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7 Ways to Embrace your Spiritual Awakening

I have been feeling a transformation in my heart, accompanied by a shift in my awareness. My feelings are supported by the changes that have occurred in my home and family, yet something is happening on a much deeper level. Sometimes it feels like I am playing a waiting game while I seek signs of my future. Other times I totally trust the Universe and divine timing.

I am in Sedona for a couple of months while my home is being remodeled. I had searched online for the perfect little writer’s nook surrounded by trails and sunshine.

When I arrived in Sedona, it was cold, and snow was in the forecast. This paved the way to discovering my little cabin had no Wi-Fi during the day and my cell service was really poor. I hunkered down for the night, trying to stay warm while attempting to have a good attitude. After all, Sedona is a magical place.

The next morning, I went to one of my favorite trailheads. Funny enough, there were great views and really good cell service. I started up the trial thinking about Wi-Fi and my phone. When my pace became a slow run, my thoughts evolved to Universal connections.

As the narrow trail became steeper, my breathing became louder. The Energy around me began to shift. In my mind’s eye, I could see deep purples, greens, and blues imposed over the red rocks.

I felt the energy of an old crone guiding me up the rocky incline. I was pushing through a barrier. I could feel exterior layers of self-being pulled off and set free. My awareness included the Earth, yet much more.

My stress began to evaporate. I could let go of all the tension I had been holding onto. At the top of the saddle, I took in the view and felt true gratitude for so many things, including my body and all I could see.

What is a spiritual awakening?

We all experience many spiritual awakenings and evolution in our human lives. They occur when our compassion for ourselves and others deepens. Awakenings also hold a curiosity about other realities besides the one we woke up to.

An awakening knows the deep connection between you, I, and the divine. We remember on some level that each of us carries a spark that is connected to Universal oneness.

There is a sense of gratitude and peace found within a spiritual awakening. Life becomes easier because distractions from truth lose their shine.

There are many layers and intricacies woven into your energetic makeup; spiritual awakenings are just as unique and varied in the time and way they show up. This feeling of ease and enlightenment may last forever or until you return to work or some other responsibility.

Enlightenment will come around again, even if it is fleeting. Thinking about how your enlightened moments feel helps anchor high vibrational energy into your everyday life.

More About Your Spiritual Awakening

One of the most important concepts to understand about spiritual awakenings is there is no magical timeline. Some people experience a gradual shift in their awareness; other people have a complete transformation in a very short window of time.

Spiritual transformation is a continuous process of change. Much like the human body has times of rapid growth mixed with times of less change, our spirituality is the same. We can’t rush our awareness any more than we can rush adolescents maturing or stop middle age from coming. You are aligned with the divine timing of the Universe.

In the same way, we can embrace wellness practices for our human experience, we can embrace our spiritual health. These include meditation, prayer, and exploring new ideas. You never know what is going to be the catalyst for your transformation.

Seven Ways to Embrace Your Spiritual Awakening

1. Release expectations of what and how a spiritual awakening is going to look and feel. We are each different and view the world differently. We will get exactly what we need to evolve as person and a spiritual beings. When we let go of our expectations, we begin to see new possibilities that can inspire us in unexpected ways.

2. Explore different ideas and spiritual belief systems. Chances are you will begin to create your own idea of spirituality that only partially aligns with one belief system. Ultimately it is the relationship and love that you have for yourself that becomes the healthy foundation for your growth.

3. Have fun with your spirituality! It is easy for us to judge ourselves or others, believing there is a right or wrong way to live a spiritual life. Part of spirituality is truly finding gratitude, laughter, and joy in our lives. Our spiritual practices should not feel like a chore or burden. Being able to laugh when we take ourselves too seriously is a gift. An example of having fun with your spirituality might be believing that your animal guides are busy gnawing away at any fears that are holding you down.

4. Angelic energy is a beautiful way to tap into spiritual awareness and help bridge the way to a new understanding of life. The energy is light, fun, and recognized in many religions and spiritual practices. Talk to your angels, even if you don’t know who they are. I love this practice after meditation, but there is no wrong time to discuss life with your angels.

5. You have spiritual guides helping you on your path. Just like you can talk with your angels every day, you also can develop a relationship with your guides. Just before you fall asleep is a really nice time to open up to your guides. You can ask them to introduce themselves in your dreams. You can talk out loud or have a silent conversation. Keep a journal so you can track who shows up in your dreams. Try different things, and keep what feels good. Your practice will evolve and change just as you do.

6. The idea that your thoughts create your reality is something worth contemplating. The easier your thoughts flow, the more ease you will have in your life. Ease is a great place to expand your awareness.

7. Some transformations come in times of great challenge; spiritual practices can ease the difficulty. There is a gift in being familiar with the feeling of Enlightenment when life is harder. It will be easier to trust the Universe and let go of expectations.

Finding Ease in the Awakening

On my way down the trail, I was enveloped by a softness. It was like my body and mind were wrapped in the vibration of peace. The answers to my greatest questions began to nudge at my consciousness.

I was reminded of the power of our mind and where we put our attention. I also recognized I was completely in the moment and connecting to what the Universe was sharing.

I’m not sure what happened on my trek up the trail. I can still feel the energy of the crone. Is she one of my guides? Did I go through a portal to another dimension?

I was able to surrender to the prevailing energy and have an experience worth remembering. That was enough to bring about a shift in my awareness.

If you are seeking a spiritual transformation, release all expectations and have fun. This opens your heart and welcomes compassion, joy, and curiosity. Ultimately it is the collective that is awakening. We are all on time to take part in this beautiful experience.

By Polly Wirum
