding a piece of clear crystal quartz in one hand and an amethyst point in the other. 

I have always felt like wearing moldavite helped me open up to direct communication with Spirit because it wasn’t long after I started working with that crystal that my Guide, Jeremy, made first contact via automatic writing. I had been trying to do automatic writing for months and was getting nowhere until that night. In fact, after I bought a new piece of moldavite in 2010, the first time I meditated with it my Arcturian Guide, Akhnanda, began communicating with me via automatic writing and channeled some very interesting information for my second book. 

Would I have started receiving messages from my Guide Group if I never got that first moldavite crystal?  I feel sure that I would have, but I am also very sure that it made “breaking through to the other side” easier.  For those who would like to give Moldavite a try, here’s some information I researched about the stone, followed by how I personally use it in mediation to help you get started:

Shimerlings.com says that “Many find moldavite to be extremely transformative when worn in jewelry form. This may be due to the manner in which the energy flows in and out of our bodies. As rings or earrings, the gem is placed on meridian points of our energy bodies, and the focused moldavite energies flow throughout our entire system, raising our vibration levels…Exposure to the moldavite begins a process of energetic resonance in which the vibratory rate of our entire being is increased, again bringing us to why this is such a transformative gemstone.”

Lightandlovereiki.com notes that “Placing moldavite on the third eye chakra helps once you see more clearly…Moldavite can enhance communication …with your higher self or those of extraterrestrial origin.”

Bestcrystals.com Moldavite works well with the third eye, throat, and crown chakras.  It corresponds to all astrological signs.

And at Nighwing.awebspider, I found the following: “It is generally considered to be one of the stones that are very important for this particular phase of human evolution. Many people feel that at this time there are countless souls who are not originally from Planet Earth, but from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, and other systems.  The belief fueling this thought is that for our Earth to fully heal itself new races of beings are needed, those with what might be described as a more cosmic view of existence. These souls, incarnating for the first time on this planet, (and in some cases for the first time in a physical body) need a way to be grounded in the unique energies of this planet, and moldavite is one of the helpers for this. When placed on the third eye Moldavite helps us to establish the cosmic connection. When placed on the heart it teaches us to appreciate the gift of being here on Earth.”

Meditating with moldavite:

I meditate with moldavite on my third eye to help open up to direct communication with Spirit.  I also wear a moldavite pendant that falls directly over my heart chakra, which I believe helps me open my heart to what I receive from Spirit.  When someone asks me which stones to use to help them open up to communication with Spirit, I never hesitate: a main course of moldavite with sides of clear quartz and amethyst are my crystals of choice. 

My way of meditating with moldavite is certainly not the right way or the only way to incorporate moldavite into your meditation and your life.  In fact, I found while I was researching information for this article, I found an interesting mediation using moldavite at MeditationYGOY, which I’ve now tried and love…

“…people do meditation with moldavite by placing the palm of their hand over it.  To practice a moldavite meditation, you just have to sit legs crossed on the ground or on the cloth placed on the ground and keep your palm over the moldavite. Focus on the moldavite by keeping your eyes closed then slowly you can feel the pleasant warmth which spreads from your palm…” 

My advice: get yourself a nice piece of moldavite, create your own personal way of interacting together, and see where your journey takes you next.  Just don’t drive while you’re doing it!  Namaste.

By Cheri Cortland
