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A world without George

By Joe Santos Jr.

As I stroll the aisles of my local market and see the bare shelves, empty freezers, meat cases, vegetable carts, and bakery, I’m stunned by the realization of what is taking place. The frenzied shoppers, the long lines, harried stockers, managers, clerks, and checkers, all trying to maintain a sense of calm, order, and efficiency. We’re not even two weeks into this “Pandemic Outbreak,” and already, people are showing signs of panic, fear, anxiety, and selfishness. Is this what we’ve become? Aren’t we better than this? I don’t know! I thought I did. I thought we were. As I looked around at the mayhem ensuing, I remembered a Frank Capra film called “It’s A Wonderful Life” made in 1946, starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. It’s about George Bailey, a man that has so many problems he is thinking about ending it all – and it’s Christmas! As the angels discuss George, we see his life in flashback. As George is about to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian angel, Clarence – who then shows George what his town would have looked like if it hadn’t been for all his good deeds over the years. “Every time a bell rings, an Angel gets his wings” was the tag line of the film. A classic that reminds us of what kindness really means and how we take so much for granted. But more importantly, our value. I guarantee we are worth much more than 12 rolls of Toilet Paper!

I grew up in a “different world.” A world where the “worst” brought out the best. I don’t know this “Hooray For Me and To Hell with Everyone Else” way of living. Nope. Don’t know this world!

And “this” already at the “hint” of a possible global disaster? This kind of mentality will ensure it!

Is “America Great” yet? Still waiting. Something isn’t right, because something went wrong! When we mess with the planet, the Universe messes back. The earth has always maintained its balance. It’s called nature, and in case we hadn’t noticed, it will surely remind us. At the same time, people devour everything and everyone in sight, burn forests to the ground, drain oceans, melting glaciers, kill people, abuse children, and slaughter precious animals for sport and amusement while watching civilizations crumble. Children shooting Children in classrooms with the excuse and mere shrug followed by “Well, I was stressed.” Have we learned nothing? Do we no longer care? Did we ever? Yes, I can say we did, I witnessed it. I still do every day. But to see it, we must first look inside ourselves. Everything worth anything comes from reflection. But if we can’t recognize our own reflection, how can we see it in others or in anything?

When HIV/AIDS was “rumbling” and many were nonchalant about it, thinking “well, it’s a gay thing” or an “African thing”…really? An African thing? ( I still shake my head over that one ) many thought it should just “pass.” Well, let this sink in, there were approximately 37.9 million people across the globe with HIV/AIDS in 2018. Of these, 36.2 million were adults, and 1.7 million were children (<15 years old).

—An estimated 1.7 million individuals worldwide became newly infected with HIV in 2018. (New HIV infections or “HIV incidence” refers to the estimated number of people who recently acquired the HIV virus during a year, which is different from the number of people diagnosed with HIV during a year. Some people may have HIV but not know it.) Of these new infections: 1.6 million infections were among people ages 15 and older.

One hundred sixty thousand infections were among children, ages 0-14.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 75 million people have been infected with the HIV virus, and about 32 million people have died of HIV. Globally, 37.9 million [32.7–44.0 million] people were living with HIV at the end of 2018.

Ok, so let’s take a deep breath here and relax for a minute. Because of responsible, brave, intelligent, dedicated, generous, determined, focused, kind, and compassionate people, it has been “managed,” but still NOT cured! (Let’s not forget we also had a Government at that time too that was rather “unconcerned.”) But we prevailed in-spite of the shameful idiocy, solely by the dedication and compassion of Champions!

Those who sacrificed, cared, loved, lost, and learned – we were never stronger at our most vulnerable, not because of it, but because we saw ourselves in it, and we saw what giving a damn can fix. Where and who are the Champions now, we ask? Look around. They are still here. We gotta look deep, mind you. Some don’t know their own strength. Others haven’t found it yet. But there is a Champ in all of us. We lead by our examples. We must remember to think before we speak before we act. The divisiveness, bullying, lack of affection, knowledge, time, energy, interest, hate-mongering, sheer disregard for anyone or anything, we don’t recognize as valuable. What that says, is our behavior is a direct result of the way we look and treat ourselves. There are “weak” but powerful people out there. What makes them powerful is their ability to herd weaker people. The earth feels these struggles too. The difference is it will continue to provide for us as long as it is replenished and cherished. When it’s not, it will protect itself. It has no ego, nor intention other than to create, nurture, share, and protect. It is a “reflection” and creation from God. “It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature”! So, while we are going through these scary, uncertain times once again, can we remember to respect and protect not only ourselves but for everyone and everything around us? Leave enough on the shelves for others who may need too. Stop hoarding, start caring. By that alone, things will change. This is a virus. Let it not make one out of us!
Be Wise, Not Fearful.